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Another Shooting Soi Mango

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The rape of the young Swedish girl was supposedly also in Lamai and not in Choengmon, if I'm remembering correctly.

Wasn't a staff member arrested for that?

I beleive he was caught and confesed very quick. Maybe even the same day?

No, it was in choeng mon. At least the one i´m talking about.

no Mattias you are not mixing it up. they were given the death sentence however they're still in Jail pending execution or mercy from the king.

Thanks hd, i remember it being all over the newpapers with pictures even, and i remember me being shocked that it all happened so fast, even my wife said it was a ast trial even for Thailand.

So, how does this work? Can you be convicted and given death penalty and then delay it for 2 years and more waiting for Hmtk to give mercy? Very strange... :D ?

Sorry, off topic i know but still. Hd?

well actually yes. and its the same thing in the USA. once given a death sentence the execution can be delayed by appealing to the court of appeals and if they approve it it can be appealed all the way to the supreme court. and if that does not work then a request for a pardon from the king to substitute the death sentence to a lifetime imprisonment .

the above process can take many years and if the lawyers are good it can take many more years. during which the prisoner is still held as sentenced to death. but execution is delayed.

now you are an expert on American criminal law too HD? :o

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Just heard that there was another shooting last night, this time involving ferang....

Great, just what Samui needs, :o but perhaps deserves?? :D this is a horribly violent, lawless, mafia controlled place....money and violence are the overt and only law on Samui.

well it seems it may be your feeling but hence nothing to do with reality. not the first time by the way.

I do understand and know the US law (your previous post ) and the Thai law and spent many many years studying and still do.

you are quick to make an assumptive deceleration based on a rumor. the above was here say and no facts or record have been presented.

if you would have bothered to read previous posts you would see that Samui and Thailand are infect one of the safest places to live on this planet. and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

it is obvious from your posts that you really don't like Samui. you have a choice. you don't need to come here and if you are not here don't lecture us how you feel about this place some of us call Home..

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I'm happy to see that you Samui guys aren't falling back on BS like "It happens everywhere in the world" like some around here often do. Good job.

Back to the topic - why doesn't any of this ever end up on YouTube? With all those tourists and camera phones around you'd think one of these days they would.

beg to differ

it does happens every where in the world any where in night life venues. it is not BS... as Samuians have no obligation to have higher morals just because a bunch of farrangs presume that Samui should be a utopia.

While i consider this violent act as a terrible waist... and i strongly appose this violence. i am also aware that this is human nature to be stupidly violent.

and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.

but before all our anti "Everything Thailand" friends accuse me of not producing the facts

here is the crime rate stats for countries:


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

before i look at your statisics can u tell me that the crime in our countries is proportional to the space.

i mean samui is a small island is there alot of killings compared to other islands of this size

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I'm happy to see that you Samui guys aren't falling back on BS like "It happens everywhere in the world" like some around here often do. Good job.

Back to the topic - why doesn't any of this ever end up on YouTube? With all those tourists and camera phones around you'd think one of these days they would.

beg to differ

it does happens every where in the world any where in night life venues. it is not BS... as Samuians have no obligation to have higher morals just because a bunch of farrangs presume that Samui should be a utopia.

While i consider this violent act as a terrible waist... and i strongly appose this violence. i am also aware that this is human nature to be stupidly violent.

and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.

but before all our anti "Everything Thailand" friends accuse me of not producing the facts

here is the crime rate stats for countries:


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

before i look at your statisics can u tell me that the crime in our countries is proportional to the space.

i mean samui is a small island is there alot of killings compared to other islands of this size

well do look at the satsitics... :o

they are based on Capita.

i don't believe that Samui is in any worse shape then any other destination or island in the world.

you must remember that Samui as a destination has a registered residents of nearly 60,000 people but infect samui has more then double in permanent residents and over 1,000,000 tourist a year. so infact per capita Samui is much lower then any other destination.

to be fair i must mention that in another stats murder by fire arms Thailand ranks three.

to clarify: while Thailand in crime rate is below many western countries per capita, when murders do occur in Thailand they are more likely to be with a firearm.

i totally agree with you that gun control laws in Thailand while exist, are not enforced. and there are many people who have guns illegally.

the first step to reduce this is for the police to enforce gun control laws and heavy penalty and jail time to those who carry guns with out a permit.

