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Am wondering if any other expats have experienced this: Was having a snack of khao neo (sticky rice) before lunch today, and after having three handfuls, got a very very intense burning and cutting pain in my stomach. Within seconds I was in severe pain, was having trouble breathing, and asked my girlfriend for help. By the time I got ready to go to the hospital and after throwing up a few times, I was fine. Felt so good that we did not continue on to the hospital, but had a normal lunch instead. All my Thai friends now tell me that this intense stomach pain "just sometimes happens" when you eat sticky rice, and older people even die from it. I searched the internet and could not find any info on what might have happened, but I suspect it has something to do with the flap valve above the stomach getting messed up. (Can you tell I am not a health professional?) Heard one story of a fellow that went to the local hospital and the doctor said "go run around the building." Apparently that cured him. My problem was very painful, but lasted less than 30 minutes. Can anyone give any insight to this rather painful risk of eating sticky rice?

Am wondering if any other expats have experienced this: Was having a snack of khao neo (sticky rice) before lunch today, and after having three handfuls, got a very very intense burning and cutting pain in my stomach. Within seconds I was in severe pain, was having trouble breathing, and asked my girlfriend for help. By the time I got ready to go to the hospital and after throwing up a few times, I was fine. Felt so good that we did not continue on to the hospital, but had a normal lunch instead. All my Thai friends now tell me that this intense stomach pain "just sometimes happens" when you eat sticky rice, and older people even die from it. I searched the internet and could not find any info on what might have happened, but I suspect it has something to do with the flap valve above the stomach getting messed up. (Can you tell I am not a health professional?) Heard one story of a fellow that went to the local hospital and the doctor said "go run around the building." Apparently that cured him. My problem was very painful, but lasted less than 30 minutes. Can anyone give any insight to this rather painful risk of eating sticky rice?

As "Sticky Rice" is highly glutinous Rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa or Oryza glutinosa), it may cause difficulties in digesting it, with in some consumers, It may cause these symptoms if ingested with larger amounts of Beer or Wine at the same time, or simply not chewed well enough, a gluten intolerance, or the a rather rare sensitivity, if not allergic reaction to high gluten foods!

It's called Celiac disease, a condition which results from an inappropriate immune system response to gluten. The manifestations of Celiac disease range from no symptoms to malabsorption of nutrients with involvement of multiple organ systems. The only effective treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet.

But if you have been eating any other wheat, barley or rye products without problems, it's highly likely that you haven't chewed it well enough!

I have many times digestive problems, if eating sticky rice...especially if it is rather "dry" and "compounded", "sticky".


Thanks Samulan. Appreciate the input. I can eat wheat and often eat a half-packet of sticky rice with no problem. This pac was a little drier and maybe I was gobbling it down as I was hungry! Am generally very healthy so this came as a real surprise.


If this is the first and only time you've had this? Did the pain actually feel like it was in the stomach or above it? It could be that you swallowed a bolus of rice that was just too big for your oesophagus and it stretched the walls all the way down - sticky rice, as the name implies, will tend to remain in lumps. Chew thoroughly and swallow in small amounts with something to drink.

Do you have acid reflux? Maybe the rice bolus irritated some acid burns in the lower oesophagus.

I suppose in some people with a heart condition, say, such an event might lead them to panic and trigger a real heart attack.

If it happens again or you have acid reflux, go see a quack.

Edit - you replied while I was typing: "gobbling it down" - take your time :o


Sticky rice nearly killed me 10 years ago. After a long night out(5am) I grabbed some street food and had several large bites of sticky rice and that was it I stopped breathing it was stuck so I ran to a seven 11 and grabbed a can of coke and tried to flush it down, bad move it was half warm and gassy and came out of my nose. 2 more tries and it cleared the rice. I remember the staff looking bewildered

You got to chew that stuff or it will accumulate especially if your dehydrated

Thanks Samulan. Appreciate the input. I can eat wheat and often eat a half-packet of sticky rice with no problem. This pac was a little drier and maybe I was gobbling it down as I was hungry! Am generally very healthy so this came as a real surprise.

It may be the answer to the story, just check it or better try to avoid it, having often problems myself with it!

Ever had the "grilled/bbq version of it? :o don't even try, may send you straight into an ICU!

Sticky rice nearly killed me 10 years ago. After a long night out(5am) I grabbed some street food and had several large bites of sticky rice and that was it I stopped breathing it was stuck so I ran to a seven 11 and grabbed a can of coke and tried to flush it down, bad move it was half warm and gassy and came out of my nose. 2 more tries and it cleared the rice. I remember the staff looking bewildered

You got to chew that stuff or it will accumulate especially if your dehydrated

Zorro, maybe you did the right thing as you are here enjoying life! Maybe the cure is a coke and some mentos!

There must be loads of stories like yours and mine out there based on what my Thai friends are telling me. I will certainly take the advice to chew slowly, thoroughly, and to eat sticky rice with plenty of fluids. Something like "eating meditation" comes to mind. At any rate, the adventure in Thailand continues!


sticky rice has zero zip nada none at all gluten.( we hve three celiacs on the kibbutz and i asked them to check for me with their celiac organization food lists .. it is called glutinous because it sticks together, but very high starch content so for some types of diabetics it can be problematic and many thai have told me that sticky rice is not good for folks with 'bo waan' (some diabetes) and it does cause stomach problems as it 'binds' more in the intestine, need more fluids, and eat slower... constipation can be the result. possible that u just didnt chew it long enough and it went down as a big sticky ball of food?

btw, could also have been unrelated and just coincidental... never heard of 'sudden stomach pain' from eating sticky rice, we eat it at home, my kids love it since it can be taken on field trips and doesnt spoil (a bonus in israel in the summer)



Thanks Bins Im also Gluten in tolerate and although I nearly chocked by eating to much to quick, I have never had typical gluten symptoms after eating it

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