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Port Forwarding Made Easy

Daffy D

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Came across this free program that some may find useful. I have not tried this myself as my ports are forwarded already but it might be useful to some having trouble with the whole port forwarding thing.

Simple Port Forwarding

"Simple Port Forwarding was designed to make forwarding ports on your router as easy as a few clicks.

The program works by automating the process for you. So whether you don't understand how to forward ports, or your simply looking for an easier way of doing things then this program is for you."


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Thanks for that Daffy!

I had just placed that program to the TV Downloads in Windows System Utilities.

So, everybody who need can benefit from it.

All credits going to Daffy D for to find that program and publishing that info on Thaivisa.

Thanks for that again.


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I'm surprised this thread has fallen away with so few follow-ups given the number of posts discussing port-forwarding.

The only other program that does this that I am aware of is not free but sold by the "port forward" website.

However, I've downloaded it and I find that my D-Link 520 router is not among the routers already listed.

Guess I'll have to wait until he adds it (don't reallyt want to go the screen capture route)to try out but sounds like a good idea.

Anyone else trying it ?

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