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Things Not To Joke About With Thai's


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Does anyone have any thoughts about making jokes to thai's about certain subjects?

Can you joke about money with Thai's? And in what circumstances?

I noticed once that a thai cashier did not react well to a small joke I made about money when I was paying for some items.

But in other cases, there has been no problem.

In certain cultures, one never jokes about a person being fat, but in other cultures it may be ok.

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Does anyone have any thoughts about making jokes to thai's about certain subjects?

Can you joke about money with Thai's? And in what circumstances?

Yes..when you are giving it to them personally.

I noticed once that a thai cashier did not react well to a small joke I made about money when I was paying for some items.

But in other cases, there has been no problem.

In certain cultures, one never jokes about a person being fat, but in other cultures it may be ok.

Thais joke about my fat all the time, but then again it is rather cuddly.

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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

like most people they are sensitive to remarks about their appearance,fatness etc.

but they do smile and laugh alot so they must find something funny,maybe its us!.........am only having a laugh ok.

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1.) Make a disparaging joke about Taksin or the PPP with just about any cab driver (they're 90% from Isaan) and you are asking for trouble.

2.) Don't try out those new Thai curse words and phrases that you've just learned amongst strangers. The general public will not find them the least bit funny.

Edited by Groongthep
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Taboos are a prime subject for humour the world over (and throughout history)

The very things that you think you should not joke about because Thais will be too sensitive to see the humour are the very things that they themselves joke about.

The stubling block in language. The caution is. know who you are joking with.

I suspect this is the problem that the OP has had. He's made a joke with someone he perhaps doesn't know.

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Western humor and Thai humor are very different. Translating Western jokes into Thai or the reverse just would not carry through. Thais like to taunt others about their weight, skin color, or ethnic background - e.g. from Isan, the south or tribal people.

Thais in general look down on tribal people, South Asians, Negros, Laos, Cambodians and Burmese.

You cannot joke about the Royal family, Buddhism, and some of their superstitious beliefs.

Your being able to get away sharing jokes with other Thais also depends on how close you are with them.

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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

I would add that not understanding some of these is not just limited to Thai's, I have found our Colonial cousins dont understand the four I have highlighted either.... :o

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Being slightly overweight in Thailand is not considered bad at all. In fact it is a popular nickname (อ้วน - ooan - fatty) or (หมู - moo - piggy) that many Thai people carry for their whole lives irrespective of whether they actually still fit the desription. It is considered cute & usually the making of jokes in social settings, especially when the piggy or chubby is ordering too much food at one sitting.


Soundman. :o

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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

I would add that not understanding some of these is not just limited to Thai's, I have found our Colonial cousins dont understand the four I have highlighted either.... :o

Not sure to what cousin you refer but regarding sarcasm - it's not as funny as I make it out to be, flippancy - I can't make fun of something I don't know the meaning of, puns - i resemble that remark!, winding them up - by your avatar are your a native english indian?

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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

I would add that not understanding some of these is not just limited to Thai's, I have found our Colonial cousins dont understand the four I have highlighted either.... :o

very very true old chap.

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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

I would add that not understanding some of these is not just limited to Thai's, I have found our Colonial cousins dont understand the four I have highlighted either.... :o

Not sure to what cousin you refer

- by your avatar are your a native english indian?

"Our Colonial cousins" is a reference to the Septics.

Native English Indian...??? what the h*ll is a native English Indian, is this similar to a native American indian ??...and you are way off base with the Avatar...

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dont joke about ghosts at night.......

Haha! :o this is definitely the biggest no-no for me, even if I sit up quickly in bed and look around in an alarmed manner, she'll freeze then spew profanities at me something fierce. She warns that she has a duck back in Isaan that is hungry for chooped-off c-ck.

Edited by Svenn
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I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



one liners


winding them up(pommy term)

I would add that not understanding some of these is not just limited to Thai's, I have found our Colonial cousins dont understand the four I have highlighted either.... :o

Not sure to what cousin you refer

- by your avatar are your a native english indian?

"Our Colonial cousins" is a reference to the Septics.

Native English Indian...??? what the h*ll is a native English Indian, is this similar to a native American indian ??...and you are way off base with the Avatar...

Glad to see I at least have the 'wind up' portion of your criteria sewn up. Thanks

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Do not tell mother in law jokes to, or in front of, your wife but then that is pretty universal.

Thais also, IME, are not keen on jokes of a sexual nature but I am sure somebody out there has experienced the opposite.

As for Thais not getting western jokes I once told a Thai colleague the old joke:-

What is the difference between a dead rat and a dead lawyer on the road?

Answer : There are skid marks in front of the rat.


He found it hilarious and went off to tell all his mates except he substituted customs official for lawyer.

