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The Off Topic Thread


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A Cow, an Ant and an asshol_e are debating who is the greatest of the three of them.

Cow: I give 50 litres of milk every day and that's why I am the greatest!!

Ant: I work day and night, summer and winter, I can carry 52 times my own weight and that's why I am the greatest!!

Why are you scrolling down, it's your turn to say something.


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A friend of mine sent me this gem today. 

History's  top 10 times for appropriate useof the  F-word:

10th -"Scattered  f***ing showers, my arse!" - Noah, 4314 BC 


9th -"How the  f*** did you work that out?" - Pythagoras, 126 BC


8th - "You want  WHAT onthe f***ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo,  1566

7th -"Where did  all those f***ing Indians come from?" - Custer, 1877 

6th -"It does so  f***ing look like her!" - Picasso, 1926 

5th -"Where the  f*** are we?" – Amelia Earhart, 1937 

4th -"Any  f***ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein, 1938 

3rd -"What the  f*** was that bang?" - Mayor Of Hiroshima , 1945 

2nd -"I need  this parade like I need a f***ing hole in the head!" - JFK,  1963 

AND  ...  drum  roll please ..  

The Number  1 most appropriate time for  usingthe "F" word ..... 

"Aw c'mon. Who  the f*** is gonna find out?" - <B>Tiger Woods, 2009  <BR style="mso-special-character:line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character:line-break"></B>

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One day a 5ft 4 in Irishman entered the lift in his hotel and just as the

doors were closing a big pair of Black Hands forced them open and the

Biggest Black Man he had ever seen walked into the lift. Paddy couldn't

believe his eyes!

He stared at the man who gently smiled back at him, then this man said in a

big booming voice. :Six Feet Seven! 250 pounds! Penis twelve inches,

testicles a half a pound each! 'TURNER BROWN'!

Paddy fainted! and a few minutes later he woke up with the Big Man standing

over him.

'I'm Sorry' The man said, It's just that I am always asked for my vital

statistics and I thought I would give them to you before you asked me!

I am 6 feet 7 inches tall, my private part is 12 inches long, my balls

weigh over a half a pound each and my name is Turner Brown!

'Sweet Jesus Christ'!! Paddy said, 'I thought you said 'TURN AROUND'!!!!


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I'm really grateful for this thread, where we can post our off-topic abuse without flattering the egos of those that sought it.

And the great thing is that when you come all the way down here to vent your spleen, one finds one has worked it off in any case...


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First time I see this tread.

Of course I did not read all 106 pages, only the last 20/30 posts, many I do not understand.... seems language for long time members.

Well, I only joined last month, so I am new, I looked around, read the rules, reading many articles, replying to some of them.

Just 10 minutes ago, I tried to reply to the general topic , today, jun 30, which is created by admin.

I cannot reply, but if it shows up under 'view new content' their are always replies.

Do I do something wrong ??

I like to see following as a topic to members can reply, see what TV members think, and are they willing to active participate

2011-2020 announced as Road Safety decade

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First time I see this tread.

Of course I did not read all 106 pages, only the last 20/30 posts, many I do not understand.... seems language for long time members.

Well, I only joined last month, so I am new, I looked around, read the rules, reading many articles, replying to some of them.

Just 10 minutes ago, I tried to reply to the general topic , today, jun 30, which is created by admin.

I cannot reply, but if it shows up under 'view new content' their are always replies.

Do I do something wrong ??

I like to see following as a topic to members can reply, see what TV members think, and are they willing to active participate

2011-2020 announced as Road Safety decade

Sorry this is the off-topic thread. Basically you are encouraged to post whatever you want. Hint, it helps if you post something nobody but you understands.  :lol:

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