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I Got A Bottle Smashed Over My Head


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How big were you, in terms of weight and height compared to the two thais?

I too would like to know this. Are you a big guy like 6'+ with a large build or a smaller guy.

I do wonder about this every time I read of someone being attacked.

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I don't know about the whole payback thing, do you even remember what they look like?

Similar things happen all over.

I'll tell you what happened last time I was in Australia:

I was having a good night out, was quite pleasantly buzzed on vodka and E's.

Went to the bar to get me a drink and while I was waiting for it to arrive I heard some commotion behind me, I turn around and see this huge guy being rough on a girl in a corner. Because of my very friendly state of mind it didn't really register that I might be at risk, so I tap him on the shoulder and ask him fairly friendly like 'Hey, whats on?'

Next thing I know I am facing the bar again, I notice my drink nand i take a sip only to notice that some of it is dripping down the front of my shirt, but not the normal color of vodka-7up rather it is rosy red, quite beautiful.

I remember the guy again so I turn to see what happened to him and I see that he is being held down by 2 security guys.

The girl is thanking me but also looking a bit distressed, I go to the bathroom to check out the damage:


After I get bored of sticking my tongue out thru the hole, I wander out to the bar. I get told an Ambulance is coming for me, which I find pretty funny, I mean what kind of party would there be at the hospital?!

Australia's laws on assault are a bit weird, apparently you have to demonstrate permanent pain or disability.

Anyway I track down the guy from information people at the bar have given me, turns out he is on parole and would be sent back. He ends up paying 600 aud and I get to keep a kick ass scar.

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Sorry that happened to you Unomi, i lost the sight in one eye in a similar totally unprovoked attack, 11 years later and ive just had another operation.

Unfortunatley its all part of the risk of going out drinking taking drugs in city's and towns throughout the world.

Edited by soundman
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I was out 2 nights ago on Khao San Rd...

That's so horrible! Im surprised that you're so nonchalant about the whole thing.

I would hire vigilantes for some payback. If I were a farang, it would be extremely

insulting if I got treated like that by some shrimpdick lowlife.

Please be careful next time.

I think of payback every few minutes, usually after each dizzy spell I get... But whats the point? I would feel guilty that maybe they had serious injuries or would in some way suffer for a while after the payback, I can't live with that, like I said before, I'm more disappointed than angry, if I'd done something to deserve Thai & hope others are more lucky.

The payback idea sounds good but you would have to plan it very carefully. The reality is though quite simple.. Thais can beat up, and inflict terrible things upon aliens with almost impunity and noboby cares both many in Thai society and police / judicial, but god forbid a lousy alien getting some balance, you would be dead in a minute and an award given to the perpetrater.

You probably need to pay someone to identfy the two Thais and then need to pay again for someone doing the revenge job or helping you. I think, the assailants need a severe lesson. But, first of all, you'll have to find out who they were.

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Take a lesson from the Thais on this one and abuse your social position. Why don't the lowlifes mess with middle and upper class Thais? Because they know the golden rule(he who has the gold makes the rules).If you know who your attacker(s) are the solution is simple and relatively cheap.

Suddenly the farang wasn't such a joke anymore; the Thais stopped laughing and looked very worried, the begging and grovelling soon followed. As abhorrent as we find this kind of behavior, it is the only way to effectively deal with Thais of that ilk.

Edited by soundman
Removed sugestion to violate law.
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Sorry to hear. Glad/hope you're OK. It happens. You look at people, they look at you, next thing you know they're pissed off at you for the dirty looks you gave. But all you did was look, nothing dirty intended. Before you know it, bam wham, you're unconscious. It happens.

Like said by someone, don't go alone, sit where you can see people coming. Its a wild wild west out there. Protect yourself at all times.

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Take a lesson from the Thais on this one and abuse your social position. Why don't the lowlifes mess with middle and upper class Thais? Because they know the golden rule(he who has the gold makes the rules).If you know who your attacker(s) are the solution is simple and relatively cheap.

Suddenly the farang wasn't such a joke anymore; the Thais stopped laughing and looked very worried, the begging and grovelling soon followed. As abhorrent as we find this kind of behavior, it is the only way to effectively deal with Thais of that ilk.

Yeah, cheaper and more effective than any legal steps. Let the Police to a little clean up. I like that idea :o

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Take a lesson from the Thais on this one and abuse your social position. Why don't the lowlifes mess with middle and upper class Thais? Because they know the golden rule(he who has the gold makes the rules).If you know who your attacker(s) are the solution is simple and relatively cheap.

Suddenly the farang wasn't such a joke anymore; the Thais stopped laughing and looked very worried, the begging and grovelling soon followed. As abhorrent as we find this kind of behavior, it is the only way to effectively deal with Thais of that ilk.

Has anyone done this successfully ?

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Take a lesson from the Thais on this one and abuse your social position. Why don't the lowlifes mess with middle and upper class Thais? Because they know the golden rule(he who has the gold makes the rules).If you know who your attacker(s) are the solution is simple and relatively cheap.