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I'm happy to see that you Samui guys aren't falling back on BS like "It happens everywhere in the world" like some around here often do. Good job.

Back to the topic - why doesn't any of this ever end up on YouTube? With all those tourists and camera phones around you'd think one of these days they would.

beg to differ

it does happens every where in the world any where in night life venues. it is not BS... as Samuians have no obligation to have higher morals just because a bunch of farrangs presume that Samui should be a utopia.

While i consider this violent act as a terrible waist... and i strongly appose this violence. i am also aware that this is human nature to be stupidly violent.

and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.

but before all our anti "Everything Thailand" friends accuse me of not producing the facts

here is the crime rate stats for countries:


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

before i look at your statisics can u tell me that the crime in our countries is proportional to the space.

i mean samui is a small island is there alot of killings compared to other islands of this size

well do look at the satsitics... :o

they are based on Capita.

i don't believe that Samui is in any worse shape then any other destination or island in the world.

you must remember that Samui as a destination has a registered residents of nearly 60,000 people but infect samui has more then double in permanent residents and over 1,000,000 tourist a year. so infact per capita Samui is much lower then any other destination.

to be fair i must mention that in another stats murder by fire arms Thailand ranks three.

to clarify: while Thailand in crime rate is below many western countries per capita, when murders do occur in Thailand they are more likely to be with a firearm.

i totally agree with you that gun control laws in Thailand while exist, are not enforced. and there are many people who have guns illegally.

the first step to reduce this is for the police to enforce gun control laws and heavy penalty and jail time to those who carry guns with out a permit.

i disagrea there should be more lisenced fire arms and more easily approved not just for self defense but for sport also.

i mean what sorte of an idiot is going to shoot someone with a lisenced firearm.

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These two guys that were caught for the rape, were not executed in January 2006, afaik, they're still somewhere in a Thai jail.

Am i mixing two incidents that happened at a similar time? I know around this same time there was a 7 year old Swedish girl that got raped in a hotel in chong moen. Byt hotel staff actually. Was it that guy that got killed immideatly?

I can be confusing things up, there where a few serious incidents within months.

Or was it just the word they quickly wanted out that they gave them death penalty, to show tourists that they look serious at this? I know newspapers showed their pictures and said they got deathpenalty. They also confesed the crime so they where without any doubt guilty.

no Mattias you are not mixing it up. they were given the death sentence however they're still in Jail pending execution or mercy from the king.

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Just heard that there was another shooting last night, this time involving ferang....

Great, just what Samui needs, :o but perhaps deserves?? :D this is a horribly violent, lawless, mafia controlled place....money and violence are the overt and only law on Samui.

well it seems it may be your feeling but hence nothing to do with reality. not the first time by the way.

I do understand and know the US law (your previous post ) and the Thai law and spent many many years studying and still do.

you are quick to make an assumptive deceleration based on a rumor. the above was here say and no facts or record have been presented.

if you would have bothered to read previous posts you would see that Samui and Thailand are infect one of the safest places to live on this planet. and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

it is obvious from your posts that you really don't like Samui. you have a choice. you don't need to come here and if you are not here don't lecture us how you feel about this place some of us call Home..

Really, most crime goes unreported and unrecorded all for the sake off tourism and face

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I'm happy to see that you Samui guys aren't falling back on BS like "It happens everywhere in the world" like some around here often do. Good job.

Back to the topic - why doesn't any of this ever end up on YouTube? With all those tourists and camera phones around you'd think one of these days they would.

beg to differ

it does happens every where in the world any where in night life venues. it is not BS... as Samuians have no obligation to have higher morals just because a bunch of farrangs presume that Samui should be a utopia.

