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How Much Do You Tip?


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20-40THB is about right for restaurants - 10-20THB in a bar.

Da.n stingy pommies... :o:D

:D Well in my miserly defense I normally dont stay too long in one place, however if its the Blues Factory- the 100THB notes do come out. :D As for the better restuarants that the bill happens to approach 2000THB- they are tipped accordingly. But for the most part the above standards do win out!!!

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:o Tipping? A nasty habit, probably originated in the states, where greedy restaurant owners didn't like paying the staff a living wage, thus, leaving them to rely on charitable diners to pay them.

Question: Do you tip if there is a service charge included on the check? :D

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I tend to over tip, especially when I'm drinking,

I always put it directly in the hand of the server, if you leave it on the plate it's then supposed to be divided among all the employees at the end of the day, but from what I've been told, most of it goes in the pocket of the owner, and very little trickles down to the employee(s), :o

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:o Tipping? A nasty habit, probably originated in the states, where greedy restaurant owners didn't like paying the staff a living wage, thus, leaving them to rely on charitable diners to pay them.

Question: Do you tip if there is a service charge included on the check? :D

No I <deleted> don't!!! Very sorry that the waiter/waitress may not be getting anything due to greedy establishments but I'll be buggered if I'm being made to pay a service charge and then feel obliged to have to tip again on top.

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Up to me!

I tip whatever and whenever I feel like it. Sometimes it's a little. Sometimes it's a lot. Sometimes it's nothing at all.

Depends on the situation, the service, the person providing the service, the amount of enjoyment at the place I'm at, what time of year it is, and so on. That goes for LoS or anywhere else.

On average for LoS in taxis, restaurants and bars, at the very least I will round up to a paper note quantity. Although if I've spent money for a few girls' drinks in a "buy me drink" bar, then that is already my tip.

In my favorite place on Soi Cowboy, I will sit and have some drinks with the mama-san. If I and they are hungry, then I'll order a few plates of food. As far as I'm concerned that is better and more appreciated than a bit of cash baht.

I'm still inexperienced in the Thai ways, but that seems to work for me.


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In restaurants, I don't normally leave tips, why should I? This isn't the USA, thank God.

In my experience in Thailand, most restaurants laugh at farang who think they ought to give a tip and look all confused asking how much of a tip should they leave. In a restaurant my wife used to own, I used to listen and watch the staff laugh at whatever a group of tourists did. They appreciated the large tips but thought, what a bunch of nutters leaving such tips. One young girl who did the dishwashing got a 100 baht tip and was very embarrased. She never did dare to tell her family that she got 100 baht tip from someone, they would, of course, suspect something.

I do, occassionly leave a 50 baht tip if the waitress looks after my kid when my wife and I are trying to eat. This is roughly what she earns in 6 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can tell the waiters/watresses who are being nice out of niceness, from the ones who see a white face and just want a tip, and take the piss. The latter I give bugger all. I let them make a fool of themselves first!

Sometimes I can't believe some people when after you let them know that you have been resident in Thailand for some number of years, they still treat you like you have only been here a couple of years and still don't know the ways of things.

I have had golf caddies who have asked for more of a tip than 100B, fckin nerve! :o I swiftly took back what I had originally given them. All those farang that leave tips of 200++ Baht, make it bad for us that can't afford that much. Most Thais don't leave anything, I repeat, most Thais don't leave anything!

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Usually about 20 baht in bars or if the service is good in a restaurant some money directly to the waitress

But a friend of mine who suffered for years with a bad neck and spent hundreds of pounds on chiropractors, went to a disco a couple of years ago and got the usual shoulder massage whilst trying to take a pee.

The following day he had no pain his neck, one month later still no pain so he went back found the guy and tipped him 5000

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Usually about 20 baht in bars or if the service is good in a restaurant some money directly to the waitress

But a friend of mine who suffered for years with a bad neck and spent hundreds of pounds on chiropractors, went to a disco a couple of years ago and got the usual shoulder massage whilst trying to take a pee.

