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Bead Stringer?


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I have a set of very rare Himalayan coral beads I need restrung into a necklace.

Sounds easy but I want something very flexible but also very strong and with a connector that will not fail.

A very thin flexible cable with a screw connector perhaps? Or?

I know little about this stuff but do not want to lose more of these beads which are very precious to me.

Any thoughts would be appreciated..

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I also went on a quest long ago looking for the elusive Himalayan coral beads. Couldn't even find a beach there!!! Hence the rarity. Still got that bridge for sale over at the McCain Ranch. Down Loi Kroh Road on the right side is that shop right on the street that deals only in beads. Lots of beads.Hippies...!!

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I also went on a quest long ago looking for the elusive Himalayan coral beads. Couldn't even find a beach there!!! Hence the rarity. Still got that bridge for sale over at the McCain Ranch. Down Loi Kroh Road on the right side is that shop right on the street that deals only in beads. Lots of beads.Hippies...!!

The beaches vanished some 2-300 million years ago when the Indian and Asian continents crashed together, and are in fact still crashing together. These particular corals are now mined by the Tibetans at very high elevations and considered to have magical qualities. I don't know about the magical qualities but the circumstances under which I obtained them while high (leave it alone) in the Himal was a magical experience for me and why I value them so much.

Yup, a Hippie I am and thanks for the lead to the Loi Kroh shop.

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Just possibly the upper floors of the large store on Rachawithi (books at street-level)- along from the UN Irish Pub (towards the moat) on the same side. Good place to know anyway.

Failing that and/or Bunta's suggestion, maybe a trip to Pai? There's certainly one store there that specialises in stringing all kinds of stones - lovely owner speaks great English. If that sounds promising, PM me and I'll get the exact location/directions etc for you.

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Umm, okay, how about a quality crafts supplies shop where I can get the materials to do it myself?


You could go to any PINN shop. The closest that I know of to your house is in Airport Plaza.


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I also went on a quest long ago looking for the elusive Himalayan coral beads. Couldn't even find a beach there!!! Hence the rarity. Still got that bridge for sale over at the McCain Ranch. Down Loi Kroh Road on the right side is that shop right on the street that deals only in beads. Lots of beads.Hippies...!!

The beaches vanished some 2-300 million years ago when the Indian and Asian continents crashed together, and are in fact still crashing together. These particular corals are now mined by the Tibetans at very high elevations and considered to have magical qualities. I don't know about the magical qualities but the circumstances under which I obtained them while high (leave it alone) in the Himal was a magical experience for me and why I value them so much.

Yup, a Hippie I am and thanks for the lead to the Loi Kroh shop.

I hadda go downstairs and see how my coral prayer beads are strung. Both ends come outta the beads go through two leather beads then the ends go into an intricate braiding before knotting. Cord is fiberous. I've another set of prayer of chinese prayer beads that are skulls carved from bone.

My coral beads aren't solid coral, but yak bones with bits of coral inlayed in them

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I hadda go downstairs and see how my coral prayer beads are strung. Both ends come outta the beads go through two leather beads then the ends go into an intricate braiding before knotting. Cord is fiberous. I've another set of prayer of chinese prayer beads that are skulls carved from bone.

My coral beads aren't solid coral, but yak bones with bits of coral inlayed in them

Been to Poona?

I have others as well. An ancient Tibetan one supposedly made from human bone (yes, I do believe it), a couple of others of Yak bone.. Not looking for string as I have already lost a few of the extremely rare coral ones when the string broke. The others I don't worry about as I don't wear them but the coral one seems to soothe the soul..

Thanks to Steve2UK and Ms Pain for your suggestions. Thanks also to Agenda but 'string' isn't exactly what I am looking for..

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Had not heard of this Himalayan coral either, but seems Dustoff's not trying to wind us up nor full of wind :o .


Put that in your pipe and smoke it !

There are shops selling beads in the streets behind Warorot Market (I can give more specific directions if needed, but going there and asking around will probably serve just as well.). These shops might be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

I understand a substance called "kevlar" is regarded as the strongest thread for jewellery. Not sure if Warorot has that, but it seems to have pretty much everything else known to man or beast and is ever interesting.

What about fishing wire ? That's very strong and should be available here.

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Had not heard of this Himalayan coral either, but seems Dustoff's not trying to wind us up nor full of wind :o .


Put that in your pipe and smoke it !

There are shops selling beads in the streets behind Warorot Market (I can give more specific directions if needed, but going there and asking around will probably serve just as well.). These shops might be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

I understand a substance called "kevlar" is regarded as the strongest thread for jewellery. Not sure if Warorot has that, but it seems to have pretty much everything else known to man or beast and is ever interesting.

What about fishing wire ? That's very strong and should be available here.

An, umm, interesting pic - somebody is certainly smokin' sumthin'...

Seeking string to 'wind us up'? Is that a pun?

Full of wind yes, but this is real. I don't even know how to be a troll. Don't you have to live under a bridge or something?

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Hey Dustoff- my neighbor and his wife own a bead jewelery export business.

She produces necklaces- from low-end costume stuff all the way up to very nice with semi-precious stones, jade etc. for export.

I am certain she has absolutely every kind of stringing material, clasps, etc.

I'll talk to her tomorrow, ask about the possibilities of materials needed, and PM you shortly when I have some concrete information.

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Full of wind yes, but this is real. I don't even know how to be a troll. Don't you have to live under a bridge or something?

I think a roof suffices for most.

Can you post a picture of your coral ? I'm just interested now.

This is getting way away from the intent of my post or Thailand related but I will see if my camera has a macro function. Ancient red coral becomes agatized and you can see a pic at paleodirect.com/cor-023.htm

My first clue while trekking high in the Himal was seeing Tibetan refugees wearing necklaces adorned with seashells including what appeared to be large cowrie shells. A head-scratcher for sure but many millions-of-years-old shells and corals are coming down out of the high Himal and I am sure that the Himal is not the only example of the geology of plate tectonics.

Modern trolls live under a roof? Now that's scary...

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I also own some Tibetan coral that I bought in Nepal in the early 70's.

I'm not sure if it is truly mined there, or if they are trade beads.

Either way, it's beautiful coral.

Got a Z stone, and a rhino horn mala as well.....

Disclaimer before the PC folk get in a tizzy- the rhino horn beads are easily 150+ years old (judging by patina/wear).

Them were the pukka sahib days when "Endangered Species" would have been considered a laughable concept....

Bought it from a very mercantile minded monk at Swayambhu one day...

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This is getting way away from the intent of my post or Thailand related but I will see if my camera has a macro function. Ancient red coral becomes agatized and you can see a pic at paleodirect.com/cor-023.htm

Very interesting. Looks like toffee ! Do hope you can post some pictures of your own. McGriffith, too.

This could become a really great thread.

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