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Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?


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I think Thai ladies are very attracted to a full wallet - same as their Western counterparts - call me a cynic but this is pretty true im afraid, Just got paid Today so feeling very attractive!! :D

Surely U need to expand your circle of dot, ME THINK :o

Finally, some qualified Thai perspective. and a good morning to you Met.

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I think Thai ladies are very attracted to a full wallet - same as their Western counterparts - call me a cynic but this is pretty true im afraid, Just got paid Today so feeling very attractive!! :D

Surely U need to expand your circle of dot, ME THINK :o

Finally, some qualified Thai perspective. and a good morning to you Met.

Don't call me "MET"!! - errr sounds like....I'm on drug or something like "meth"......sooo totally UNCOOOL!!!

For your info.....I didn't want to make any comments here coz.....

I don't like talking about men.......like they are errrrr.......a piece of meat!!!! HAHAHA :D

However since I'm here.....mind as well give my highly valuable input...

Well I & my friends..... don't like muscled men much, due to the fact that.......

If they like to spend more time in the gym, then they will have less time for US..........NO GOOD, me think :D

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I thought after a while of reading posts from western men who say things like:

all thai women are after money

all thai women are blah blah blah

and after a few failed attempts to have any real discussions about the subject, Id have given up.

but apparently not.

Ive seen a few remarks on this thread to that effect (didnt read the whole thread...so maybe there are more.....)

The way I see it, whether thai or non-thai, most women will want some kind of security in life. Ask a woman of any nationality, all else equal, would she want to date someone who has no job and is lazy? answer will almost always be a no.

Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

Modern ways have changed things somewhat. many women now work, but when they get married, they are still expected to do house chores, while the men do nothing (even when both work equally long hours). -- just a bit of general info.

in the cities, when they date, it is somewhat expected that the guy pays. am not going to debate whether its right or wrong, and there can be variations. plus its not about going to expensive places. you can go somewhere simple. When I date, usually the guy pays....or if he buys dinner, and we head somewhere else for drinks or dessert I will buy. with some guys, they dont want me to pay at all, so I will buy them things I know they like -- a good coffee, a special cake from somewhere...etc etc. little gestures.

on the other hand - when I date people who I know are not working yet for whatever reasons..>Im happy to pick up the bill. or sometime we split it

does this make me a money-grabbing Thai woman?

if by your judgement, then so be it

the point though ...is you cant make that generalisation that all thai women want is money. There are many many women that work really hard to be on their own feet. In fact I know lots of Thai women who work extremely hard to raise a family, while the husbands do nothing, except go out and get drunk every evening!

not exactly on the muscles aspect, but just needed to set some records straight


a resenting Thai woman who has accepted the most expensive 'gifts' being a few margaritas, but not averse to some free Arsenal goodies :o

ADDED: ohhh by the way, just for the sake of better illustration, I decided to reveal very personal info. I have had offers of much more expensive gifts too....recently a trip to NZ, all free of charge. I turned it down. ON other occasions - free trips to places in Europe. turned them down to. did eventually make my own way there...in less luxurious style...but I enjoyed it all!

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I thought after a while of reading posts from western men who say things like:

all thai women are after money

all thai women are blah blah blah

and after a few failed attempts to have any real discussions about the subject, Id have given up.

but apparently not.

Ive seen a few remarks on this thread to that effect (didnt read the whole thread...so maybe there are more.....)

The way I see it, whether thai or non-thai, most women will want some kind of security in life. Ask a woman of any nationality, all else equal, would she want to date someone who has no job and is lazy? answer will almost always be a no.

Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

Modern ways have changed things somewhat. many women now work, but when they get married, they are still expected to do house chores, while the men do nothing (even when both work equally long hours). -- just a bit of general info.

in the cities, when they date, it is somewhat expected that the guy pays. am not going to debate whether its right or wrong, and there can be variations. plus its not about going to expensive places. you can go somewhere simple. When I date, usually the guy pays....or if he buys dinner, and we head somewhere else for drinks or dessert I will buy. with some guys, they dont want me to pay at all, so I will buy them things I know they like -- a good coffee, a special cake from somewhere...etc etc. little gestures.

on the other hand - when I date people who I know are not working yet for whatever reasons..>Im happy to pick up the bill. or sometime we split it

does this make me a money-grabbing Thai woman?

if by your judgement, then so be it

the point though ...is you cant make that generalisation that all thai women want is money. There are many many women that work really hard to be on their own feet. In fact I know lots of Thai women who work extremely hard to raise a family, while the husbands do nothing, except go out and get drunk every evening!

not exactly on the muscles aspect, but just needed to set some records straight


a resenting Thai woman who has accepted the most expensive 'gifts' being a few margaritas, but not averse to some free Arsenal goodies :o

ADDED: ohhh by the way, just for the sake of better illustration, I decided to reveal very personal info. I have had offers of much more expensive gifts too....recently a trip to NZ, all free of charge. I turned it down. ON other occasions - free trips to places in Europe. turned them down to. did eventually make my own way there...in less luxurious style...but I enjoyed it all!

Your post offers some very astute observations.  I haae to agree with just abut everything there. There is a great book called Brain Sex by Anne Moir, and she offers some possible reasons that women have evolved as you describe (as well as why men have evolved as they have.)

As to the OP, I would never say that most or even very many women look at musculature as the prime factor in picking a man for interaction. I merely state that many women, Thai included, can enjoy that aspect as part of the total package. With guy #1 being funny, witty, kind, smart, wealthy, and soft and fat, and with guy #2 being funny, witty, kind, smart, wealthy, and fit and buff, I would bet dollars to doughnuts that more women would pick #2 than #1.

Too many posters here seem to think that having a fit body is the equivalent of being a knuckle-dragging imbecile who is not able to put together more than one simple thought at a time.  Brains and pecs are not inter-related. A soft pudgy doughboy can be smart or amazingly dumb. The same holds true for a gym rat.

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I have heard this fallacy that Thai women do noto like men with muscles.

I am 50, and I work out regulary.  I am no Arnold, but I do have a healthy chest (46 inches) and good guns (17 inches).  When I meet someone, even if not in a potential dating situation, I get comments about my physique, and mostly in a good way.  My best friend (male) now thinks I am too big and that Thai women will be afraid of me, but that has not been my experience.

When I am with a Thai woman, even one who might have said she doesn't like guys too big, they are invarably drawn to my arms and chest. Sitting watching tv, they will snuggle up and hold my biceps, even unconciously stroking then while her eyes are glued to the tube. Their hands always gravitate to rest on my chest, and when they look at it, they always give a squeeze and usually make comments on it as compared to the size of their own chest.  And in the more intimate moments, it is my chest that they look at, and that is where they place their hands.

One woman I know always wants to see me right after I lift.  She knows that a person pumps up after a good lift, and she has told me that she loves to see and touch me then.

Yes, I know that there are many different things which attract a woman, and maybe a good physique ranks low on the totem pole.  But it certainly is a factor. Just as a man can be attracted to a great smile and bubbling personality, he can still appreciate a nice bosum if she has that as well.

I also realize that perhaps the women who go out with me are the type who like a more muscular guy in the first place and women who abhor that steer clear of me.  And perhaps women are discerning or appreciative with regards to my age. Where a 25-year old guy might do better with the softer look, at 50, I have been told that so many other men my age look "pregnant 6 months."

Whatever the reason and whatever the demographics of the women with whom I go out, I can say with certainty that most of them like my musculature. I hope they like a lot more about me as well, but the subject here is just the muscles.

Sounds like you've got your motivation back, m8? :o

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Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

You need to get yourself out and about in Thailand (actually anywhere on the planet) and learn who it is who is 'winning the the rice' 'raising the kids' and 'doing the work'.

That such horse sh1t arguments are made in a discussion about body builders does not surprise me.