While i consider this violent act as a terrible waist... and i strongly appose this violence. i am also aware that this is human nature to be stupidly violent.

and for a fact ....in comparison Samui is very very peaceful compared with any western destination.

but before all our anti "Everything Thailand" friends accuse me of not producing the facts

here is the crime rate stats for countries:


surprisingly new zealand. Finland and Denmark and the UK are very dangerous places to live.

before i look at your statisics can u tell me that the crime in our countries is proportional to the space.

i mean samui is a small island is there alot of killings compared to other islands of this size

well do look at the satsitics... :o

they are based on Capita.

i don't believe that Samui is in any worse shape then any other destination or island in the world.

you must remember that Samui as a destination has a registered residents of nearly 60,000 people but infect samui has more then double in permanent residents and over 1,000,000 tourist a year. so infact per capita Samui is much lower then any other destination.

to be fair i must mention that in another stats murder by fire arms Thailand ranks three.

to clarify: while Thailand in crime rate is below many western countries per capita, when murders do occur in Thailand they are more likely to be with a firearm.

i totally agree with you that gun control laws in Thailand while exist, are not enforced. and there are many people who have guns illegally.

the first step to reduce this is for the police to enforce gun control laws and heavy penalty and jail time to those who carry guns with out a permit.

our statistics are worthless mr. spock...the vast majority of crime here goes unreported and/or the authorities are part of. perhaps you have not been here to long and/or do not know too much about Thailand because of that, but if you are here long you will learn that is the truth. :D

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I have been here a very, very long time... long enough to know that Thailand is no different from any other country.

I have been here long enough to know that Samui is no different from any other tourist destination in the world and that where ever there are tourists there are also crimes against tourists.

I have been her long enough to know that Samui is no different in its night life from any other night life venue in the world that hosts so many tourists. and that when you mix young hot minded youngsters with a lot of alcohol there is bound to be trouble and sometimes even violence.

I have been here long enough to see that Samui is no different from any other destination where the average tourists are extremely rich compared to the locals. (some of them walking around and flashing what is a yearly salary of a local in the pocket when they go out for drinks.) and are then targeted by locals who try to scam, cheat, fraud, extort or any other method of getting quick money.

if you think Samui is dangerous you probably have never been to south or central america. Brazil is a famous tourist destination and the crime rate there is unbearable.. still more and more tourist go there.

in other countries as well not all the crime are reported or recorded because of many reasons, one being the police interest to show crime rates are down.

so the taking into consideration that not all crimes are reported in all countries then the statistics do show some form of crime comparatives.

i understand that for most of us living on small island with a relatively small community it seems that every violent act or shooting is a tragedy.( and right fully so).

but those who come here to visit who live in other countries don't really care... for them Thailand is still a relatively safe and secure place.

back to the topic of the shooting. baring all the above, as many others have posted as well,the recommendation in Samui as anywhere else in the world for tourists is to behave safely. stay away from conflicts, don't look for trouble and don't stick your head where its not your business.

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I have been here long enough to see that Samui is no different from any other destination where the average tourists are extremely rich compared to the locals.

I think better to refer to them as guest workers from the mainland.

The local Samue has more money than the average expat.

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I have been here a very, very long time... long enough to know that Thailand is no different from any other country.

I have been here long enough to know that Samui is no different from any other tourist destination in the world and that where ever there are tourists there are also crimes against tourists.

I have been her long enough to know that Samui is no different in its night life from any other night life venue in the world that hosts so many tourists. and that when you mix young hot minded youngsters with a lot of alcohol there is bound to be trouble and sometimes even violence.

