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Police force can't live without taking bribes

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The Thai government should learn from Singapore and Malaysia on how to tackle corruption.

In Malaysia, they have a government law enforcement agency, called the ACA (Anti Corruption Agency). The public could lodge complaints to this agency. They will investigate, lay a trap, make an arrest, charged in court, and if found guilty sent to jail (mandatory). This year alone, many policemen, civil servants, government servants, and etc were convicted and sent to prison. As a result the cases of corruption in these two countries are under control. Sad to say that in Los, corruption has become a way of life. Thailand should take a cue from it's southern neighbours. ???


They have something similar in the Philipines - Anti Graft Ant Corruption Agency - went to a part with its commander once many moons ago at their head quaters. Don't know how succesful it is though.

About 5 years ago Thailand went through this - due to IMF pressure I believe. It seemed every day another politician was being exposed - his assets printed all over the paper with legit income against outgoings. Just seemed to stop.

The major reason for the police corruption in Thailand is that the pay is so low, nobody could live on it. Whats more, the police have to buy their own uniforms, guns, motorbikes, etc. Thus, the only way they can make a living is by corruption. The government know this, although I was surprise not to see it mentioned in the article george posted.

Almost every law enforcement agency in the world is under paid.Are claim to be. The starting salrey of a LOS Policeman is still 3 to 5x highter than what the average non government employees makes. There are also benfits that add to the pay pkg, such as housing,medical ins, vaccation , and holidays off.

When is was first employee in law enforcement in the USA, I was told to apply for food stamps. The head of the department felt that this was a part of the pay pkg. don't excuse and justify corrup behavior. for lack of pay. the marjority of the corruption go to the top men , who earn excelent saleries. Thai citzens deserve honest police who they can rely on. to protect and to serve. One should not become a policeman, teacher, or medical professional , inorder to get rich. If you want to be rich go into business,


"The major reason for the police corruption in Thailand is that the pay is so low"-give me a tissue.

Claims they rake in at least B36.4bn a year (almost 1 billion Bucks)

Assuming there are 240,000 LOS plods and the kitty is approx. B1$US (give or take a couple of Billion-heck its only t-money)and fairly distributed among the lads that works out at roughly near as dammit $4,000 a pop.

Again with the buying power in ratio with US/UK again at approx 15:1 on a basic 20bt an hour/£4-50 NMW (hey some countries would envey that)then the average Boy in brown is on a backhander-sorry performance bonus of $US 60K a year.

Its no wonder that its considered a good wee job.

On the point of having to buy their "gear""guns and motorbikes -patrol cars" all the Bangers finest I have known / spoken to say the the "sunshine Boys " supply it all...so


I've had some experience of the "underworld" of Thai police and it is pretty grim. They don't get much sympathy from me. However, if you want to stop them being corrupt, salaries are going to have to rise. The government has acknologed this. There were a couple of articles in the BKK Post a few months back.

The most successful agency is the Hong Kong's " I C A C "

(Independent Commission Anti Corruption). They are professionals, well trained, and they carry arms, and carry ' shoot-out ' if necessary for self defence. As a result many polce officers and civil servants resigned voluntarily. Some were convicted and sent to prison. A few of the ICAC team came to Malaysia to conduct seminars on how to combat corruption, and also to exchange ideas. Because of these agencies, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia have kept corruption well under control. Los should have taken a cue from these successful countries or Los do not want, for reasons best known to them. ???

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