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B Visa For Business Research

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From the US, is it possible to get a B visa for purposes of researching the feasability of starting a new business in Thailand?

If so, what documentation would be asked?

Would a letter from a Thai based business consultant be helpful or required.

If it is possible, would the visa only be good for three months, or is there a way to extend the research phase much longer, as long as one year?

If only three months, what would need to happen to get an extension?

The actual legal formation of the business?

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From the US, is it possible to get a B visa for purposes of researching the feasability of starting a new business in Thailand?
If so, what documentation would be asked?

A Thai company inviting you with their proper papers(Company reg and financials) attached...

Would a letter from a Thai based business consultant be helpful or required.
Just depends on the Consulate. But in most cases it must be a Thai company.
If it is possible, would the visa only be good for three months, or is there a way to extend the research phase much longer, as long as one year?

one year multiple entry visa.

If only three months, what would need to happen to get an extension?
It won't be unless you ask for 3 months.
The actual legal formation of the business?

Limited Company is the best way.


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Thanks very much Sunbelt.

However, I am still unclear on a key point.

The idea would be to do feasibility research for a new, not now existing, business that I would like to create in Thailand.

A year would be plenty to determine whether it was feasible or not, and to form the business if it was a go.

Why would a Thai company invite me with an official letter for something like that?

More to the point, if I proposed my general idea to a company like Sunbelt that does business advising and services, and they were to supply such a letter, would that do the trick?

If not that, can you suggest another solution?

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Why would a Thai company invite me with an official letter for something like that?

We do if you are looking to invest or do research.

More to the point, if I proposed my general idea to a company like Sunbelt that does business advising and services, and they were to supply such a letter, would that do the trick?

Yes. We did it for hundreds of people in 2004 who we felt were sincere.


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