Scratch the surface of most farang men in Thailand and you'll find someone who has problems with the part men have in his society back home, it is almost always the reason he's in Thailand in the first place. Muscle builders, guys flashing the cash same same in my book.

Come and play the fantasy - you man - she woman - ug ug!

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Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

You need to get yourself out and about in Thailand (actually anywhere on the planet) and learn who it is who is 'winning the the rice' 'raising the kids' and 'doing the work'.

That such horse sh1t arguments are made in a discussion about body builders does not surprise me.

Scratch the surface of most farang men in Thailand and you'll find someone who has problems with the part men have in his society back home, it is almost always the reason he's in Thailand in the first place. Muscle builders, guys flashing the cash same same in my book.

Come and play the fantasy - you man - she woman - ug ug!

I guess that's why you are in Saudi and not here. :o

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I have heard this fallacy that Thai women do noto like men with muscles.

I am 50, and I work out regulary.  I am no Arnold, but I do have a healthy chest (46 inches) and good guns (17 inches).  When I meet someone, even if not in a potential dating situation, I get comments about my physique, and mostly in a good way.  My best friend (male) now thinks I am too big and that Thai women will be afraid of me, but that has not been my experience.

When I am with a Thai woman, even one who might have said she doesn't like guys too big, they are invarably drawn to my arms and chest. Sitting watching tv, they will snuggle up and hold my biceps, even unconciously stroking then while her eyes are glued to the tube. Their hands always gravitate to rest on my chest, and when they look at it, they always give a squeeze and usually make comments on it as compared to the size of their own chest.  And in the more intimate moments, it is my chest that they look at, and that is where they place their hands.

One woman I know always wants to see me right after I lift.  She knows that a person pumps up after a good lift, and she has told me that she loves to see and touch me then.

Yes, I know that there are many different things which attract a woman, and maybe a good physique ranks low on the totem pole.  But it certainly is a factor. Just as a man can be attracted to a great smile and bubbling personality, he can still appreciate a nice bosum if she has that as well.

I also realize that perhaps the women who go out with me are the type who like a more muscular guy in the first place and women who abhor that steer clear of me.  And perhaps women are discerning or appreciative with regards to my age. Where a 25-year old guy might do better with the softer look, at 50, I have been told that so many other men my age look "pregnant 6 months."

Whatever the reason and whatever the demographics of the women with whom I go out, I can say with certainty that most of them like my musculature. I hope they like a lot more about me as well, but the subject here is just the muscles.

Sounds like you've got your motivation back, m8? :D

Ah, you remembered! :o

Yes, it has been a good week-and-a-half. 

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Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

You need to get yourself out and about in Thailand (actually anywhere on the planet) and learn who it is who is 'winning the the rice' 'raising the kids' and 'doing the work'.

That such horse sh1t arguments are made in a discussion about body builders does not surprise me.

Scratch the surface of most farang men in Thailand and you'll find someone who has problems with the part men have in his society back home, it is almost always the reason he's in Thailand in the first place. Muscle builders, guys flashing the cash same same in my book.

Come and play the fantasy - you man - she woman - ug ug!

Uh, I can't really follow all of your logic here, but what I can is rather disjointed. What do you have against Mig16's post? There is nothing really controversial there.

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Too many posters here seem to think that having a fit body is the equivalent of being a knuckle-dragging imbecile who is not able to put together more than one simple thought at a time.  Brains and pecs are not inter-related.

Yes, but the time you spend in the gym can be used for intellectually elevating discussions on Thaivisa...

I really think it's a waste of time, at the end of the day.

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Too many posters here seem to think that having a fit body is the equivalent of being a knuckle-dragging imbecile who is not able to put together more than one simple thought at a time.  Brains and pecs are not inter-related.

Yes, but the time you spend in the gym can be used for intellectually elevating discussions on Thaivisa...

I really think it's a waste of time, at the end of the day.

So do I, but then why am on TV all the time? :o

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Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

You need to get yourself out and about in Thailand (actually anywhere on the planet) and learn who it is who is 'winning the the rice' 'raising the kids' and 'doing the work'.

