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Cracked Skin


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a couple of nights ago whilst drying between my toes I managed to split (crack) the skin at the base of my little toe.

It might not sound like much but it's at least as deep as the Grand Canyon and it hurts like buggery.

Any ideas how to get it healed up quickly would be appreciated. :o

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a couple of nights ago whilst drying between my toes I managed to split (crack) the skin at the base of my little toe.

It might not sound like much but it's at least as deep as the Grand Canyon and it hurts like buggery.

Any ideas how to get it healed up quickly would be appreciated. :o


I got rid of mine (lot of itching and cracked skin) following one of the suggestions in this forum: Lymarin cream, 5 gr tube, 99 baht in any pharmacy.

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a couple of nights ago whilst drying between my toes I managed to split (crack) the skin at the base of my little toe..........

This is a classic description of "Athletes Foot" caused by a fungal infection.

There are many over-the counter medications to treat this condition, but most "specialists" agree the best medication currently available is Terbinafine Hydrochloride sold in various forms (cream, liquid, etc.) under the tradename LAMISIL . Cost will run approximately $10-$20 (US) for 2 week supply. Treatment is relatively simple, usually involving washing, drying and applying the antifungal cream or liquid to affected area twice-a-day for a 2-3 week period.

If the fungal infection has spread to the toe-nail root, a more agressive treatment involving prescription Lamisil tablets and physician monitiring, may be warrented. In this case, you would take 1 Lamisil tablet each day for 90 days. As the oral Lamisil can effect liver functions in a small minority of people, your doctor should check your liver function before beginning treatment and every 30-45 days once treatment starts. The cost for the 90 pills used in this treatment can be quite expensive, ranging from around £200 in UK to $1,000 in US.

Many other over-the-counter antifungal medications, containing Miconazole Nitrate or Tolnaftate are also quite effective in treating milder cases of the fungus.

If home treatment utilizing over-the-counter products is not effective, then you should seek professional advice and treatment from a qualified doctor.


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kurgen - Just so its clear...the $1,000 dollar cost mentioned earlier is for the prescription Lamisil treatment where you have fungus in either your toenails or finger nails themselves. (This fungus infection does not respond well to topical treatments.)

For most common Athletes Foot fungi involving the skin, the liquid or cream Lamisil is currently the fastest and most effective over-the-counter medication. Costs $10-$20 per tube (depending on size).

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