The following day he had no pain his neck, one month later still no pain so he went back found the guy and tipped him 5000

Excellent. :D Must've been great for the farang with the neck after all those years of pain and equally as good for the Thai...love it :o

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:o Tipping? A nasty habit, probably originated in the states, where greedy restaurant owners didn't like paying the staff a living wage, thus, leaving them to rely on charitable diners to pay them.

Question: Do you tip if there is a service charge included on the check? :D

No I <deleted> don't!!! Very sorry that the waiter/waitress may not be getting anything due to greedy establishments but I'll be buggered if I'm being made to pay a service charge and then feel obliged to have to tip again on top.

I dont mind leaving a tip if the food is good, the service good and then its usually no more than 30 baht. Usually around 20. But there is no ###### way i will leave a tip when they are cheeky enough to put a service charge.

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Usually about 20 baht in bars or if the service is good in a restaurant some money directly to the waitress

But a friend of mine who suffered for years with a bad neck and spent hundreds of pounds on chiropractors, went to a disco a couple of years ago and got the usual shoulder massage whilst trying to take a pee.

The following day he had no pain his neck, one month later still no pain so he went back found the guy and tipped him 5000

Thats a nice story, although i myself find those guys pretty annoying as I usally like to a have a discreet fart while i am having a slash ( he couldn't do anything about my shoulder)

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My partner won't let me tip 10%, more like 5%.

Last night in Mae Hong Son, the bill for 9 of us came to 905 baht. I paid 1005 baht and the waitress brought back the 100 baht change in small bills and coins. I asked my tour guide (a former waiter there) and he said the infamous, "Up to you." I hate that. I left 50 baht, which is 5%. As a former waiter myself (and father of a current waitress), I would have left at least 15%, but the Thai people at the table (Shan/tai-yai) wouldn't have permitted it.

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I allways tip in restaurants and bars that I frequent in Khonkaen and give the money directly to the waiter/waitress.

One bar in KK I go to, by the time I have sat down, I have Bkk post on table, stubbie of ice cold Heinekin in cooler and fan turned in my direction, all this with a minimum of fuss.

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I tried to tip my usual 10% at the end of a meal...but my Thai hosts laughed and said it was much to much!

What is the correct amount and how much do you tip?

Tip nothing, and I mean lets have a look at the bill of fare, 10% for this and 5% for that and another % for something else and in addition you want to tip.

Gives me a break.

It is just another bad American custom that should stay in America. :o

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In restaurants, I don't normally leave tips, why should I? This isn't the USA, thank God.

In my experience in Thailand, most restaurants laugh at farang who think they ought to give a tip and look all confused asking how much of a tip should they leave. In a restaurant my wife used to own, I used to listen and watch the staff laugh at whatever a group of tourists did. They appreciated the large tips but thought, what a bunch of nutters leaving such tips. One young girl who did the dishwashing got a 100 baht tip and was very embarrased. She never did dare to tell  her family that she got 100 baht tip from someone, they would, of course, suspect something.

I do, occassionly leave a 50 baht tip if the waitress looks after my kid when my wife and I are trying to eat. This is roughly what she earns in 6 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can  tell the waiters/watresses who are being nice out of niceness, from the ones who see a white face and just want a tip, and take the piss. The latter I give bugger all. I let them make a fool of themselves first!

Sometimes I can't believe some people when after you let them know that you have been resident in Thailand for some number of years, they still treat you like you have only been here a couple of years and still don't know the ways of things.

I have had golf caddies who have asked for more of a tip than 100B, fckin nerve! :o  I swiftly took back what I had originally given them. All those farang that leave tips of 200++ Baht, make it bad for us that can't afford that much. Most Thais don't leave anything, I repeat, most Thais don't leave anything!

What a sad attitude to go through life with,a lot of waitress's are on there first job in life,and are probably a little shy to be open and friendly,and your wrong with your last comment,most Thais leave something.I asked a friend who works in a MK in Bangkok,which has mainly Thai patrons,she told me Thai's left B20 on avarage

Do you go back to the same restaurant,what service do you get?

