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Thai Data Matching....

Thai Chi

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In Australia we have Super Computers that can match data from almost every Government Dept. as well as some non Gov Depts (tax office, customs, banks, police, welfare agencies, etc etc) This information tool is used to (supposedly) keep us all on the straight and narrow, stop welfare cheats and make sure the Government dosent miss out on any money. My question is : do Thai Government Agencies such as banks and immigration let other Countries know if 1. a forienger opens a bank account? 2. a forienger marries a Thai national? Please Note: there is no sinister reason for this post, I am only trying to answer friends questions in relation to this subject. Any info appreciated. :o

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I have asked a similar question before with regards to Aussie tax and the taxman knowing about my overseas bank accounts. The reply I received was that I need to keep my money in other currencies, if I perhaps open an HSBC Australian dollar account the Aussies will know about it, but if it is GBP account they have no legal right to access any of the information.

Mind you this is the word of one accountant who also tells me that there are very few accountants etc that can actually understand the tax system and laws. So take it as you will.

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It is highly unlikely that they would data match as you ask. Even more unlikely that they would inform any foreign government. Thailand operates primarily using the old-fashioned, somewhat inefficient paper trail.

I agree with you. All international cooperation I know of is with Interpol, and regarding double-taxation.

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