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Sending Money To Bangkok?


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My missus just bought a salon from a gril who had a boyfriend from Austria.

He was sending her money and they had plans for marriage and children and eventually moving to Austria.

What was she doing every night whilst the boyfriend was away?

Shagging farangs! Every night!!

Trust me I went throught the same feelings for a while after my first visit.

It'll pass! :o


i have met girls who were engaged and even married (one pregnant) to farangs waiting for visas ,and they were still shagging around despite the fact that their bloke was sending them money ! trust a rattlesnake first .

all hookers are the same the world over ,they have pimps pulling their strings ,they want to take things easy ,and who can blame them .there are enough farang suckers arriving at DM to keep them all in comfort .

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Well many of us has done it, some will admit and others won't, I'll admit to sending money for several girls, first it was for fertiliser for the ricefields, next it was for sick buffalo, and last time for school fees for a daughter.

I had a fantastic time with all of those girls on my holidays, so what about a little exstra money, they had earned it. :o

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  • 3 months later...

This is a good idea. See if she sends you a receipt from the school. That's a first test which costs you 4k baht. Do a follow up. Call the school and see if she is attending.

How much time do you want to spend on this? Is she important or are you just helping someone out?

It's not her fault if she doesn't do what you want so don't be dissappointed. If you wish to do a good deed and expect nothing in return, then do it.

Here's my telephone call from LOS story. The parent's house was flooded out and I should check the Bkk Post (online) to confirm it. Sure enough floods in the news. It must be true the house is gone, right? BS so I called her bluff. I tell her give me 7 days and I'll fly out to LOS to help her family. "Oh no no no! Send money for new house!" Yeah right. I shouldn't have rewarded bad behavior but I sent her a couple hundred bucks and told her to put her parents up in a hotel or save money and have them stay with friends. She never followed up having me build a new house for the parents. What more proof is necessary that it was bs? I saw her one more time and told her to save her money for old age and don't blow it with her friends.

She took a run at me. So what? I saw it for what it was. She was a trooper took me all over Bkk helping me find stuff. Never complained about the sun and heat.

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I just got a call from a girl that I slept with (and have kept in semi contact with) when I was in Bangkok in November. She is claiming that she's pregnant and that I'm the father. She wasn't asking for money, but I'm beside myself as to what to do here....any one run into this before? Who should I talk to about having her tested up on?

Posted today by same-same

Looks like a bareback rider, Tonto. 1st visit to LoS. :o

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WELL!! My girl is different. I KNOW she loves only me and is true to me. How many times have we heard that?

The chances of a long distance relationship working out are slim to none. I myself have sent girls money but in return I had someone to meet me at the airport, arrange a room and a very nice warm welcome. It was like keeping a lawyer on a retainer. What she did when I was gone made no difference. It wasn't like I was planning on getting married to her. If you enjoy her company it doesn't hurt to send her a little money now and then. Just don't send more than you can afford and don't act as a bank setting her up in business.

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Give you an example mate...I've been going to same Hair Salon in Thailand. I see the same gal Na everytime - get pampered from head to toe. She has a good heart and I consider her a friend. However she has a bf from scandanavia some place who just went back home. She tells me she is single now (until he returns) and do I have any mates might be interested in seeing a great Thai lady. I sort of laffed it off, but I'm sure you can get a mental image of whats going on.

If the little dosh you send doesn't mean that much to you then go ahead and send it off. However I'd be really skeptical until you truely knew the gal before you get up to your eyes on it.  If she keeps in touch without any other dosh sent then this is a good sign.

I agree with Britmaveric.

Its a small amount of money. If you can afford it then do it. But look at it as betting on a horse at 33/1. Chances are it will come to nothing and all you have lost is a small stake. There again it could come in and you are the big winner.

Just dont lose your heart until you know her a little better but have an open mind

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When I met my girl I volunteered to give her money for English lessons, she took them, quit the scene and went back to work as a Hair Colour Specialist.

And now the gals me wife, and we have been together 2.5 years.

There are a few good ones, maybee you have an honest truthful and trustworthy girl, they do exist, but are few and far between.

When I made my move out here my freind used to send me money to give to his GF, until I caught her out one night, and my mates who were already in this particular Suk 33 bar told me what she had been up to before I arrived and as soon as I walked in she scrammed. I confronted her, she told me a pack of lies, I told my mate, he stopped sending money. 2 months later I was in another 33 bar and she walks up to me and throws her arms round me, says she's having a baby and moving to Finland and introduces me to her husband to be.

Even thanks me for telling my mate about her as she loves this bloke much more than she ever did him!! :o

Most of my freinds in BK are in relationships with ex-BG's and they seem to last and they all seem very happy.

The majority of postings so far have been pretty negative, but these guys mostly know what they are talking about. Percentage wse I reckon its 25-30 to one that you can trust her. I was lucky (I think) but I will never really know what went on when I was out of the country, but I can accept that. Each to his own. If you really LOVE her - well as they say "Love Is Blind". But try and think with your head and not your d##k

Only YOU can decide

Good Luck Mate


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If she is a BG, it is her job and she lives from the proceeds.

A few thousand bahts for language lessons will not enable her to break away from her job and be 'faithful' tou you. It takes much more for a relationship to be build between 2 humans. If you really want to 'help' the Bg and start a base for a possible relationship you need to spend time and money to give her the base of a steady income from her work (something else than the bar scene).

You seed to be supportive and present as much as possible.

A BG has BG friends and it is very difficult to break away from the friends circles.

She needs accomodation aand a job to even have a chance to break away from the bars.

This cannot be expected with a few thousand bahts for english lessons.

It has taken the best part of 3 years for my partner to break away completely from the bar scene. It is difficult, hard and painful but well worth it and I believ can make the relationship stronger eventually.

Good luck

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As they say Krub, you can take the girl out of the bar but its much harder to take the bar Out of the girl!

She has all her freinds there and its hard for them to cut those ties, and even they have they then tend to be "Agony Aunts" for the girls they left behind.

What you are saying Krub is positive for the lad and makes sense, but we all know you cant put yourself in someone else's shoes

Chock Dee

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I myself have this same problem. I have a GF who is a BG. I met her last year and she was with me last year. She was with me this year as well. Well, this year she said if I love her, then what I should do is send her money every month, so she can get out of the bar scene. I should say, she also had mentioned some other tidbits of information for me to think on. Let me also say that my GF is a very smart woman. She is both street smart and intellectually smart.

Well, here is what I proposed to her. If she became gainfully employed and is not working in the bars, that I would help her out. I would help her out in the sense that, I would not pay for everything for her. I told her that I did want to enable her, so she would become fully dependent on me. I am waiting for her response. I want to see how she will react to this. I guess you could say it is a test, like the one's she gives me, when I am in Thailand with her. I have friends living in Bangkok that know her and can give me any info on her I need. At least I think my friends would help me out.

Is it a gauge for me?? Is this the sure fire way to deal with this problem?? I do not know.

Edited by Shy Butterfly Fly
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