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Foreigner Death Jumps From Airplane With Rucksack


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Pattaya police launch investigation into Italian aviator death

CHONBURI: -- Police in the tourist resort of Pattaya today launched an urgent investigation after an Italian tourist jumped from his light aircraft into the sea.

The Italian man, thought to be in his early forties, is said to have jumped without warning into the sea from a light aircraft he had hired from a local company.

Mr. Uthai Siwaraksawong, an aviator from the company, told police that the Italian man had arrived by car yesterday afternoon, and had asked to look over the aircraft before deciding to hire it.

After rising to around 700 feet, two nautical miles from the Jomtien Yacht Club, the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea, carrying his rucksack with him.

Police, who admit to being baffled by the case, have launched speedboats to search for the aviator.

--TNA 2004-12-05

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well i can honestly say, nothing, absolutely nothing surprises me anymore when i read these posts. Thailand, land of smiles? land of the incredible, bizarre, extreme and downright stupid. The italian in question was obviously part of the crack italian special forces on secondment to the thai army and was practising his lalo. (low altitude low opening) bet he shit his self when his cheese and onion sarnies and bag of walkers came out!! :o

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There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

The Guy in the USA was D. B. Cooper. Nothing of him or his equipment was ever found. A small part of his loot was found in the Columbia River near Portland, Oregon. As far as I know the case is still open.

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:o  What the f!&K? hmmm maybe he thought he had a parachute instead of a rucksack?

Well he was Italian.... maybe the contents of the rucksack was something not, shall we say, quite legal... and he sadly missjudged the height and speed ... :D:D:D

Actually as far as I heard he had actually survived the fall. Very very lucky from 1000ft.

He would have almost certainly had to have landed feet first... but from my perspective as a professional skydiver the mind boggles as to his motive and mind set!!

He was actually a charter passenger and not the pilot. I just wanted to clear that up as the report is a little ambiguous in it's detail. I know the pilot personally and it was a terrifying experience for him. The man gave no warning and suddenly kicked the door off the plane and lept out.

It was a small light aircraft and keeping control of the craft throughout the incident and immediately afterwards took some fortitude.

The 'gentleman' concerned had in fact been asking to charter the plane for a week or so, so that he could use it to go to a local island on a photography trip.

Bearing in mind that we are trying to reestablish some credibility for foreigners in the Pattaya area as we are opening a new Drop Zone down there this is not the sort of behaviour that we would like to see from foreigners!

I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

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Pattaya police launch investigation into Italian aviator death 

CHONBURI: -- Police in the tourist resort of Pattaya today launched an urgent investigation after an Italian tourist jumped from his light aircraft into the sea.

The Italian man, thought to be in his early forties, is said to have jumped without warning into the sea from a light aircraft he had hired from a local company.

Mr. Uthai Siwaraksawong, an aviator from the company, told police that the Italian man had arrived by car yesterday afternoon, and had asked to look over the aircraft before deciding to hire it.

After rising to around 700 feet, two nautical miles from the Jomtien Yacht Club, the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea, carrying his rucksack with him.

Police, who admit to being baffled by the case, have launched speedboats to search for the aviator.

--TNA 2004-12-05

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There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

That was DB Cooper flying from Seattle. Hijacked the plane to Portland - demanded millions and the plane took off again headed east. It was a DC 9 with the rear door. Over eastern Washington 'ol D.B. dons his parachute and jumps.

The authorities did find some of the $$$ but not the majority of it and they never found D.B. :o

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There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

That was DB Cooper flying from Seattle. Hijacked the plane to Portland - demanded millions and the plane took off again headed east. It was a DC 9 with the rear door. Over eastern Washington 'ol D.B. dons his parachute and jumps.

The authorities did find some of the $$$ but not the majority of it and they never found D.B. :D

I remember this case and have read several articles on his chances of surviving the jump. Consensus was it was not survivable. I don't think any of the money ever turned up in circulation. If anyone knows more, I would like to hear it.

This Italian guy is going to give the Thais the wrong impression of farangs. Pretty soon they are going to think we are all a bit off mentally. Oh wait, they already do! :o

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..... the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea....

Or, alternatively, the pilot was showing his Italian customer the sights and tilted the plane a little too much. The Italian leant against the door, which had a faulty catch, and the door burst open causing the unfortunate passenger to fall out. The Thai pilot thought to himself "How the f*** am I going to get away with this? Oh, I know, I'll say that ......"

Just an alternative scenario given the known facts.....

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There was actually a mormon fellow arrested in Utah for the DB cooper case. HE had bragged about the how he could rob a plane in a similar fasion... shortly after spouting off, this DB cooper robber occured. The Utah fellow was military trained and a crap load of money was found in his closet.

There was some evidence that showed that he was DB cooper, but he denied it....

Saw a special about it, wish I could tell you more but it is all a little fuzzy...

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There was actually a mormon fellow arrested in Utah for the DB cooper case. HE had bragged about the how he could rob a plane in a similar fasion...  shortly after spouting off, this DB cooper robber occured. The Utah fellow was military trained and a crap load of money was found in his closet.

  There was some evidence that showed that he was DB cooper, but he denied it.... 

  Saw a special about it, wish I could tell you more but it is all a little fuzzy...