Suddenly the farang wasn't such a joke anymore; the Thais stopped laughing and looked very worried, the begging and grovelling soon followed. As abhorrent as we find this kind of behavior, it is the only way to effectively deal with Thais of that ilk.

Yeah, cheaper and more effective than any legal steps. Let the Police to a little clean up. I like that idea :o

Stop watching those cheap movies.

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Is this what the Nicholas Cage's new movie "Bangkok Dangerous" is about ? hehe

IMO, these sort of things can happen anywhere in the world. Few common sense rules, local DO's and Don'ts help. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

For Thailand, well... it helps to know your 'Wats' from your 'Wais', if you know what I mean.

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unforgiven - My solution is to not go out to Khao San again for a very long time, this last event has made my mind up for me, I've seen so many things happen to innocent people over the years

Thanks lomatopo - I'm going to see a doctor today as yesterday I couldn't get out of bed my head was spinning so much :o

I have only been to KSR 2 or 3 times in my 8+ years coming and living in LOS. I don't go there for reasons as this and I suggest you do the same. There are many other places in BKK that are more exciting and more fun than KSR and without the dangers. I hope you feel better...

hi, can you suggest some other places for us to hang out, we are a couple so anywhere that is not hooching with sex industry, i'm realistic that you'll see it everywhere but there must be a few places left in bkk where it's not so prevelant as others. ksr is good for that but previous posts are making me more wary of this area.



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Take a lesson from the Thais on this one and abuse your social position. Why don't the lowlifes mess with middle and upper class Thais? Because they know the golden rule(he who has the gold makes the rules).If you know who your attacker(s) are the solution is simple and relatively cheap.

Suddenly the farang wasn't such a joke anymore; the Thais stopped laughing and looked very worried, the begging and grovelling soon followed. As abhorrent as we find this kind of behavior, it is the only way to effectively deal with Thais of that ilk.

This is the best advice so far this is how my wife would deal with this sort of shit .

You are very lucky man it could have been a lot worse

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emma go to the entertainment park next to lumpini park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumphini_Park for food and drink, its very safe. koh san is safe enough, but full of teenage macho men, and dingy bars.

then after loompini go to the saxophone club, or tokyo joes.

Im a big guy, 105kg. 6'2" - i would never mess with a thai guy. boys start muay thai kickboxing in schools at around 6 years of age, in the playground.

And there is no concept of one-on-one.

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I was out 2 nights ago on Khao San Rd, I'd just said goodbye to a friend and was sitting by the street finishing my beer and I was just about to grab a taxi when all of a sudden I got a hard kick to one side of my face, followed by another kick to the other side of my face, my instincts 'kicked' in and I covered my head and face with my arms but not before a beer bottle had been broken across my head - knocking me out completely.

I woke up surrounded by paramedics who were kindly wrapping my head in bandages, not a sign of the police and no angry thai men waiting for seconds...

I managed to get to a taxi and got myself home.

At no point throughout the night had I been arguing with anybody, or been in any kind of situation where I thought there might be trouble, I was simply sitting alone quietly.

My injuries are minimal, I've only got a few small cuts to my head so I'm lucky in that respect, I also get a bit dizzy when I stnd up but that's just the concussion I suppose...

I just wanted to write this for the benefit of anybody else going out around Khao San Road late at night and to offer a warning - it doesn't matter if you a being quiet and keeping yourself to yourself - you are still at risk.

There are many young Thai men hanging around, eager to impress their mates/girlfriends by outnumbering and ambushing innocent Falang enjoying themselves.

I have no idea who these guys were - never seen them before and don't want to really :D


Ya khao san is dangerous at times,fri,sat night.So people use yaba and goofy irrational shit happens.The solution is to not go out alone.Groups of friends afford some saftey ,it goes double in pattaya :o

I go to Pattaya alone. I walk down Beach Road frequently late at night alone. I have never had any problems. I don't do this drunk though and I walk at a good pace. When you say, "it goes double for Pattaya:" I think you are exagerating. However, I would not walk down a unlit street in the middle of the night in Pattaya.

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I would like to add that I have a good friend who lived in Bangkok for years and loves Bangkok. A few months ago he reluctantly moved to Changmai. He believes that with the looming economic turn down. Their will be many unemployed desperate Thais especially in Bangkok. He thinks that this will increase violence in Bangkok against farangs. My freind is a very astute man. He is well on the way to fluency in speaking and reading the Thai language.

I remember on one of my visits to Bangkok, my having heard of the KS road, asking him if he would like to go there with me, to just look around. He had no interest in going to KS road at all. Though part of his repugnance at the thought of going to the KS road was of the possibility of having to look at any American or European woman. However, my curiosity about the KS road has continued until reading this thread. I will never myself ever go to the KS road. I am no blushing violet and my favorite town is Pattaya. But KS road forget about it.