I have been here long enough to see that Samui is no different from any other destination where the average tourists are extremely rich compared to the locals. (some of them walking around and flashing what is a yearly salary of a local in the pocket when they go out for drinks.) and are then targeted by locals who try to scam, cheat, fraud, extort or any other method of getting quick money.

if you think Samui is dangerous you probably have never been to south or central america. Brazil is a famous tourist destination and the crime rate there is unbearable.. still more and more tourist go there.

in other countries as well not all the crime are reported or recorded because of many reasons, one being the police interest to show crime rates are down.

so the taking into consideration that not all crimes are reported in all countries then the statistics do show some form of crime comparatives.

i understand that for most of us living on small island with a relatively small community it seems that every violent act or shooting is a tragedy.( and right fully so).

but those who come here to visit who live in other countries don't really care... for them Thailand is still a relatively safe and secure place.

back to the topic of the shooting. baring all the above, as many others have posted as well,the recommendation in Samui as anywhere else in the world for tourists is to behave safely. stay away from conflicts, don't look for trouble and don't stick your head where its not your business.

oh thank you master spock :o ...the fact is that Thailand is a Horribly dangerous place and that most, the vast majority of crime is not reported...due in large part to the rampent corruption here. And we are not talking about other countries...only you are. And YOU sir have NO idea where I have been. Brazil, yep, can be dangerous...have you ever been to westside Oakland, California? or Southcentral Los Angeles? But again, we are not talking about other places, that is a distraction from the discussion which concerns the ANOTHER shooting at Soi Mango and how very dangerous Thailand/Samui is.

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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

Precisely underlining the point that many of these incidents are not being reported. I have personally seen an in house video of this incident and can assure you that it DID occur. Whether it gets reported or not remains to be seen!


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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

Thai Rath (sp?) newspaper 26. Oct had the Chaweng shooting/killing on the frontpage with picture of the alleged perpetrator. I can't read Thai but we still have the paper at home, hope that's enough proof. If that can be missed by the TV community then (smaller) articles about other incidents might have been overlooked too.

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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

Thai Rath (sp?) newspaper 26. Oct had the Chaweng shooting/killing on the frontpage with picture of the alleged perpetrator. I can't read Thai but we still have the paper at home, hope that's enough proof. If that can be missed by the TV community then (smaller) articles about other incidents might have been overlooked too.

Can you scan it?

Someone might be nice to translate.

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Just heard that there was another shooting last night, this time involving ferang....

Great, just what Samui needs, :o but perhaps deserves?? :D this is a horribly violent, lawless, mafia controlled place....money and violence are the overt and only law on Samui.

my advise: Stay away!

it's very dangerous here, really shooters on every bar, every evening, all week, month after month!

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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

Precisely underlining the point that many of these incidents are not being reported. I have personally seen an in house video of this incident and can assure you that it DID occur. Whether it gets reported or not remains to be seen!


Actually, my point was that these incidents do get reported in the Thai language press. And so it has, according to longtom.

It is up to the English language newspapers to pick up this news, and it seems to me that perhaps they feel Thai on Thai violence, even in touristic areas, is not interesting enough news to have translated or reported upon. Most of the major networks and Thai language newspapers appear to have reporters out in the provinces, while, at least it seems to me from the dearth of reporting, the English language newspapers don't bother.

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The article is too large to scan so I tried with the camera, but with rather poor results I must say. :o If undecipherable let me know and I'll try again. What took so long is my crappy internet connection, must have a word with TOT's legendary customer service.



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another fatal shooting (or several if subsequent reports are to be believed) that so far has apparently not been reported in any press? Or does no one here read the Thai newspapers as generally this kind of violence is reported in the Thai press.

Precisely underlining the point that many of these incidents are not being reported. I have personally seen an in house video of this incident and can assure you that it DID occur. Whether it gets reported or not remains to be seen!


Actually, my point was that these incidents do get reported in the Thai language press. And so it has, according to longtom.

It is up to the English language newspapers to pick up this news, and it seems to me that perhaps they feel Thai on Thai violence, even in touristic areas, is not interesting enough news to have translated or reported upon. Most of the major networks and Thai language newspapers appear to have reporters out in the provinces, while, at least it seems to me from the dearth of reporting, the English language newspapers don't bother.

Unfortunately the english speaking local "press" ie. Samui Express , did get hold of the story and what a marvelous piece of investigative journalism it was. The guy who was shot dead was a local lad (Samui based) and this is fact.