I have seen a short - maybe 5 minutes - "filler" program on either Discovery or History channel about it. They've shown it at least twice recently (last 2 months) on Thai UBC. I don't know why, but I like to think he survived and is living happily somewhere. :o



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:o  What the f!&K? hmmm maybe he thought he had a parachute instead of a rucksack?

Well he was Italian.... maybe the contents of the rucksack was something not, shall we say, quite legal... and he sadly missjudged the height and speed ... :D:D:D

Actually as far as I heard he had actually survived the fall. Very very lucky from 1000ft.

He would have almost certainly had to have landed feet first... but from my perspective as a professional skydiver the mind boggles as to his motive and mind set!!

He was actually a charter passenger and not the pilot. I just wanted to clear that up as the report is a little ambiguous in it's detail. I know the pilot personally and it was a terrifying experience for him. The man gave no warning and suddenly kicked the door off the plane and lept out.

It was a small light aircraft and keeping control of the craft throughout the incident and immediately afterwards took some fortitude.

The 'gentleman' concerned had in fact been asking to charter the plane for a week or so, so that he could use it to go to a local island on a photography trip.

Bearing in mind that we are trying to reestablish some credibility for foreigners in the Pattaya area as we are opening a new Drop Zone down there this is not the sort of behaviour that we would like to see from foreigners!

I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

Sure must be scary scratt i agree.

Did khun Uthai use the cesna or his ultralight ?

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DB Cooper has not been found, he is one of those mysteries that will always remain. He hijacked a plane, got a f*ckload of money, flew to another destination but on the way, he had the plane lower its altitude, he used his parachute and jumped out. Some of the money washed up on the shores of the Columbia River, but the rest and his body were never found. They have never found a trace of DB Cooper.

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Pattaya police launch investigation into Italian aviator death 

CHONBURI: -- Police in the tourist resort of Pattaya today launched an urgent investigation after an Italian tourist jumped from his light aircraft into the sea.

The Italian man, thought to be in his early forties, is said to have jumped without warning into the sea from a light aircraft he had hired from a local company.

Mr. Uthai Siwaraksawong, an aviator from the company, told police that the Italian man had arrived by car yesterday afternoon, and had asked to look over the aircraft before deciding to hire it.

After rising to around 700 feet, two nautical miles from the Jomtien Yacht Club, the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea, carrying his rucksack with him.

Police, who admit to being baffled by the case, have launched speedboats to search for the aviator.

--TNA 2004-12-05

sounds like one of my customers.............suppose I'll have to do a head count this morning

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Pattaya police launch investigation into Italian aviator death 

CHONBURI: -- Police in the tourist resort of Pattaya today launched an urgent investigation after an Italian tourist jumped from his light aircraft into the sea.

The Italian man, thought to be in his early forties, is said to have jumped without warning into the sea from a light aircraft he had hired from a local company.

Mr. Uthai Siwaraksawong, an aviator from the company, told police that the Italian man had arrived by car yesterday afternoon, and had asked to look over the aircraft before deciding to hire it.

After rising to around 700 feet, two nautical miles from the Jomtien Yacht Club, the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea, carrying his rucksack with him.

Police, who admit to being baffled by the case, have launched speedboats to search for the aviator.

--TNA 2004-12-05

Sounds like one of my customers....suppose I'll have to do a body count today

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There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

"D B Cooper", now a bonifide cult, people are still looking in the Oregon wilderness for the money, some insist he made it, others don't,

As I understand it, he didn't have his chute attached in the normal manner, only the top shoulder straps, they think the chute would have immediatly ripped off him, who knows :o

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From a documentary I watched on DB Cooper, the airplane model he jumped from was modified to eliminate that exit possibility from the plane.

The documentary left the viewer confident he made it.

I fail to see what the Italian guy would have accomplished by jumping so soon after takeoff. He didn't exactly escape Thailand I gather, unless he went out death's door.

Perhaps there is a sequel here for Escape from New York.....!

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I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

Oh!! where's the excitement in that! it would be like having sex with a BG WITH a condom!

I read that the world record for falling out of a plane and surviving was a russian air hostess on a aeroflot flight i think. the door fell off and 29000 feet, she got sucked out and fell into some snow covered tree and lived to tell the tail!

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I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

Oh!! where's the excitement in that! it would be like having sex with a BG WITH a condom!

I read that the world record for falling out of a plane and surviving was a russian air hostess on a aeroflot flight i think. the door fell off and 29000 feet, she got sucked out and fell into some snow covered tree and lived to tell the tail!

Romainian stewardess from 39,000ft. Landed on the steep side of a snow covered ravine, bounced, and rolled. 9months in hospital, but a full recovery.

I know, I know....too much time on my hands :o


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In reference to the broken door, I was thinking the same thing. I see the Italian as maybe looking to get out and then into a boat and leave Thailand.... but why not just get the boat from shore? Does he want everyone to think that he died first?

I cannot see a pilot having helpers intentionally trying to get him off the plane. Was this man the only one one the plane? And, although the altitude was only

700 feet, I just cannot see a couple of people interested in trying to push someone out the hatch. What a risky way to kill someone.

Is there any proof that the man was actually on the plane?

Just thinking up wild ideas. He was peobably one of the weird foreigners who stays in Pattaya. Have you eve noticed how little we hear about foreigner problems in Bangkok?

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