That such horse sh1t arguments are made in a discussion about body builders does not surprise me.

Scratch the surface of most farang men in Thailand and you'll find someone who has problems with the part men have in his society back home, it is almost always the reason he's in Thailand in the first place. Muscle builders, guys flashing the cash same same in my book.

Come and play the fantasy - you man - she woman - ug ug!

A lot of your posts have a recurring "most farang men in Thailand" theme. You being the one notable (and wonderful) exception to whatever you're decrying the species about.

How's the Latin doing? Can you pontificate like Pilate yet?

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I guess that's why you are in Saudi and not here.

You guess wrong... but watch this space.

Sorry, I mistook your profile thing to the left that says you are from Saudi, I didn't realise you were A Saudi. Isn't being on this board against the rules where you come from?

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Ok, this was one of the favourite topics that the girls in my office liked to discuss with me.

They asked me what type of girl Westerners are looking for.

And in return I asked them what they were looking for in a man.

90% of them answered he must be able to make me laugh and be clean.

In the end it comes down to personality and perhaps a few things such as not overly fat ore rude.

So you can as well ask yourself the same question what kinda girl would fit you?

I bet it would be things like, honest, have a sense of humour, a job (and long hair. :D just kidding)

But I also think that these are things that you look for when you have learned some lessons in life.

In the end you will never know if your partner is the real one for you because there are about 6 Billion people on this planet you have never met.

Just find yourself someone you can get along with and can make you feel happy all day.

Someone you look forward seeing after you finished your work.

Someone you like to be with when seeing a beautyfull sunset.

I think that is a universal concept of what people are looking for in a partner, most of the time.

If it is anything else then the alarmbells should be ringing.


aaaawwwwww :D:o

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Generally speaking, all those qualities believed to be attractive in men, like intellegence, wit, generousity, resolve to achieve your goals, compassion, empathy, understanding, confidence, respect for others and so on, are results of life experience, results of lessons you learned in the course of your life.

You don't get that by sitting in the gym whole day, admiring yourself in the mirror, generally speaking.

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Generally speaking, all those qualities believed to be attractive in men, like intellegence, wit, generousity, resolve to achieve your goals, compassion, empathy, understanding, confidence, respect for others and so on, are results of life experience, results of lessons you learned in the course of your life.

You don't get that by sitting in the gym whole day, admiring yourself in the mirror, generally speaking.

No but don't tell that to the group of boy's watching your butt for the last 40 mins on the treadmill.

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Sorry, I mistook your profile thing to the left that says you are from Saudi, I didn't realise you were A Saudi. Isn't being on this board against the rules where you come from?

Not at all - I'm only surprised how often it gets mentioned by other posters. I realize some guys have a problem with Saudi Arabia - I don't.

A lot of your posts have a recurring "most farang men in Thailand" theme. You being the one notable (and wonderful) exception to whatever you're decrying the species about.

How's the Latin doing? Can you pontificate like Pilate yet?

Yes I admit, I do make sweeping statements about Farangs in Thailand - I do try to tell myself not to but it seems just as I'm thinking maybe I'm wrong, another specimen pops up to convince me otherwise. On balance I don't think my generalizations on Farang men in Thailand are any worse than many of the generalizations on Thais/women I read here on TV.

Didn't Pilate refuse to pass judgement?

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Sorry, I mistook your profile thing to the left that says you are from Saudi, I didn't realise you were A Saudi. Isn't being on this board against the rules where you come from?

Not at all - I'm only surprised how often it gets mentioned by other posters. I realize some guys have a problem with Saudi Arabia - I don't.

A lot of your posts have a recurring "most farang men in Thailand" theme. You being the one notable (and wonderful) exception to whatever you're decrying the species about.

How's the Latin doing? Can you pontificate like Pilate yet?