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I dont know if common amongst all Thai, but my bf finds anyone overweight comical and any jokes about weight issues funny. He Sometimes even does an eye-pointing thing at me with a smirk on his face when he sees someone large. BUT, thing is, I realise he means no malice in it. He even has a very good friend who is morbidly obese with health issues, but has nothing but love and care for him. Its just he likes to tease in a way that coming from the west seems a bit un PC to me. Harmless though, and im honestly not offended by it.

I have tried to help him 'get' some typical western jokes as he wanted to understand, but he just doesnt find them funny. Such as the daft "doctor doctor" ones. When I tried to explain why i had a stupid fit of the giggles at a chicken crossing the road in front of us, he just called me ting tong. 555!

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I dont know if common amongst all Thai, but my bf finds anyone overweight comical and any jokes about weight issues funny. He Sometimes even does an eye-pointing thing at me with a smirk on his face when he sees someone large. BUT, thing is, I realise he means no malice in it. He even has a very good friend who is morbidly obese with health issues, but has nothing but love and care for him. Its just he likes to tease in a way that coming from the west seems a bit un PC to me. Harmless though, and im honestly not offended by it.

I have tried to help him 'get' some typical western jokes as he wanted to understand, but he just doesnt find them funny. Such as the daft "doctor doctor" ones. When I tried to explain why i had a stupid fit of the giggles at a chicken crossing the road in front of us, he just called me ting tong. 555!

Assuming your boyfriend is Thai, just get him some Benny Hill DVD's and tell him to sit in the corner. Eventually you can move him up to Monty Python, Fawlty Towers and the like. But one must walk before they run.

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Ive deleted one post

not offensive, but just is against forum rules to discuss.


the very ( sad) fact that there happens to be one subject, any subject ( we all know what it is in this case) that any society cannot maturely openly discuss shows the lack of maturity in that society

and why it remains open to question regarding its progress,and the butt of some jokes.

Jokes often contain some truths. And sensible discussion.

Hence we cannot make jokes about this subject because it might just spark some people to start thinking for themselves and question certain things and eventually grow up.

frowned upon in some places.

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Assuming your boyfriend is Thai, just get him some Benny Hill DVD's and tell him to sit in the corner. Eventually you can move him up to Monty Python, Fawlty Towers and the like. But one must walk before they run.

Yes, Thai, and thanks for the tip :o

(He does crack up if i say things to him like "no money, no honey". Not one the guys can probably use tho. haha.)

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Ive deleted one post

not offensive, but just is against forum rules to discuss.


the very ( sad) fact that there happens to be one subject, any subject ( we all know what it is in this case) that any society cannot maturely openly discuss shows the lack of maturity in that society

and why it remains open to question regarding its progress,and the butt of some jokes.

Jokes often contain some truths. And sensible discussion.

Hence we cannot make jokes about this subject because it might just spark some people to start thinking for themselves and question certain things and eventually grow up.

frowned upon in some places.

Well, I have to agree with the locals on this one mate. From what I have seen of other similar situations in the UK and the accompying circus, perhaps this is a better path?

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Ive deleted one post

not offensive, but just is against forum rules to discuss.


the very ( sad) fact that there happens to be one subject, any subject ( we all know what it is in this case) that any society cannot maturely openly discuss shows the lack of maturity in that society

and why it remains open to question regarding its progress,and the butt of some jokes.

Jokes often contain some truths. And sensible discussion.

Hence we cannot make jokes about this subject because it might just spark some people to start thinking for themselves and question certain things and eventually grow up.

frowned upon in some places.

True. Try to imagine "Spitting Image" or any other ruthless political / societal satire being shown here? :o

Jokes often contain the whole truth said in a lighter fashion, that might prevent people or egos ballooning out of control.

The cultural deficiency known as "face" here usually precludes that, though.

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One thing I beg to differ, Thais do understand puns, and pun quite frequently. In the Thai language however. It is very difficult to understand a pun made in another language as the joke is often very subtle.

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the very ( sad) fact that there happens to be one subject, any subject ( we all know what it is in this case) that any society cannot maturely openly discuss shows the lack of maturity in that society

Not sure about this. Every society has its taboos. Not many 9/11 jokes get big laughs in New York. Not many child abuse jokes go down too well in Manchester. Allah ain't a cause for funnies in Islamabad. You may doubt these are comparable with the topic alluded to, but I think there's a connection.

Look at how Thai society has been polarised (and mobilised) by Thaksin and imagine what it would be like if people started spouting about certain other figures.

While I agree that convention needs to be challenged, recognising and respecting the conventions of a society with which you interact has to be a good thing, whether or not you agee with the theory.


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Assuming your boyfriend is Thai, just get him some Benny Hill DVD's and tell him to sit in the corner. Eventually you can move him up to Monty Python, Fawlty Towers and the like. But one must walk before they run.

Yes, Thai, and thanks for the tip :o

(He does crack up if i say things to him like "no money, no honey". Not one the guys can probably use tho. haha.)

The Thai's are quite keen on Mr. Bean. :D

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