However, according to the Samui Express; "Seven young men from Bangkok came to Samui to have fun". Amongst the seven was the son of a Democratic member of parliament who luckily was in the toilet when his six companions were gunned down outside the "Sweet Zone" pub ( 'SOUL' I assume ) by a gang of Samui youths following an earlier altercation that resulted in the death of "one of them" (being the fun seeking Bangkokians , by inference at the very least , although the victims name was published).

How this piece of dross can even be considered for publication is beyond me. Were there no secondary sources for their information to be ratified before publication or was their information obtained from a translation of the official police report of the incident ? (as previously used an excuse by Samui Express for an inept piece of reporting )

Surely not , not with such a close connection between an innocent toilet-using victim and an upstanding Member of Parliament ................

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Sorry, I meant the Bangkok Post or the Nation. Didn't realize Samui Express was considered a newspaper.

I think you've missed the point. The incident reported (by whoever) is obviously being swept under the carpet due to the political connections. Obviously my grammar was correct and your inability to question spellings , punctuation , grammar , etc has resulted in your purile comment. Stick to the point or start a new thread "Is Samui Express worthy of press status ? "

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Sorry, I meant the Bangkok Post or the Nation. Didn't realize Samui Express was considered a newspaper.

I think you've missed the point. The incident reported (by whoever) is obviously being swept under the carpet due to the political connections. Obviously my grammar was correct and your inability to question spellings , punctuation , grammar , etc has resulted in your purile comment. Stick to the point or start a new thread "Is Samui Express worthy of press status ? "

Wow, what an aggressive and insulting post. Actually, I was unclear in my original post when I stated local english newspapers and should really have just said English language newspapers. You presume too much and really need to learn to tone down the poor attitude.

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Sorry, I meant the Bangkok Post or the Nation. Didn't realize Samui Express was considered a newspaper.

I think you've missed the point. The incident reported (by whoever) is obviously being swept under the carpet due to the political connections. Obviously my grammar was correct and your inability to question spellings , punctuation , grammar , etc has resulted in your purile comment. Stick to the point or start a new thread "Is Samui Express worthy of press status ? "

Wow, what an aggressive and insulting post. Actually, I was unclear in my original post when I stated local english newspapers and should really have just said English language newspapers. You presume too much and really need to learn to tone down the poor attitude.

Sbk you are a good Mod. Stay focussed and don't rise to the bait!

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oh thank you master spock :o ...the fact is that Thailand is a Horribly dangerous place and that most, the vast majority of crime is not reported...due in large part to the rampent corruption here. And we are not talking about other countries...only you are. And YOU sir have NO idea where I have been. Brazil, yep, can be dangerous...have you ever been to westside Oakland, California? or Southcentral Los Angeles? But again, we are not talking about other places, that is a distraction from the discussion which concerns the ANOTHER shooting at Soi Mango and how very dangerous Thailand/Samui is.

i fail to understand your logic of reason :D

first you said that Samui is full of mafia and really dangerous. to which for yours and others benefit i have prooved wrong with facts...

second you claim that Samui is a violent place for tourists and that i have not been here long enough to to know . to which again i replied with examples of very dangerous places and you your self contributed a few more proving that Samui relatively to other destinations is safer.

then you say that its not reported... when it is, and on the front page....

so let me make my point clear...

Every where in the world there are dangers and violent acts..

In Samui and Thailand there is less crime then other places making it, in general ,a safer place to be then in other places.

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Sorry, I meant the Bangkok Post or the Nation. Didn't realize Samui Express was considered a newspaper.

I think you've missed the point. The incident reported (by whoever) is obviously being swept under the carpet due to the political connections. Obviously my grammar was correct and your inability to question spellings , punctuation , grammar , etc has resulted in your purile comment. Stick to the point or start a new thread "Is Samui Express worthy of press status ? "

Wow, what an aggressive and insulting post. Actually, I was unclear in my original post when I stated local english newspapers and should really have just said English language newspapers. You presume too much and really need to learn to tone down the poor attitude.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !

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