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I am a UK Citizen with a Thai Wife with a UK Passport living in the UK.The problem i have is my wifes niece who is nine lives in Thailand with my Wifes parents.My wifes sister is nowhere around believe to be in Pattaya but not heard from in two years.My Wifes Mothers health is not good and is finding it hard to look after my niece.We have said we would bring her to the UK to live here or to give her parents a break.How do i start to look into the process needed and how do i apply to bring a 9 year over or would my wife apply.

any help appreciated



Understand your problem. But you posted on the wrong forum, this should be on visa's and migration to other countries.

Lots of help on that forum for your problem.



Based upon my understanding that your wife is now a British citizen, she may sponsor her niece to settle in the UK. However, it is not going to be at all straightforward.

You will have to demonstrate that the niece's circumstances are exceptional and compelling. Simply because the natural mother has abdicated responsibility does not mean that another person must pick up the tab. If her grandmother is unable to take care of her, verifiable medical evidence will need to be provided.


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