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Wanting To Move To Thailand, Need Some Advice

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Hi guys and girls, i been searching the net and this seems like a pretty busy forum so im wondering if some of you can give me advice as more heads are better then one.

Im planning on moving to Thailand, I am already married to a Thai/Chinese girl who I met in Australia who I have been with for nealy 7 years. Im in my late 20's and I will have about 5 or 6 million baht (depends on how the ex rate goes) that me and the wife have saved up over the last few years.

My wife has a house in bangkok that she has been renting out for years that we will be moving into, so I wont need to rent. She has a masters degree in information systems which will land her a job pretty easy. I dont have a degree and thinking of either doing a uni degree in bangkok and if I leave my money in a offshore account im hoping to get 20K/m interest and living off that for a while.

Or maybe just open a business here which I have made a few business plans that I predict wont make alot of money but I would get more the 20K (hopefully) but it would be a little more risky.

Does the above sound like a good plan or should I just stay in Australia? Im bored as hel_l of this place, its either UK or Thailand next year. I like the Thailand plan better but not sure if me loving that place from many holidays there is clouding my judgement. The UK I can atleast make more money, but I dont know.

So in short, 5-6 mill baht going to Thailand enough? Would you do it or do you think its just a pipe dream.

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Firstly, the UK is going to get a lot worse (economically) before it gets better. The cost of living in the UK is VASTLY higher than in Thailand.

As I see it, the economy in Thailand is struggling. It certainly isn't a boom situation, but it isn't a bust either.

As you are in Australia, the $AU exchange rate to the baht is prohibitive at present. This will no doubt change, but the question is "when"?

Having a Thai wife is a benefit (if you are holding a Thai Spouse Visa) for Thailand, but you would need far more well thought out plans than you seem to have at present. (Not a criticism, an observation).

Re doing a Uni course in Thailand...well, there would be others on this site who would offer more constructive advice than me, but frankly, I wouldn't. They are not recognised internationally and added to that, your Thai language skills would have to be at a very proficient level.

At present, in your situation, I would plan on staying in Oz and perhaps take an exploratory trip up here.

Good luck.

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Well I dont want to stay in Australia any longer, ive been here all my life and its just so dam boring.

Isnt there a internation Uni in Thailand that I can speak english? Im not sure but thats what I have heard.

I wanted to go to Thailand for an adventure, but only for a few years and either go to the UK from there or come back to Australia. But who knows I might like it there.

So what do you think is the minimum amount of money you should have before moving to Thailand, i know its a question which will have many different answers as everyone is different. But I dont really dont drink that much and I will probably either be studying alot or if I open a business I will be working hard, my wife will probably get paid alright (maybe) but I dont have to rent, all i need is money for food and bills.

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I don't know about your plan, but if it's ME.....I would spend my time getting more education/training and my prime working year back in Aussie land.

Nowsaday it's hard enough to get a decent job with decent pay because of the "u know" - economy meltdown, so I would imagine it will be even harder trying your luck IN THAILAND!

You're still young, to make ends meet will not be enough tho, coz don't forget your future retirement plan saving, the quality of the schools for your soon to have that little darlings, etcs

Unless U have enough money and very solid plan (not ideal plan), otherwise stay away from thailand, or rethink again when you're in lates 30s or 40s. Thailand is just like a big big casino for many farangs - place to spend the money, but only selected few ever make any money from their business.

Just Me


"just because it's dam boring in Aussie land" - it's not enough good reason to move to thailand - if you don't want to cry home later on.

The key here is....think logically - not best for now, but best to you both future overall,--- not just boring over there and expect life to be FUN FUN here in thailand everyday!

Edited by MetroGirl
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Thanks guys, well I also have a few different plans in Thailand, Im thinking of studying part time and also maybe buying a franchise of some sort (no not 7/11) Maybe something along the food business which I have done a few business plans on, but only simple ones and not all that detailed.

Im not planning on living in Thailand for ever but only for a few years, maybe even 5 years just for the experience.

My judgement I know is not clear as I love the place alot and It just seems like I can live a more relaxed life there. 20K a month seems a but low but my wife says people live on a ot less and get by. If its going to happen it will be within a few months.

And thanks PeaceBlondie, I will do some reasearch on those uni's.

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Well I dont want to stay in Australia any longer, ive been here all my life and its just so dam boring.

Isnt there a internation Uni in Thailand that I can speak english? Im not sure but thats what I have heard.

I wanted to go to Thailand for an adventure, but only for a few years and either go to the UK from there or come back to Australia. But who knows I might like it there.

So what do you think is the minimum amount of money you should have before moving to Thailand, i know its a question which will have many different answers as everyone is different. But I dont really dont drink that much and I will probably either be studying alot or if I open a business I will be working hard, my wife will probably get paid alright (maybe) but I dont have to rent, all i need is money for food and bills.

I'd say go for it. But if you'll allow me to be an amateur psychcologist for a moment, be aware of the possibility that the boredom that you are experiencing now might not be caused by the locale in which you are living.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Well Ive only been bored since I have been thinking about moving to Thailand, I been in Australia all my life, its the same everywhere here. After I been thinking about Thailand and the possibility of moving there I havent enjoyed Australia as much, I mean I still go out every weekend with my mates for a drink and all.

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young, like doing “drink and all”, aussie land is too dam_n boring and Thailand is more FUN FUN……

Hmm ….Looks like a recipe for soon to be the disastrous marriage when in Thailand, me think here

Of course I'm thinking like a girl here - may be I'm just thinking too mut...huh

5 years plan of yours is quite doable - but U have to be very strong in saying NO to all those thai uni chicks, boy

Definitely.......will be too many temptations, after temptation..... :o

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I don't know about your plan, but if it's ME.....I would spend my time getting more education/training and my prime working year back in Aussie land.

I agree with this 100%.

And I take note - a recesion is a great time to go back to school, you are not missing much in terms of career/salary advancement, you are missing the stress that comes with job reductions and you are getting the qualifications in place for when things pick up again.

Education, Education, Education.

Almost certainly the best investment you will ever make.

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Well the uni girls I know are fab, Once I walked in front of a uni and all these girls came out and I have to say I have never seen so many beautiful girls at one time, but that said I am married and I wouldnt cheat on her no matter what. I have someone called respect.

Well I got the drinking part covered as I will have a free beer supply which my wife has organised for me from a very close family friend, it probably not as good as drinking out but hey its alot cheaper.

Well I just need to get out of Australia for a while, been here all my life and I just need a change.

I think I will either just go to uni or work and travel around a bit and experience a new culture and see what Thailand has to offer.

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