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I am a 42 year old man from England.

I would like to know what happens if I were to marry my Thai girlfriend and try to live and work in Thailand.  

Can I get a work visa easily if I am married and how long can I stay without needing to leave the Country? Basically, what would you recommend, as I know I can retire there when I am 50, but I want to make a go of it with my Thai girlfriend and presently I work in England and see her less than 2 months each year, so what choices do I have for the best chance of success?

Any other thoughts on the sublect, please?

Many thanks

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I concur with Dr. Patpong on this one.  Although being married to a Thai national entitles you to be able to stay here (as a dependent of a Thai citizen), your options for working here are somewhat limited:

1.  If you have a contract to work with a company in Thailand you can get a work permit, but there are a number of restrictions on the type of work you are allowed to do.  

2.  If you take the risk and come over here already married, and find a job you can get a work permit...with the same restrictions as noted above. But in this case you will need to put money in the bank here or have a source of outside income to prove you can support your wife.  

3. If you come here and invest you can get a work permit...there are a number of rules on this in articles and postings on the forum...too detailed  to go inte here, unless and until you can ask specific questions.

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Guest IT Manager

I am sure to be beaten for this, but IMHO I would leave your gf where she is, as she is, and visit her regularly.

Don'y marry her, don't support her, don't replace old dead buffalo for her mum. At 194,000 baht you could sleep with her every night for over a year, and have change.

My cynicism disappoints me, but there you have it. The residency permit/visa is a waste of energy, adn the dependant deal she will have from you will mean you lose everything if you change your mind later, as most ppl seem to do.

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I'll avoid beating on ######, because he just might be right - it happens to a lot of people.  If you marry the girl you will probably end up putting everything in her name and that makes you subject to losing all of your "investment".  On the other hand, if you marry the girl and hold off on buying a house, etc for a few years, you might either stay together or not lose any fixed assets...can't lose any if you don't have them.  If you choose to come over here, though, keep in mind that you are taking risks with your money and your future.  Some take the risk and all works out well.  Most fail.  If you have plenty of money and only need to spend a relatively small amount of it to keep matters in check here, then go ahead, but keep your reserves well hidden and don't discuss them.  Don't tempt people who have a lot less...the temptation is often too much.  But if you have to use a substantial amount of your savings to come here and live for years during which you might not get any decent work, then don't bother.  Take ######'s advice.  Otherwise you will find that the old axiom, "No money no honey" comes true all too soon.
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