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Pad Rallies At British Embassy In Bangkok


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Suvit resigns as Puea Pandin party leader

source: Bangkok Post online Oct 30 (approx 5 pm)

Suvit Khunkitti decided Thursday to step down as leader of Puea Pandin party and party member.

Mr Suvit submitted his resignation letter to party's secretary-general. The resignation is effective immediately.

According to the letter, Mr Suvit said he disagrees with the use of force to disperse anti-government protesters on Oct 7, which left two people dead and more than 400 injured.

He also said he does not support the government's move to amend the charter as it cannot state which articles must be altered and for whom they would benefit.

He also said in the letter that he does not agree with the government's move on Preah Vihear matter.

He then thanked party members for their support, and said that his resignation would pave the way for executive members to select new party leader.

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What I find quite surprising is that any westerner would side with any political party in Thailand, there are no "lesser of two evils" over here, both PAD and PPP are corrupt. It is none of our business and we can never change anything here, better just to sit back and enjoy the ride, where ever it leads.

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Just get Thaksin to The Hague and let him be tried there. This is a tribunal for human rights offenders. What ever he is sentenced to there (will be more then 5 years) he has to sit out in The Netherlands.

And that aint a pretty prison.

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The only thing I can see the PAD succeeding at, at this point is making Bangkok traffic worse than it already is and really angering EVERYONE.

'everyone' in this case refers to those residing or working in Bangkok. Along with the many reasons to not live in Bangkok, this exacerbated problem PAD demonstrations mixed with traffic - is yet another.

It's also another reason, in the big picture of things, for Bkk city fathers to start figuring out ways to create 'satellite' cities to relieve the mess known as Bangkok. Not only is it one of the most gridlocked cities on the planet, it's also smog-ridden and rife to be under water in the not-too-distant future.

One of the biggest ironies of it all is Bangkok property prices are very high. It's as though values were predicated to increase in proportion to increases in gridlock, smog and other afflictions of big cities. Farang in particular, if they don't absolutely need to live in the megalopolis, would be well advised to move to more livable cities and towns or, dare I say, 'greener pastures.'

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Just get Thaksin to The Hague and let him be tried there. This is a tribunal for human rights offenders. What ever he is sentenced to there (will be more then 5 years) he has to sit out in The Netherlands.

And that aint a pretty prison.

If my memory serves me right, Thailand is no longer a member of ICJ after loosing the temple to Cambodia. So, Thaksin case can not be accepted.

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great for tourist promotions for the UK market.....

With all the crap and the rate of the pound, the goverment should step in and stop the idiots!!! ...... before it is to late and we lose all tourist trade from the UK

Where did you get the idea that either side of the current power struggle in Bangkok could care less about tourism or specifically from the UK? There are bigger issues and finances at play with longer reaching effects than the tourist industry temporarily going belly up.

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As for the poster who says that 90% of PAD are bought, there seems to be some on this Forum who are disputing your figures. Therefore, it might advance the debate if you could offer us any proof. In any case, they are still campaigning for what they perceive to be a fairer system, so I say let them get on with it!

The GF's whole housing estate in Bangkok have been approached by PAD recruiters, offering them 500b per day if they join the protests, a lot of them have taken the offer and joined in (i have personally witnessed it!) whilst the figure "90%" may be inaccurate, the fact still remains that PAD (who are against a government accused of vote buying) are paying people to join in their protests. Pot calling the kettle black, dontcha think?

Thanks Wolfie - nice to have a first hand report, straight from the horse's (wolf's?) mouth, so to speak. :o

From my father-in-law, who goes to the PAD rallies: 300 Bahts per protester per day of protest. Plus free food and free daily transportation from his province neighboring Bangkok. The mini-bus drivers who shuttle him and his friends get 3000 Bahts per load of protesters.

He mentioned these numbers back in June, maybe the rates have gone up since then.

In any case, 300 or 500 Bahts is a very good wage compared to factory work, 200 Bahts per day for 8 hours, no free food, no sitting around chatting with your mates.

Indeed, it's hard to imagine that most people wouldn't gladly trade a right foot for 300 baht.... but especially 500 baht plus free som tam... afterall, it's just a foot...


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What I find quite surprising is that any westerner would side with any political party in Thailand, there are no "lesser of two evils" over here, both PAD and PPP are corrupt. It is none of our business and we can never change anything here, better just to sit back and enjoy the ride, where ever it leads.

Quite so, much of a muchness. Thailand doesn't yet have the full benefit of western style democracy. Look at the US where the choice is stark, one candidate is promoting the Iraq war and the other the Afghanistan war. Oil or Opium, extend to Syria or Pakistan, decisions, decisions, which group of grubby godless heathens to bomb into the rubble and grant them the joy of liberation.

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What I find quite surprising is that any westerner would side with any political party in Thailand, there are no "lesser of two evils" over here, both PAD and PPP are corrupt. It is none of our business and we can never change anything here, better just to sit back and enjoy the ride, where ever it leads.