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A more likely cause is that someone thinks you did them wrong in the past. It's not uncommon for friends of a Thai or even people hired for a few hundred baht to do someone harm even months or years after the initial altercation.

About the law being applied unevenly to foreigners and locals, in actuality that is very true. Tourists can be preyed upon with ease because they don't realize their rights and have communication issues. KSR and the other tourist areas are particularly bad with scams of all sorts.

A few years back a gang of about 10+ guys descended on one hapless local and were beating him. I tried to break it up and had them turn on me but when they realized I was just trying to break up the "fight" they would punch around me while I was sheltering the guy with my body as much as I could. I didn't know the guy at all but I did exchange a couple sentences with him in the bar a few hours back and thought I should do what I could to help him. I'm sure in some way they were affected by the fact a farang was involved in the situation. After a few minutes they let the guy go and he hopped onto a motorbike and sped off. If I acted aggressively and not defensively I'm sure I would have been in trouble. I had a few scratches but nothing serious and one of the guys even helped me find my glasses (which luckily weren't broken). There must have been hundreds of people watching but nobody did anything. Later I asked people what it was about and everyone said they didn't see anything.

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After reading the OP , i think to myself ,

you might be suffering from a memory lost . from the attack , cos you seen not to know what happen .

i had been in thailand for almost 10 years now . and i don't think thai is one who attack people for the fun of it . and specially in khaosan , had you done something that bring you such fate .

everything have a reason ..

anyway , hope you recover soon ..

the worst possible thing i think imagine is you are the target olf a Silly BET . which one thai say to another i dare you to to smack that guy up and if you dare i buy you a beer .

. if not . i think in due time when your memory come back , you know what to aviod

good health

oh yeh oh yeh befor ei forget and this might sound funny ,

but in thai eyes most farang look the same .. so you might be a victim of pssoible mistaken ident


that is why is alway good to look different from others

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started reading the mistaken id posts and couldn't be bothered with the rest. Having been on many nights out for many years in Manchester i know for a fact some people just want a fight at the end of a night and an easy fight at that. Sitting on the ground drinking a beer in a not so chilled out place is easy pickings for an idiot looking to vent some frustration on any poor unsuspecting human being, i think you were in the wrong place at the right time for an idiot and there are idiots in every city in every country in the world. Many travellers are just not street smart not that it justifies a kicking, students on fresher week here always hit the local headlines year after year in mancland for beatings and the odd murder as they are so unaware of their surroundings. Unlucky op hope you get better.

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i stand by everything have a reason , be it a logical one or simple silly one , to one that is yet to the level of human understanding .

but in reason i trust .

is a cycle sometime ,

here a few possible why a guy got smashed on the head .

possible but may not be the fact .

1. touch some chick butt but think is ok in thailand .

2. been eyeing on someone else boobs and a jeslous BF think he should do something .

3. piss off a waitress .

4. target of a silly bet .

5. mistaken ident , cos you look like osmeone else .

6. someone hate you and hire some thug to handle you .

7. piss someone off years ago and he still remeber you .

8. local paramedic running low on job so there create job .

9. bad mouth someone by accident but did not know so .

10. drink from the wrong bottle of beer .

11. walk into a middle of a fight .

12. target of a scam . where someone come help you to gain trust .

13. you did not shower and smell bad and some guy who hate smelly dude choose to take some action .

so many possible reason, the fact that you donot know why . is no excuse for reason


:o there is a reason to why you are here reading this message too .

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12. target of a scam . where someone come help you to gain trust .

13. you did not shower and smell bad and some guy who hate smelly dude choose to take some action .

so many possible reason, the fact that you donot know why . is no excuse for reason


:o there is a reason to why you are here reading this message too .

These all appear to be placing the blame with the victim, I'll add :

14. Some uneducated / drunk moron is in a bad mood and decides to smash a bottle over someone elses head merely for his own amusement or perhaps he just likes beating people up.

People like this will end up in prison one day, it's just a matter of time.

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I have never been in a situation in which a fight with the native inhabitants here was imminent, but have had more than several close calls with piss-drunk foreigners on holiday here.

Sadly with thais possessing a "pack animal" fight mentality, I would be hesitant to engage them. You most certainly can beat the one you're fighting, but NOT the other 60+ odd million of them. I have witnessed too many foreigners fighting thais who fell under a flurry of elbows, knees, and stomping feet, only to be left bruised and bloody on the pavement when the crowd clears.

However, IF you keep your wits about you, most places here; KSR included are not overly dangerous, by any stretch of the term.

It's usually after a few too many beers or libations when foreigners think they're "6 foot tall and bullet proof" that I have seen problems arise. Remember even if these people are diminutive, they can be tenacious fighters at times. I also think that the "alleged culture" of not displaying anger is a recipe for disaster; they hold it in until they are prone to violent fits of emotional outbursts.

I am glad the O/P is okay. From his story it sounds like he was the target of a "hate crime", where some thai already had their fill of foreigners and took it out on him.

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