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I's had's better's play's hangman's. _ _ _ _ _ _ (SNOOPY) im not (german) (Genius) Thanks sis

oh's sorry's i's think's it's not's a's good's idea's to's peep's in's the's Save's the's Apostrophe's thread's.

How many tries I get before im hanged? Make it qick im dieing here!!!!!! :o

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Aches and pains surround my ever move.

Eeee ahhh ouch . agahhhh. Dammmmmn

Free me o free Me from this nightmare,

Party party party is calling me name!!!!!!!!!

Give me boooooooze Sugggggar, anything!!!

They o winged one shine your light apone me!!!

Get me off this fuc_king medication, la la la…

Rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shut up!!!!!!!!!

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I will tell you a scary story.

I was up north a few years back and a my car ran out of gas, as I got out and looked around a another car passed by and I waved him down. It was a “farang diver, I said “yo, can I get a lift? He mumbled to him self and I jumped in. I said ill get out at the nearest gas station thanks. Then I noticed he was holding on to this black box as he was very secure grading it.~~~ I asked him “hey, what in the box dude?He looks at me angry and says “non of your business.” Very load. I thought to my self “Freak” and wanted to get out before he stabbed be or something then we came to a set of traffic lights and I said ok, im worried for my safety tell me what’s in that box, all of a sudden he just starts going mental. Screaming and kicking with “NON OF YOUR BUSINESS” and runs off leavening me with the car, cool eh? so I get in the drivers seat and the gas shop is 2 mins away, as I get out to find somewhere to load some gas in too. I look down and he dropped the box!!!!

What a freak…LOL

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I really do not get it you know.

I mean, where all of these people come from?

What do they think and feel?

What is it that they want?

And yes RJT, I have killed many in my life, was I wrong, who knows.

What I do know this world is now not a better place to live in.

Still people insist to have children.

Their children will carry the burden of what they have caused, Ignorence and greed.

The final countdown has begon.


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are we all insane? :o how you define someone off his/her trolley ..... think not, forget

Ignorance is bliss it's just the brains that u'll miss

Sticky, icky, icky, icky

Im tying my dog to the railroad track,

Choo choo trains gonna break his back

We used to call him spot

But now he called splat!

Thats the kinda person we are

Y won't the dog come home wit me

You look good,

You look fine,

On the top or 69,

Feel the sweat,

Feel the heat,

I want u n u want me

kisses are blown & kisses are wasted, kisses aren't kisses unless they are tasted, kisses spread germs & germs are hated, so kiss me BABE I'm vaccinated

uh? :D

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