Quite so, much of a muchness. Thailand doesn't yet have the full benefit of western style democracy. Look at the US where the choice is stark, one candidate is promoting the Iraq war and the other the Afghanistan war. Oil or Opium, extend to Syria or Pakistan, decisions, decisions, which group of grubby godless heathens to bomb into the rubble and grant them the joy of liberation.

Hi kids ... before we get off track here .... the PAD is not a political party. They have no aspirations that I know of to become one.

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Anti-Government Group Claims Thai PM Involved In Scandal

BANGKOK, Oct 30 (Bernama) -- The five-month struggle to kick out the current government of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's allies has taken on a new twist, with the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) releasing a video of a man resembling current premier Somchai Wongsawat with a young girl.

The video was shown last night at Government House, where the PAD had been holding fort since seizing the building on Aug 26, and still pictures from the video were splashed on the online version of the PAD-linked Manager newspaper.

Somchai, married to Thaksin's sister Yoawapa, refused to comment when asked by reporters Thursday.

But Manager Online, owned by PAD prime-mover Sondhi Limthongkul, said the man in the video looked like the current prime minister and was seen with the girl on two different days in March 2006.

On one occasion, the man was seen taking the young girl to a southern food restaurant named "Pak Tai".

Several days later, he was seen going to a motel in the Charansanitwong area in the capital, Manager Online said, quoting voices in the video which implied that they were following the couple.

Somchai has come under tremendous pressure to resign since assuming the post on Sept 17, two weeks after his predecessor Samak Sundaravej was kicked out by the Constitution Court for violating the constitution after he appeared on a television cooking programme while still in office.

PAD has been staging street demonstrations in the capital since May 25 and took over the prime minister's office at Government House on Aug 26.

Its campaign to oust the current government, which it claimed is a proxy of Thaksin, has gained momentum after the Oct 7 clash with police that led to two deaths and over 500 injured, as well as Thaksin's two-year jail sentence for power abuse by a Thai court last week.

Thaksin is currently living in exile in Britain.

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

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Somchai declines to comment on video clips of his lookalike

Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat Thursday declined to comment on video clips of a person who looks like him and was seen taking a woman into a love motel.

When asked to comment on the video footage, Somchai smiled and walked into the assembly hall at Parliament at 1:45 pm.

The clip was played to the crowd at the Government House.

- The Nation / 2008-10-30

Edited by sriracha john
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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Well 6-7 % and paid in foreign currency and mostly paid for service not for products.

Many services in Pattaya do not need any investment so every Baht is a 100% profit.

If you cut just half of it away of an economy means that it is doomed.

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hey logbag.

have you ever spent time in Thai prison? have u ever step foot in the maximum security in Bangkok? if you have never been there. you should shut the hel_l up. Thai prison if far worse than US prison.---Any US prison---period! as far as human right. there is some, but not much. at least they put roof over you head and feed your sorry ars.

you think they don't beat people up in US prison or UK prison.? HA HA HA u don't know a dame thing do you.

and let me ask you this. why do you think those prisoner are lock up 23 hrs a day in a room that's 8 x 8 ft.? have you ever read the resume of some of these <deleted>#ker? they should get lethal injection in the first place. why life with out parole? why wasteing tax payer money feeding these them.?

Thaksin will never go to Thai jail- never!!! you have no idea what kind of people they are. you are nothing. ab solutely nothing to these people. people disappear everyday, you might just make the statistic if you screw around with these people. you really think your embassey can help you? think again, you are in thailand and subject to thail law - that mean you have no right!!!. International law or human right mean very little when you are playing with these people.

you know, you should take some political science class and test what ever you teach you in class out in the real world. let see where you end up.

I can spot a BBC Correspondent a mile off :o

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What I find quite surprising is that any westerner would side with any political party in Thailand, there are no "lesser of two evils" over here, both PAD and PPP are corrupt. It is none of our business and we can never change anything here, better just to sit back and enjoy the ride, where ever it leads.

Quite so, much of a muchness. Thailand doesn't yet have the full benefit of western style democracy. Look at the US where the choice is stark, one candidate is promoting the Iraq war and the other the Afghanistan war. Oil or Opium, extend to Syria or Pakistan, decisions, decisions, which group of grubby godless heathens to bomb into the rubble and grant them the joy of liberation.

Hi kids ... before we get off track here .... the PAD is not a political party. They have no aspirations that I know of to become one.

Shows my interest level in Thai politics. :o

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

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What I find quite surprising is that any westerner would side with any political party in Thailand, there are no "lesser of two evils" over here, both PAD and PPP are corrupt. It is none of our business and we can never change anything here, better just to sit back and enjoy the ride, where ever it leads.

Quite so, much of a muchness. Thailand doesn't yet have the full benefit of western style democracy. Look at the US where the choice is stark, one candidate is promoting the Iraq war and the other the Afghanistan war. Oil or Opium, extend to Syria or Pakistan, decisions, decisions, which group of grubby godless heathens to bomb into the rubble and grant them the joy of liberation.

Hi kids ... before we get off track here .... the PAD is not a political party. They have no aspirations that I know of to become one.

Shows my interest level in Thai politics. :o

yet your willingness to comment on Thai politics! (You'll fit in well with the Thaksinistas!)