I have been living here on and off for nearly 18 years,and I don't think I have ever not left a tip in a restaurant.

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I think tipping in percentages is a US invention, I would agree not ever to attempt that in Thailand.

I leave the coins. I rarely tip over 10 baht. If I get the feeling that bars or restaurants deliberately return a lot of coins then I take all of them: no tip.

Hotel: I may leave 20 baht when checking out. Definitely not per day.

And you know what? I'm not even being cheap. Please everyone, adjust your reality, or rather your perception of it.



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I leave the coins. I rarely tip over 10 baht.  If I get the feeling that bars or restaurants deliberately return a lot of coins then I take all of them: no tip.

And you know what?  I'm not even being cheap.  Please everyone, adjust your reality, or rather your perception of it.

Yes you are being cheap ! Even the parking attendants get 10 baht usually.

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I cant believe that some people on here dont tip here in LOS.

Do you know how much some of these people earn a month? Lets look at it this way. If you get good service and the food is good. Then why not tip the waiter/waitress. I have friends that work in a one of the busiest bars on Khao San rd. They earn 3500 to 4000 baht a month. They rely on tips to boost their salary. If the service and food is <deleted> then dont tip but if these are good. Then dont be a miserable ######er. 10 or 20 baht is ###### all. But to these people its a lot when they get a few tips a day. By the way my friends work 6 days a week 12 hours a day. just think about it the next time you are gonna walk away after a good meal and a few beers.

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A waiter/waitress makes as salary about as much as a cashier in carrefour, Tesco etc. If I feel their salaries are too low, should I tip?

What about the staff wrapping up the groceries in the supermarkets?

Every morning my garbage is collected, should I tip them because their salary is too low?

This could go on endless.

What about a minister in the government in LoS? Their salary is by far too low compared with their colleagues in other countries. Should I feel sorry for them?

Sure don't be miser, but neither try to give more than commonly done.

Very often a small amount and a big, smiling thank you is more appreciated than throwing the 100-Baht-notes around.

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quote "What a sad attitude to go through life with,a lot of waitress's are on there first job in life,and are probably a little shy to be open and friendly,and your wrong with your last comment,most Thais leave something.I asked a friend who works in a MK in Bangkok,which has mainly Thai patrons,she told me Thai's left B20 on avarage

Do you go back to the same restaurant,what service do you get?

I have been living here on and off for nearly 18 years,and I don't think I have ever not left a tip in a restaurant." QUOET

I am sorry mr bartender but I stand by my last comment. Most Thais don't/can't afford to eat in MK. For those wealthy MK/KFC/NFL eaters, waht is 20 baht? An average of 20 B also means that some Thais leave more. Mmmmm. I don't think so! I go back to the same restaurants and get on very well with the staff. They treat me as a normal customer, not some rich foreigner who thinks that they need extra money. You must have been staying "off" longer than "on" over the past 18 years. Lets here from those who know about Thai culture, ie long term satayers, or Thais. I agree with Chanchao and Axel, they always sound as though they know what they are talking about.

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10 baht= 13p

20 baht= 26p

i understand that if you frequent the same restaurant or bar all the time. Then tipping all the time soon adds up. But come on. If you have good food and service then why not tip at least now and then. As for Thais not tipping this is untrue. Many of my Thai friends will tip. Even if its the loose change. its better than nothing. And they say the Scottish are tight.

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Geez you guys are hard! :o

Anyway, personal opinions aside of what YOU do, I usually round up to the next paper denomination. Aside from that, 20 to 50Baht is fine.

I often eat out with 12 others, and I advise them to put in 10-20 Baht EACH if the service has been good.

Come on. The poorest of us are rich compared to these kids working in restaurants. Have a bit of spirit and make their day by leaving a decent tip for decent work. :D

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I tip,I dont even think about.If your happy not to its up to you.

As somebody says the wage for these people is extremly low.When you pull out a wad of notes to pay the bill in a restaurant,then pick up the last B10,whats that 13p, 25 cents .20euro just ask yourself how you would feel if you were in their position.

