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Hi All - maybe this cannot be answered, but I am clutching at straws somewhat and thought where better to turn to then here.

So my GF submittied a big folder of documents to the visa application office on Wednesday early afternoon. Nextday the site showed the status as arrived at embassy on Thursday morning and then recieved an SMS this morning (Friday) saying to come and collect her passport.

Now there was nothing in the message to suggest that it had been granted or rejected? Just come and collect.

GF cannot reach the embassy until Monday as she is staying at her parents. I am like a cat on hot tin roof trying not to dwell on worst case scernarios of they have seen something they don't like (or rather have not understood) and rejected right away - thus the quick turnaround.

Do they normally tell you if its failed / passed? Or is there a number you can phone?

I suppose am just going to have wait right? :o shesssh

So my GF submittied a big folder of documents to the visa application office on Wednesday early afternoon. Nextday the site showed the status as arrived at embassy on Thursday morning and then recieved an SMS this morning (Friday) saying to come and collect her passport.

I was wrong here - it was sent to embassy on 29th, here is the status from the website;

Application date 29 Oct 2008 Status Your application is ready for collection; please visit the UK Visa Application Centre where you submitted your visa application to collect the same 31 Oct 2008

It's great when you mention the country of concern in the topic title.

I see your point...not sure I can edit that now.

But you could have put it in this post. :o



Maybe I should have been more clear - for everyones benefit

UK Visit Visa Application for a Thai National to Visit the UK.

However further study seems to suggest that there is no way to know as the status will be sealed within an Envelope awaiting collection at VFS (and they are closed until Monday now).

My main query was to see if the turn around time was in any suggestive of the outcome? But alas, it appears I am just going to have to take the suspense in good character and hold out until Monday for the big result.

Wish me luck if anything...i <deleted> hate this waiting...its not nice knowing that seeing the one you love is contingent upon someone elses perspective and judgement.

the UK Visa Application Centre where you submitted your visa application

Would have thought this was a clue........... :o


There is no real way of knowing, however if it is a quick turn-around and you feel you have submitted a good comprehensive document covering all the neccessary criteria and you have not received even a phone call to clarify certain facts, I would suggest the outlook is more positive than negative.

However, if you have made a hash of the application, they could have turned it out fairly rapid.

So, in your opinion, was it comprehensive and by this I mean, covering all/most the expected info, not just a folder of useless horse-hockey, if the former, I would be positive.

Good Luck



Hi Moss,

I believe it to be good. We sourced all of the Documents stated as required.

My side:

Six months bank statements (inc proof of how I can support her), letter from my employer + pay slips, phone billls, photos of us together, solicitors letter showing house ownership, letter from my sister saying she wants us to spend xmas with her family, chat logs and emails, sponsoring letter. Passport copy showing stamps from when I went to visit her.

Her side:

Passport (containing US visa and Japanese Visa).

Details of her scholarship / degree from studying in Japan.

Letter from her father (government employed teacher (whom since has passed away, rest his soul)) and her Mother (runs private business shop) saying they approve of her engagement to me and her trip to UK + she will help run the famliy business on return from UK. Details of the company registration, earnings and copy of the mothers ID card

+ There were more additions to the above, but may have mislaid mention of all.

Our main push for her return to Thailand is that we are engaged and will marry. I will be her first hubby (and she my first wife) for her not to return would ruin are chance of eventually living together in the UK where I have my career and we will apply for a settlement / spouse visa.

One note - apparently the staff at the VFS place were really off with her in high browed manner . Seems like they did not appreciate meeting a girl originating from Isarn with a foreign degree, fleunt English and a Caucasian fiancé absolutley head over heals in love with her :o

Monday will tell. I get nervous as I you hear of some many rejections made.


I wouldn't worry.. My girl just received her visa for UK too.. Only 5 days.. approved. Submitted similar details to you only I didn't sponsor her in any way apart from a letter inviting her to stay at my parents house.. I've been an expat for 20 years so no abode in the UK.. Seems her job, savings and degree were enough.. and she's from BKK if that is relevant ?



from your post 9:

You are showing evidence of knowing each other over a period of time, an invitation letter, Stamps showing other visa requirements ( complied with I assume? ).

Have you actually stated that your partner will return to manage the business, don't ever allow them to assume.

You have stated that another reason to return is your intention to marry, this is good, although not fail safe and do not worry about the VAC, they are an out-sourced organisation, no more qualified than me :o

It looks pretty good to me

Good Luck



Thanks all so much for the encouragement. In here you are all so friendly compared to the malcontents I have seen prowling in 'general topics' baying for blood of the new or naive - I will definately let you all know on Monday

@Moss "Have you actually stated that your partner will return to manage the business, don't ever allow them to assume." - Did at that. The letter from Mare states how she wishes for her to return to work when she comes back.


Well pleased to say my girlfriend collected her passport with a UK visit visa inside!! Man what a relief, it was difficult relaxing over the weekend, but I am now chuffed with the result!

Wanted to say thanks to eveyone who has helped.

