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Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid.) The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

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Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid. The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

Strong buy signals today- Euro crisis plus the N/S Korean fighting...


Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid. The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

Strong buy signals today- Euro crisis plus the N/S Korean fighting...

I'm guessing you are a North American or a European. Aside from the importance that "News sources:" place on it and our individual senses of humanity ; from a monetary perspective, if N&S Korea disappeared tomorrow, would anyone even notice? They wouldn't would they? Might bump the NIKKEI for a week or so. That's just how sick our culture (and us) has become.


Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid. The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

Strong buy signals today- Euro crisis plus the N/S Korean fighting...

I'm guessing you are a North American or a European. Aside from the importance that "News sources:" place on it and our individual senses of humanity ; from a monetary perspective, if N&S Korea disappeared tomorrow, would anyone even notice? They wouldn't would they? Might bump the NIKKEI for a week or so. That's just how sick our culture (and us) has become.

I actually posted this in another sub forum and added at the end of sentence ("and i mean this in a non-gleeful way"). So i hear where you are coming from. But the global stock markets have also just moved down because of this korea thing , so yes it would have an enormous impact on gold, stocks


When to sell your gold ?

“When paper money stops losing its value”.

or when politicians face up to reality and make some very hard choices - always easier to kick the can down the road and try to get re-elected ...........

'We are told by the Bank for International Settlements that total Irish debt to foreign investors stands at $791bn, the substantial majority of which is owed by the banking sector. Ireland on its own might not derail European banks, but the domino effect of the spreading problem most probably will.

This obviously cannot be allowed to happen. Forget the rights and wrongs of “too big to fail”: politicians and therefore central banks have no option but to intervene. But what can they do? They cannot fund a rescue with taxes, and they are already borrowing as much as the bond markets can stand. There is only the nuclear option left, however it is dressed up: shore up the system by printing as much money as it takes. Printing money is simply the way governments buy time.'

continued ....



Speaking of the nuclear option......

A reader asked me this week whether there is any graceful way to avoid this coming chain of disasters.

Yes, there are two options, neither entirely graceful. The European Central Bank can print money like a drunken sailor, flood the bond markets with €2 trillion, and tank the euro against China's yuan for good measure.

If the Germans refuse to accept this, they should abandon EMU at once, leaving France and southern Europe with the residual euro and the institutions of monetary union. Existing euro debt contracts would be upheld. Germany would revalue – alone or with Finns, Dutch, etc - so holders of Bunds would enjoy a windfall gain.

France could revive the Latin Union of the late 19th Century, a more benign venture than the Máquina Infernal now asphyxiating Portugal, and deflating Spain.



Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid.) The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

A nice chart for you :)



Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid.) The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

Personally I have not considered anything I have yet heard or more importantly seen first hand a reason to sell.


why would a gold holder ever want to sell until

a. the usd has crashed, there is blood in the streets and assets being sold at firesale prices

b. the us gov actually takes serious steps to reduce deficit and limit/end the Fed which includes concluding our 2 presently running wars.

it's too funny how people are waiting for gold to "collapse" as it did 30 years ago when interest rates were raised to 20%. yeah, i am sure 20% rates are just around the corner? :whistling:


OK ... Wait to sell gold until there is blood in the streets ...So what if it happens to be your blood -- figuratively or literally -- in the streets ... of course you may be as smart or smarter than Baron Nathan de Rothschild (who coined the phrase) so it can't happen to you gold or no gold ...


why would a gold holder ever want to sell until

a. the usd has crashed, there is blood in the streets and assets being sold at firesale prices

b. the us gov actually takes serious steps to reduce deficit and limit/end the Fed which includes concluding our 2 presently running wars.

it's too funny how people are waiting for gold to "collapse" as it did 30 years ago when interest rates were raised to 20%. yeah, i am sure 20% rates are just around the corner? :whistling:

I'm not waiting for it to collapse. It may go way higher for all I know. My only assertion is that it it is trading in a bubble based on it failing to test meaningful support as it rises. That doesn't mean that it won't continue to rise, but in almost all cases that support eventually gets tested.