Even if you live here on a pension from your home country, your income is far above most middle class Thais

The argument about other industries does not stand,as every job has its perks,I'm sure supermarket staff get to take home food much cheaper,dustman recycle for extra cash,politicians have there perks and the list could go on

And on the subject of MK

" The MK restaurant chain in Thailand is much larger than McDonald’s. In Bangkok alone, they have 90 outlets,” explains Mr Lee.'"

Hardly a niche place for middle class Thais,and catering mainly to Thais,mostly Thais who tip something.

Even chanchao says he leaves something,so you contradict yourself if you say you listen to him.

Over the last 18 years I have lived here 10 years,thats enouth experince for me to know what I'm talking about.

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Geez you guys are hard!  :o

Anyway, personal opinions aside of what YOU do, I usually round up to the next paper denomination.  Aside from that, 20 to 50Baht is fine. 

I often eat out with 12 others, and I advise them to put in 10-20 Baht EACH if the service has been good. 

Come on.  The poorest of us are rich compared to these kids working in restaurants.  Have a bit of spirit and make their day by leaving a decent tip for decent work.  :D


I tip,I dont even think about.If your happy not to its up to you.

As somebody says the wage for these people is extremly low.When you pull out a wad of notes to pay the bill in a restaurant,then pick up the last B10,whats that 13p, 25 cents .20euro just ask yourself how you would  feel if you were in their position.

Even if you live here on a pension from your home country, your income is far above most  middle class Thais

The argument about other industries does not stand,as every job has its perks,I'm sure supermarket staff get to take home food much cheaper,dustman recycle for extra cash,politicians have there perks and the list could go on

  And on the subject of MK

" The MK restaurant chain in Thailand is much larger than McDonald’s. In Bangkok alone, they have 90 outlets,” explains Mr Lee.'"

Hardly a niche place for middle class Thais,and catering mainly to Thais,mostly Thais who tip something.

Even chanchao says he leaves something,so you contradict yourself if you say you listen to him.

Over the last 18 years I have lived here 10 years,thats enouth experince for me to know what I'm talking about.

Here, here. Some people are so ###### tight that they squeak when they walk. :D:D

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I tip,I dont even think about.If your happy not to its up to you.

As somebody says the wage for these people is extremly low.When you pull out a wad of notes to pay the bill in a restaurant,then pick up the last B10,whats that 13p, 25 cents .20euro just ask yourself how you would feel if you were in their position.

Even if you live here on a pension from your home country, your income is far above most middle class Thais

The argument about other industries does not stand,as every job has its perks,I'm sure supermarket staff get to take home food much cheaper,dustman recycle for extra cash,politicians have there perks and the list could go on

And on the subject of MK

" The MK restaurant chain in Thailand is much larger than McDonald’s. In Bangkok alone, they have 90 outlets,” explains Mr Lee.'"

Hardly a niche place for middle class Thais,and catering mainly to Thais,mostly Thais who tip something.

Even chanchao says he leaves something,so you contradict yourself if you say you listen to him.

Over the last 18 years I have lived here 10 years,thats enouth experince for me to know what I'm talking about.

If you can afford to jet-set around the world then the average Thai waitress will think you very very rich. I think you are very very rich - keep tipping.

I do tip even though in the last 12 years I have only been able to visit my "home" 2 short times and had to borrow the cash. People on a pension that I know get much more than I, about twice, three times as much.

You don't get to know the real Thailand by eating in MK.

When I was 15, I worked as a dishwasher in a high-class Italian restaurant in the UK. I got bugger all tips. I never expected them. BUT, if Japanese(for example) tourists/expats started throwing heaps of money at me I would have gladly accepted, but probably slagged them off.

I bet you have never lived on a bunch of bananas and a loaf of bread a day, or a couple of packs of mama noodles. Ever had to wait for the 2.5Baht bus as you couldn't afford the 3.5 one?

Why do you think all expats are rich?

Yeah, I should give the waitress in my local reat. a 20 baht tip when the meal costs 15 Baht??

10%? 1.5baht? Get real!

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