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E-mails From Members


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I have just noticed a message in my "Junk Mail" folder which says

Thailand Forum......Hello I am a New Member.

I am a bit suspisious of this e-mail and have not opened it.

Firstly all the messages from Thailand Forum go strait into my in-box, not junk mail.

Secondly , why would someone who is a new member send me an e-mail?

Can anyone at the forum help desk please advise me what to do?

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TP, you can also turn off the ability for members to contact you by email. In your controls --email settings.

***oops my bad, no its not in there. Hang on, let me look again :o

***edit*** Ok, I am sure I saw that someplace, but can't seem to see it now. I'll ask admin

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TP, you can also turn off the ability for members to contact you by email. In your controls --email settings.

***oops my bad, no its not in there. Hang on, let me look again :o

Believe that is for PMs. However you can make your e-mail address not viewable which is probably the safest anyway.

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Please report any emails which come from ThaiVisa members which you suspect could be spamming by using the report function button.

PF....I don't know if its SPAM because I am too afraid to open it as it may contain a virus.

So I dont think I will, anyone who really wants to contact me for whatever reason normally uses PM's anyway

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