I'm not waiting for it to collapse. It may go way higher for all I know. My only assertion is that it it is trading in a bubble based on it failing to test meaningful support as it rises. That doesn't mean that it won't continue to rise, but in almost all cases that support eventually gets tested.

Gold is waiting for the S&P to retest 666. :)



Am I missing something, or shouldn't Gold holders be looking to this kind of information as a type of sell signal? Yeah, it might go higher on an even better bullshit story, but almost every option player knows that options (if held to maturity, almost NEVER EVER get paid.) The money comes from the trading and propitious selling of the option.

Personally I have not considered anything I have yet heard or more importantly seen first hand a reason to sell.

It seems there are two camps of gold holders - those who hold in the hope of realizing a capital gain and those who hold as capital preservation insurance.

Back when I had hormones and was flying competition aerobatics I bought the best parachute available, paid to have it inspected and repacked every 3 months and made a dozen practice jumps in parachute school learning how to use it. It doesn't bother me a bit that the entire investment was wasted.


It seems there are two camps of gold holders - those who hold in the hope of realizing a capital gain and those who hold as capital preservation insurance.

Back when I had hormones and was flying competition aerobatics

Would love to hear more about the acro planes....I know off topic but interesting

Capital preservation/hedging alternatives is what I thought originally.

Of course the capital gains has been nice too....Although only realized if sold.

Personally like I said I see no reason to leave yet.

I have just decided today though that if we see 47/1 silver/gold soon I will in fact swap out some silver.

I will still have a lot of phys silver but things will be more manageable physically.

I also believe where Silver has been very good to me this year..... gold will be taking the lead again so a swap of some is where I am headed.

Who knows eh?


I'll leave this here, for the inlfationistas, although its theme is poignant across all asset classes;

The crushing blow to household sector balance sheets during the intense asset price declines of 2008-09 lingers on in terms of the effect it has exerted on consumer attitudes towards discretionary spending, homeownership and credit demands.

In the aggregate, household net worth is $12.2 trillion lower today than it was three years ago at the pre-recession peak an unprecedented decline of 18.5%. That is about $100,000 per household of lost net worth. Not even a flashy bear market rally in equities has come close to making up for the wealth destruction of the down-cycle. We must therefore invoke the Permanent Income Hypothesis espoused by the legendary Milton Friedman.

As the realization sets in to households that this loss of wealth is permanent, and that not even recurring quick fixes by the government and the Federal Reserve can stop human nature in its tracks, then what happens is that the changes in consumer behaviour become more entrenched.


i am skeptical of technical analysis. just focus on the long term picture, imo.

This is the only correct attitude for those of us who don't have the courage to play the roulette wheel. Of course you can make money as a trader, but most people wind up losing their shirts.

And, as I like to point out to this group every month or so as the subject of "why hold gold" comes up (for those lurkers who join this discussion late in the day), it is all because the global industrial economy is in terminal decline. This isn't a short term thing as it was in the eighties. An article just appeared today which highlights the problem very well. (http://www.321energy.com/editorials/martenson/martenson112510.html). Look at that bright blue portion on the chart if you think the economy can ever recover. That is the one notated "the suspiciously flat part".

Anyone who thinks there won't be blood in the streets in the future is deluding themselves. And I mean that literally. There will be war and insurrections, and lots of them. Not only is economic growth over, we can't even hold what we have now.

The change coming in the future is so massive and so horrible that none of us can even contemplate the effects. All we know for sure is that it will not be a fun time to be alive. In an era like this, gold is about the only thing you can really count on. There will always be those who are wealthier than others, and the wealthy will always value gold.

Only the time frame for this is open to debate, and with the IEA now admitting Peak Oil is in the rear view mirror, the clock is ticking.

Buy gold.


