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Does Anyone Plan On Leaving Thailand


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intrested in knowing if people are leaving because of the baht..suppose to go 30 baht to 1 usd..i know most are european who live in thailand are you guys leaving also..pound is getting hurt also..i came back almost 2 years ago now..but still paying for my truck..( i know wifes truck ) and she is paying for it and money we have to send each month keeps going up..if baht keeps getting stronger what will you do..thanks

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If it's a breezy day, I shall be leaving in the form of smoke.

i think alot of guys must be hurting, and this jack@ss bush just keeps spending money like crazy,killing the dollar, 2009 deficet they said will be 2 trillion usd not 600 billion.. now..thinking about paying truck off in case baht goes less then 30 to 1..what a mess

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If it's a breezy day, I shall be leaving in the form of smoke.

i think alot of guys must be hurting, and this jack@ss bush just keeps spending money like crazy,killing the dollar, 2009 deficet they said will be 2 trillion usd not 600 billion.. now..thinking about paying truck off in case baht goes less then 30 to 1..what a mess

You need to look at currency numbers ... the dollar has strengthened against the baht recently while the GBP and the EUR have dropped. Don't just spout titles from topics in here and expect to get taken seriously. (and though I enjoy anti-W rants .. they are boring when not thought out!)

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If it's a breezy day, I shall be leaving in the form of smoke.

i think alot of guys must be hurting, and this jack@ss bush just keeps spending money like crazy,killing the dollar, 2009 deficet they said will be 2 trillion usd not 600 billion.. now..thinking about paying truck off in case baht goes less then 30 to 1..what a mess

You need to look at currency numbers ... the dollar has strengthened against the baht recently while the GBP and the EUR have dropped. Don't just spout titles from topics in here and expect to get taken seriously. (and though I enjoy anti-W rants .. they are boring when not thought out!)

True, the Dollar has strengthened lately, the last 3 weeks it has gained about 350 Baht per 1000 Dollars.


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The US$ has been increasing against the baht for several months now, and is reasonably expected to hit 40 next year. If I were considering another country, the Mexican peso now gives me 38% more for my dollar than when I stopped living there in late 2001. That is plan B, but unlike two years ago, is not likely.

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from around 32 to close to 35 on shore rates ..... while other currency dropped against the baht ..... so i think your numbers need some more skewing sailor

Guess that one was for me.

I was just teasing, and I deserved the spanking.


Anyhow, I have also observed that a lot of other currencies have lost against the Baht lately, and yes the Dollar has strengthened.

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Without the baby and relationship issues, I would have been investigating Vietnam and even some stuff in other parts of SE Asia but not due to currency, rather due to the political instability, worsening economic times in Thailand, rampant inflation and the complete dislike of westerners by the authorities in LOS. Add in the increasing difficulties in the tourist business even due to external factors such as rising airfares and other places seem more acceptable as a whole.

As it is, I am somewhat tied to Thailand and that is likely to remain the case even though I will be doing more and more business outside Thailand from now on.

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No plans to leave, I figured if its tough here, its going to be even harder back in the Uk, so the plan is to cut back on the spending and see what happens, fortunately I have THB income as well as GBP, so hurting on the exchange rate but it could be worst. The drop in the interest rates in the UK has helped, so just keeping the head above water.

Mind you, would hate to leave as I love the life here.

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The $ will probably strengthen more against the baht if they announce action similar to what the UK & EU have done rather than just buying toxic debts. A strong economy and a stable government with sound economic policies is what keeps a currency strong, since all of those requirements are noticeably absent in LOS then the strength of the baht must be due to other reasons. Likely suspects,among others, is the BOT buying baht aggresively, not a sound economic policy at a time when you need your exports to be competitive and the tourists to keep coming but this is LOS.....

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The Swedish currency SEK have dropped nearly 20% to the THB but its recovering in the right direcion hopefully...in July I got 5.6 THB for a SEK and now 4.7 THB but no plans to change a life in some other country.

Anyway....the Australian dollar dropped a lot more.....pity the Aussies that use to go here.

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If it's a breezy day, I shall be leaving in the form of smoke.

i think alot of guys must be hurting, and this jack@ss bush just keeps spending money like crazy,killing the dollar, 2009 deficet they said will be 2 trillion usd not 600 billion.. now..thinking about paying truck off in case baht goes less then 30 to 1..what a mess

You need to look at currency numbers ... the dollar has strengthened against the baht recently while the GBP and the EUR have dropped. Don't just spout titles from topics in here and expect to get taken seriously. (and though I enjoy anti-W rants .. they are boring when not thought out!)

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The global financial crisis is turning into a bigger drain on the U.S. federal budget than experts estimated two weeks ago, ballooning the deficit toward $2 trillion.