One question the girlfriend would like to ask:

The visa is for 180 days. She requested that she would visit for 3 months (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009).

The visa states valid from 30/10/2008 to 30/04/2009 - does this mean that she can come at any time during the period stated as long as it is for no longer then 90 days (3 months requested). Or does she have to stay inline with the Original request (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009)?

Thanks again all.

Well pleased to say my girlfriend collected her passport with a UK visit visa inside!! Man what a relief, it was difficult relaxing over the weekend, but I am now chuffed with the result!

Wanted to say thanks to eveyone who has helped.

One question the girlfriend would like to ask:

The visa is for 180 days. She requested that she would visit for 3 months (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009).

The visa states valid from 30/10/2008 to 30/04/2009 - does this mean that she can come at any time during the period stated as long as it is for no longer then 90 days (3 months requested). Or does she have to stay inline with the Original request (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009)?

Thanks again all.

Congratulations. The dates on the visa mean she must enter and leave the UK within those two dates. She can actually stay longer than you requested, but it's a good idea to try and stay roughly to what you asked for if you want to get future applications through with no problems.

Well pleased to say my girlfriend collected her passport with a UK visit visa inside!!

Well Done.

The visa is for 180 days. She requested that she would visit for 3 months (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009).

The visa states valid from 30/10/2008 to 30/04/2009 - does this mean that she can come at any time during the period stated as long as it is for no longer then 90 days (3 months requested). Or does she have to stay inline with the Original request (28/11/2008 to Febuary 28/02/2009)?

First of all just ensure you comply with the visa in the PP, that is the tram line you have to keep within, your request is partially secondary at this time.

However there has been many a debate on here regarding whether you should stick rigidly to the timeline you originally requested, although I suggest it is a good idea, I wonder if anybody could show me something within the immigration rules that state you should keep within your request or to comply with the actual visa issued?

I did not comply with the original request, but to the actual visa and have never had a even a remark let alone a problem.

So anyone??

Good Luck again tlusername to you and your partner.



Thanks Moss - I am keen to hear the experience of others as well.

Currently our thinking is that she may as well come sooner rather then wait until the 28th. But if this does jeopardise or infringe upon further applications - naturally we will wait.

Thanks Moss - I am keen to hear the experience of others as well.

Currently our thinking is that she may as well come sooner rather then wait until the 28th. But if this does jeopardise or infringe upon further applications - naturally we will wait.

Coming early, on, or after 30/10 categorically will not harm future applications.

What some people disagree with, is extending your visit from your original request, even though you have a valid visa to do so, the most oft response is showing a lack of integrity.

But I believe it is like any usual offer of everyday life, you make an offer, they either accept or deny, if they accept they give you a counter offer and you either accept or deny. Last offer is legal and binding.

Anyone care to differ?

Good LucK



Well done, I hope she enjoys the visit - and the warm weather :-)

Its one of the best feelings ever when you open the envelope and find the visa in there.

Nervously biting fingernails on our own current application - ILR, nearly 3 weeks in the post and nothing as yet.

Congrats again.

Well done, I hope she enjoys the visit - and the warm weather :-)

Its one of the best feelings ever when you open the envelope and find the visa in there.

Nervously biting fingernails on our own current application - ILR, nearly 3 weeks in the post and nothing as yet.

Congrats again.

I really wish you the best of luck mate. Its so hard having to wait while someone else makes such a big decision for you.

I called the GF this morning 9am UK time which was 4pm TL time (she was told to collect 3-4pm) and could not get an answer. The first thing I had heard was an email she sent from her phone saying 'Hey call me, we need to work on documents". I then assumed this meant there had been a rejection and so we need to work on more documents for the next attempt.

I was fuming and ready to go to war with the embassy!

Turns out she did not mean this and she didi in fact have the visa - either that or it was a wind up, still not sure? When I spoke with her at 10am she was like 'jai yen yen, its ok, I have the visa".

I think I have grown from the whole experience and looking forward to her coming now :o


jai yen yen lol - its easy for them to say, we're the ones that do all the running around to sort things out.

Anyway, good luck again, I'm sure the visit will go well.

Well done, I hope she enjoys the visit - and the warm weather :-)

Its one of the best feelings ever when you open the envelope and find the visa in there.

Nervously biting fingernails on our own current application - ILR, nearly 3 weeks in the post and nothing as yet.

Congrats again.

Didn't you get an acknowledgement letter?

Well done, I hope she enjoys the visit - and the warm weather :-)

Its one of the best feelings ever when you open the envelope and find the visa in there.

Nervously biting fingernails on our own current application - ILR, nearly 3 weeks in the post and nothing as yet.

Congrats again.

Didn't you get an acknowledgement letter?

Sorry, I mean apart from the acknowledgement letter - I noticed the payment had been taken about 7 seconds after it had been posted :o

It's just that its now getting close to the timings when 'straightforward' applications are getting a result.

When you call the helpline number, they tell you that you're not able to even ask for a status report until 14 weeks after you submit the application - so every day that goes past now costs me about an inch on the fingernails.

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