Yes ... and all of the above post on the inevitable 'blood in the streets... and I mean literally' from someone who -- at least on his own -- is incapable of finding a meat thermometer in Bangkok.

Anyone who thinks there won't be blood in the streets in the future is deluding themselves. And I mean that literally. There will be war and insurrections, and lots of them. Not only is economic growth over, we can't even hold what we have now.

The change coming in the future is so massive and so horrible that none of us can even contemplate the effects.



Jman......If you would kindly let us in on the relationship between finding a thermometer in Bangkok and opining on the future of global economics....we're all ears. 'Or was that just a sneak attack, the type you've made your own. :yohan:

'And Herr Naam, who posts a picture of the present situation in response to a "future" post. Oh, those being trampled underfoot are the Wests' middle-classes. (the skinny old nag must be Pelosi)

Amazing how finely balanced things are. If an election is called in Ireland, the candidate running on a default ticket will win by a landslide. Then the bag-holde....erm bond holders haircuts will begin. :) Then you will see blood on the streets. Hopefully not your's Herr bondsman. :wai:



Into the furnace! ;)

(AP:RENO, Nev.) A mystery buyer has acquired a northern Nevada casino's unique gold collection for at least $1.1 million.

The Carson Nugget in Carson City sold the golden treasure earlier this fall after it had been on public display there since the 1950s, said Fred Holabird of Reno, agent for the resort.

A confidentiality agreement prohibits the release of the buyer's identity or the price paid for the collection of 170 specimens of gold in both nugget and crystalline form, he said.

Either a collector or institution likely wound up with the collection, Holabird said, and it's unknown what the buyer intends to do with it.

While the capital city's longest continuously operated casino set a minimum bid of $1.1 million, the collection had been valued in a broad range of up to $5 million.



Amazing how finely balanced things are. If an election is called in Ireland, the candidate running on a default ticket will win by a landslide. Then the bag-holde....erm bond holders haircuts will begin. :) Then you will see blood on the streets. Hopefully not your's Herr bondsman. :wai:


interesting point tele :)

I can think of some who might have more than only " giving

a haircut " in mind for wrecking their country :ermm:



Jman......If you would kindly let us in on the relationship between finding a thermometer in Bangkok and opining on the future of global economics....we're all ears. 'Or was that just a sneak attack, the type you've made your own. :yohan:

'And Herr Naam, who posts a picture of the present situation in response to a "future" post. Oh, those being trampled underfoot are the Wests' middle-classes. (the skinny old nag must be Pelosi)

Amazing how finely balanced things are. If an election is called in Ireland, the candidate running on a default ticket will win by a landslide. Then the bag-holde....erm bond holders haircuts will begin. :)Then you will see blood on the streets. Hopefully not your's Herr bondsman. :wai:


did it ever occur to you Mr Tiger that most seasoned investors are not fools and even those who prefer most of the time bonds possess the flexibility to switch assets within the blink of an eye?

for the record: the haircut, as far as irish or greek bonds are concerned, is [yaaaawwwwnnnnn...] since months a reality. but how would financially ignorant journàsslists (especially those from the british rainbow press) know? all of them seem to be to stupid to check a few bond charts but they go on and on writing rubbish.


PBOC Researcher Calls on U.S. to Sell Gold Reserves, People's Daily Says


Interesting that blog mentions the story I mentioned here

China, Russia quit dollar

I agree that is got no mention here in the US...not surprising

of course it is not surprising because it is bull (i posted that already). how can a currency that is pegged to the USD being used instead of USD and then some clowns shout "they quit the dollar!"


GiddyUp! B)

it would be fun if there were worthy and knowledgeable opponents to cross swords, heavy sabres "sine sine", front loaders at 20 paces sunday morning my back garden at dawn and what not :lol: unfortunately... their weapons consist of yewtoob clips as well as copying and pasting excrements excerpts from zerovillealphahedgedailyDylermailTurd et al :ermm:

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