Bailouts of American International Group, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac likely will be more expensive than expected. States are turning to Washington for fiscal help. The Federal Reserve said this week it will begin buying commercial paper, the short- term loans companies used to conduct day-to-day business, further increasing costs. And analysts now say the $700 billion bank- rescue plan passed by Congress last week may have to be significantly larger.

``I always assumed they would be asking for more money along the way if it was necessary, and it looks like it's going to be necessary,'' said Stan Collender, a former analyst for the House and Senate budget committees, now at Qorvis Communications in Washington. ``At the moment, there's nothing happening here that's positive for the budget. Nothing.''

The 2009 budget deficit could be close to $2 trillion, or 12.5 percent of gross domestic product, more than twice the record of 6 percent set in 1983, according to David Greenlaw, Morgan Stanley's chief economist. Two weeks ago, budget analysts said the measures might push deficit to as much as $1.5 trillion.

another stimoulous over 150 billion the house speaker will be talking about today.. may have to be 250-300 billion ( this is a guess of mine )..the last one speaker polosi said of 150 billion was too small..waiting to hear the plan..aig just needed another 37 billion on top of the 85 billion..you could be right if china tanks along with iceland..i doubt that will happen since they have over 1 trillion in reserves..and lending us 10 billion a month for iraq war..6.1% unemployment expected to go over 7% in 2009..believe me.. i hope your right.. and i am wrong..i hope i get tomorrow over 40 again and the pound goes to 80 to the baht..i'm on your side and the rest of the expats who have intrests in thailand.

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It was about 33 Baht to the pound when I first got to Thailand - I was there when it got to 97 ish to the pound. Hiccups around the 55 to 70 it's doing at the moment are bloody annoying, but not reason for me to leave.

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The $ will probably strengthen more against the baht if they announce action similar to what the UK & EU have done rather than just buying toxic debts. A strong economy and a stable government with sound economic policies is what keeps a currency strong, since all of those requirements are noticeably absent in LOS then the strength of the baht must be due to other reasons. Likely suspects,among others, is the BOT buying baht aggresively, not a sound economic policy at a time when you need your exports to be competitive and the tourists to keep coming but this is LOS.....

they are just starting a meeting right now to do what you are talking about..what the uk and eu have done..will be announced tomorrow they are saying..i tell you..forget the baht for a second..a round trip airline ticket hel_l i have been looking for a few weeks, my mother in law is 82 and hasn't been feeling good..dam_n i found the cheapest flights around 1,800 usd from las vegas and this does not include baggage..i was paying 800 usd before i think a few times i got them for around 700 usd..round trip..hope she hangs on a few more years..don't want to spend 1,800 for 1 ticket.

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I lived and worked here when the baht was 20,25, and 43 to the dollar. The cost of goods in Thailand seem to follow the trend. If the baht goes down, expect the price of goods to go down. The retailers will reprice if they can't sell. old timers know this. And I agree, if you are that close to the blanket, get out now!!!

Have a nice day.

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Dont know that much about economy, but I notice a lot of the various currencies have lost to the Baht lately.

Amazing that a beer in a regular bar in Thailand soon cost the same as in the USA.

yes,drinking singh and heiniken is getting expensive at 90baht on average for heiniken.May have to move back to Pattaya where you can still get heiniken for 40 baht.

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me thinks wild horses would n't drag people away from thailand,or an empty bank account,anything else is just unthinkable

No availability of poor women to exploit would be the killer.

Why is Tokyo not a destination for sex tourists, everything is available there, so why is it not a prime destination for the quality 'Tourists ' that wash up on Thailands shores ?

Cos they can't freekin' afford it, that's why !

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I've been thinking quite a lot lately. For me, it's the bureaucracy surrounding my visa .. reporting, etc. The uncertainties don't help and not being able to buy any damned house / condo I can afford ..

Right now I have Chile in my crosshairs. Much more stable than Thailand, which is important at my age. Incredible range of landscapes and temperatures in which to live. Much easier residency.

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I told my favorite watering hole owner to raise his beer price from 35 baht to 40 baht. He says he can't because the Thai people can't and won't pay 40 baht. That price is for a big bottle of Archa beer. I always tip him pretty well because I'd hate for him to go out of business.

My living expenses here were based on 25 baht to a dollar because that was the exchange rate when I decided to retire here. I still have a healthy surplus. It's a good thing because the stock market has decimated my nest egg.

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me thinks wild horses would n't drag people away from thailand,or an empty bank account,anything else is just unthinkable

No availability of poor women to exploit would be the killer.

Why is Tokyo not a destination for sex tourists, everything is available there, so why is it not a prime destination for the quality 'Tourists ' that wash up on Thailands shores ?

Cos they can't freekin' afford it, that's why !

You seem to hang around Thailand an awful lot. Got bored of Monaco did you? :o

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