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sooooo! who's meeting up this week? when and where? it's someone's b-day! so we are pretty much obligated to hang with him and make him feel old! :o thursday? weekend?

oh, and halloween is coming! and shortly thereafter at least one of our esteemed drunkards is leaving thailand for good! :D:D so let's get a couple of pissups in before then.

assuming i am not still sick as a dog (flu) by the next one! :D

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I was just about to post in the Halloween thread, I had mind to dress up and a transvestite. But it hit me that's it Halloween everyday then. Instead im dressing up as miss Thailand. assuming she is a miss anyway. confused? So am i..

What's happening on Thursday? Thinking about taking a bit of a helicopter ride around Bangkok but if there's a party, let me know :o

Feel like shooting some pool and beer thou, bit late now I guess maybe tomorrows.....

sooooo! who's meeting up this week? when and where? it's someone's b-day! so we are pretty much obligated to hang with him and make him feel old! :o thursday? weekend?

oh, and halloween is coming! and shortly thereafter at least one of our esteemed drunkards is leaving thailand for good! :D:D so let's get a couple of pissups in before then.

assuming i am not still sick as a dog (flu) by the next one! :D

HAPPY 40th RJT!!! :D Mwah! Agree with girlx - Thursday pissup (and every other day we can mange before I go)

Yep - I'm off. Woot woot!

:D 40? lmfao. NOT!!! ah sugar dada!!!

yas is leaving us to play with kangaroos!!!!


Dude, for a 40 year old you look really great for your age! For being a 25 years old...not so much. :D :D

yas is leaving us to play with kangaroos!!!!

I also booked a ticket today leaving Thailand on Dec 31... I may change it to go earlier, depending on my job situation... :o


aduhhhhh.... G! :D

Yas, make sure u will not hit on any aussie kangaroos since they are not REAL CAKES :o

never thought it's gonna be 40th of RJT... tsk tsk tsk

been really LONG time no talking haaaaa

transvestite miss thailand vampire? can't wait til halloween! :D

Girlx you're off too???? So Soon?

Ok - Lets make Bday plans?

What up up for birthday boy? :o

Girlx you're off too???? So Soon?

hate to say it, but i can't think of a single good reason to stick around in BKK! :o other than i like you guys of course...

i wanna go out thursday but it is already tuesday night and i am still very sick! :D


just had too much ice cream... think i'm getting sick too

G - it's ok if u r waiting for the halloween but pleaseeee dnt dress like whatever u and yas talked about on the bus to samet!


Well it looks like im off in 3 or 4 weeks to play with kangaroos too. I shall apply for a business typ of visa to the U.S while im there as I think it be easier, and ill be back in Bangkok be4 the year is out. As this crazy town is the centre of my world. Godspeed Buddha bless.

If people are messed up just meet up on the weekend or something, its all good in the hood.

just had too much ice cream... think i'm getting sick too

G - it's ok if u r waiting for the halloween but pleaseeee dnt dress like whatever u and yas talked about on the bus to samet!

Hehe - I thought that was a fab idea!! only problem with that costume is we'll either get beaten up by Thais or picked up farangs before we even get to the party....

Girlx - Drink lots of water and have strepsils, and Calpol (yes - Calpol, works for me :o If you feel crappy on thurs, you still have to come. I'm sure we can find you a nice doc/nurse :D


>> sounds of our thaivisa team scattering in different directions <<


you are all very welcome to visit me in NYC, assuming i am not living on the street at the time!!! :D

i ain't visiting you in oz though. :D

p.s. the flu suuuuuuccckkks :o:D


Wah a party!!!! :o can I come too?? I miss my old chums. Miss girlx where on this beautiful godly green earth is ya head too?? Miss yas. Are you heading to new Zealand?

Where is the rest of the gang? Mr. grilled chicken, and the delightfully disturbed fellow Tee jay is it??? Submarine!!! You look hansom, single is ya?? :D I see the young and lovely thithi is going on with gibberish again but always a pleaser to make your acquaintance, there are more of you out there peeping in. don’t be shy, Come and say HI!!!

Love you all.



Sorry, ill be busy shooting up heroin and bleeding in the bathroom.

Actually It'll be worse than that, cut a deal with my boss to work this weekend and have the weekend after be extra long.

I hear ya girlx, yasx. Hope the grass remains green for y'all.

speaking of halloween, who is up for buying up apples and putting small pieces of paper inside reading: 'razorblade'; 'strychnine', etc..

either that or boiling down herbs to make green lollipops.

I might go to one of these sometime when I can be bothered to be sociable, which isn't often.

Everybody becomes "sociable" with copious amounts of booze! My problem is that I am probably too old at 35!

I might go to one of these sometime when I can be bothered to be sociable, which isn't often.

Everybody becomes "sociable" with copious amounts of booze! My problem is that I am probably too old at 35!

I wouldn't worry about it. I mean RJT is 40, or 1040...somewhere in between.

Regarding the title of this thread, is it any wonder when it's just the same six people chatting to each other about where to get drunk?

....so I says to him...I says...red M&M, green M&M, they all end up the same color in the end!

You can either .....ignore it ....or .....join into it

Freedom of choice here, James :D

My point is if you read the "old thread" you will see the same banter so I suspect the OP did not really have high expectations for this tread. When will we see the next one, "Another New Meetup Thread - Last two were excrutiatingly boring"

As for meet up, I would like to meet Metrogal. :o

You can either .....ignore it ....or .....join into it

Freedom of choice here, James :D

My point is if you read the "old thread" you will see the same banter so I suspect the OP did not really have high expectations for this tread. When will we see the next one, "Another New Meetup Thread - Last two were excrutiatingly boring"

As for meet up, I would like to meet Metrogal. :D

SORRY to say….. I’m “OFF LIMIT” to any boys older than 30 !!!

And you sound too mature and leveled-head to me,...... more difficult to trick with my “maa-ya:o

You can either .....ignore it ....or .....join into it

Freedom of choice here, James :D

My point is if you read the "old thread" you will see the same banter so I suspect the OP did not really have high expectations for this tread. When will we see the next one, "Another New Meetup Thread - Last two were excrutiatingly boring"

As for meet up, I would like to meet Metrogal. :D

SORRY to say….. I’m “OFF LIMIT” to any boys older than 30 !!!

And you sound too mature and leveled-head to me,...... more difficult to trick with my “maa-ya:o

I am only over 30 from the waist up.

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