Yes I admit, I do make sweeping statements about Farangs in Thailand - I do try to tell myself not to but it seems just as I'm thinking maybe I'm wrong, another specimen pops up to convince me otherwise. On balance I don't think my generalizations on Farang men in Thailand are any worse than many of the generalizations on Thais/women I read here on TV.

Didn't Pilate refuse to pass judgement?

Brilliant, a guy who doesn't have a problem with a country that throws you in jail for having coffee with a single woman in Starbucks and yet states that all farang men here can get any at home... :o

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Brilliant, a guy who doesn't have a problem with a country that throws you in jail for having coffee with a single woman in Starbucks and yet states that all farang men here can get any at home...

You mean you've been thrown out of Saudi Arabia for having a coffee in Starbucks with a single woman? - I feel your pain.

I'm pleased to hear you 'can get some at home'.

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Too many posters here seem to think that having a fit body is the equivalent of being a knuckle-dragging imbecile who is not able to put together more than one simple thought at a time.  Brains and pecs are not inter-related.

Yes, but the time you spend in the gym can be used for intellectually elevating discussions on Thaivisa...

I really think it's a waste of time, at the end of the day.

So instead of spending an hour at the gym in the morning or after work, you should be, oh, I don't know, let's say, watching UBC?  

I don't really understand how any rational person can say that exercising is a waste of time when all research shows that it is pretty important to a healthy and vital life.

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I guess that's why you are in Saudi and not here.

You guess wrong... but watch this space.

Sorry, I mistook your profile thing to the left that says you are from Saudi, I didn't realise you were A Saudi. Isn't being on this board against the rules where you come from?


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Indeed exercise is important and I would add rewarding in its own right.

But moderation in all things - Pumping oneself full of steroids is a tad too far - As I would say is the urge to go for the full 'big man down the gym set' - Tattoos I can understand, lycra shorts and a pony tale... I'm not getting that bit, but perhaps I'm not the target audience.

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Generally speaking, all those qualities believed to be attractive in men, like intellegence, wit, generousity, resolve to achieve your goals, compassion, empathy, understanding, confidence, respect for others and so on, are results of life experience, results of lessons you learned in the course of your life.

You don't get that by sitting in the gym whole day, admiring yourself in the mirror, generally speaking.

But you get that sitting on your butt watching television?

Why all the hate to people who exercise? How can goign to the gym for an hour-and-a-half 3 or 4 times a week possibly preclude anyone from achieving those qualities?

I wish someone could show me the connection to where lifting a weight or using an eliptical trainer somehow turns off all other apsects of persons development.

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Brilliant, a guy who doesn't have a problem with a country that throws you in jail for having coffee with a single woman in Starbucks and yet states that all farang men here can get any at home...

You mean you've been thrown out of Saudi Arabia for having a coffee in Starbucks with a single woman? - I feel your pain.

I'm pleased to hear you 'can get some at home'.

Not thrown out mate, but had a friend arrested and detained for 3 days for just that very thing. At home, sorry, not gettting any at the moment, Mrs is pregnant. but that's another topic. :o

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guesthouse lives in the middle of the dessert with a bunch of hippos in pajamas but what does he care - he's making the big bucks (lol) and can come to thailand anytime he wants (by closing his eyes and imaging! ) or better yet, by spending hours and hours on this website!

atleast his bcep must be pumped from practicing the national sport of rock throwing.

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Indeed exercise is important and I would add rewarding in its own right.

But moderation in all things - Pumping oneself full of steroids is a tad too far - As I would say is the urge to go for the full 'big man down the gym set' - Tattoos I can understand, lycra shorts and a pony tale... I'm not getting that bit, but perhaps I'm not the target audience.

So anyone who goes to the gym is full of steroids?  

This has gone to a simple question about whether THai women like men with muscles or not. Somehow this has degenerated into a diatriabe against anyone who lifts.  

Guess what?  The vast majority of men who exercise do not take steroids. The vast majority of men who lift weights regularly are not creating huge ripped bodies. And for the few who choose to go for the huge bulk, who cares? it is their choice.  That does not make them cretins.

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