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hey logbag.

have you ever spent time in Thai prison? (snip)

Have You? If so for what crime(s)??

Thai prison if far worse than US prison.---Any US prison---period! (snip)

I assume that means you have been in both US and Thai prisons as a convict? If not then you are just ....

Thaksin will never go to Thai jail- never!!! you have no idea what kind of people they are. you are nothing. ab solutely nothing to these people. people disappear everyday, you might just make the statistic if you screw around with these people. you really think your embassey can help you? think again, you are in thailand and subject to thail law - that mean you have no right!!!. (snip)

Are you stating you have no legal rights in Thailand? Should we assume from that that you do not come here?

you know, you should take some political science class and test what ever you teach you in class out in the real world. let see where you end up.

I think the classes may need to be taken by BOTH of you ...

Thankfully I have not spent time behind bars that I could not leave at the end of a shift. ... but maybe I shouldn't let that bother me and instead comment on ...

but remember ... THIS thread is about the PAD rally today :o

I think they were amazingly orderly considering they were attacked earlier in the day ....

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Please provide photographic evidence of PAD protesters being handed money. There are thousands of cameras there every single day and night. Shouldn't be hard for you anti PAD rumour mongers to provide. Also some one point me to the line the protesters stand in to get their money, I have many friends who go there and they will be upset to learn that everyone else is being paid except for them.

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

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I am sure you are aware that correlation and causation are not the same and that the cause of something cannot be ascertained from a correlation.

(In other words ... that anything in BKK is affecting tourism in the south to a large degree is iffy ... far more likely that people's finances are a bigger issue)

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

Well "thai" people. The educated one, they southern one, YES. But a lot of the buffalos don't care anything but the Baht.

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I am sure you are aware that correlation and causation are not the same and that the cause of something cannot be ascertained from a correlation.

(In other words ... that anything in BKK is affecting tourism in the south to a large degree is iffy ... far more likely that people's finances are a bigger issue)

I agree that the economic crisis is affecting tourism in Thailand the most. Even tho, news channels such as CNN or BBC showing what seems to be violent riots in Bangkok doesn't help either. Some peoples are scared to travel in an unstable country.

Anyway, that's not the point I was trying to make. I was just saying that it's completely false to say that the #1 preoccupation of Thai peoples is the political situation in Bangkok and they don't care about "tourists dollars".

Most Thai peoples actually don't care about all these rivalries and fights for power between politicians. Their lives won't be improved in any ways if the government is overthrown and replaced by another one.

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

the southerners can live without tourists. just their Isaan staff get the problems. And they know well where the money the corrupt politicians steal come from.

It comes from them, it is their money.

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Please provide photographic evidence of PAD protesters being handed money. There are thousands of cameras there every single day and night. Shouldn't be hard for you anti PAD rumour mongers to provide. Also some one point me to the line the protesters stand in to get their money, I have many friends who go there and they will be upset to learn that everyone else is being paid except for them.

I don't think anyone seriously believes individual PAD demonstrators are being paid to protest.

What is widely believed, and in fact cannot be contested, is that PAD has access to very substantial funding indeed.This and its mysterious immunity from being subject to the law has been widely reported, and again isn't seriously disputed.

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

the southerners can live without tourists. just their Isaan staff get the problems. And they know well where the money the corrupt politicians steal come from.

It comes from them, it is their money.

Well, with all the stupid things you say, we can see that you are not part of "the educated ones".

The southerners are the ones who own the hotels, the major tourists related businesses, so actually they are the ones who need the tourists to come spend their money, not the isaan staff.

Anyway, you seem so blinded and convinced by everything the PAD does that there is no point discussing that with you.

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90% of the PAD protesters are also bought. And PAD does not advocate Democracy for all only for the self righteous...get a clue!

This is a big lie, simply

All PAD supporters are there because of their own volition - they are not there simply because someone is paying them to be there.

If you think they are there solely becuase of money then you don't know anything about the PAD and it's agenda and have also - in all probability - never been anywhere near any of the protest sites.

Yes - they CAN receive free food - medical attention and small amounts of money for everyday incidental items - but a lump sum in their pocket to guarantee their continued support - no way -

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Please provide photographic evidence of PAD protesters being handed money. There are thousands of cameras there every single day and night. Shouldn't be hard for you anti PAD rumour mongers to provide. Also some one point me to the line the protesters stand in to get their money, I have many friends who go there and they will be upset to learn that everyone else is being paid except for them.

I don't think anyone seriously believes individual PAD demonstrators are being paid to protest.

What is widely believed, and in fact cannot be contested, is that PAD has access to very substantial funding indeed.This and its mysterious immunity from being subject to the law has been widely reported, and again isn't seriously disputed.

Good point younghusband -

Where does this funding come from?

And why is the PAD - in all respects - immune from being subject to the laws of the land?

The million dollar questions - me thinks -

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I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

Amazing Thailand... NOT...

Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

Well "thai" people. The educated one, they southern one, YES. But a lot of the buffalos don't care anything but the Baht.

Dude, not only you are ignorant, but comments like that shows that you are also elitist and racist...Perfect!!! You're a good little recruit for the PAD.

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