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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA


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"As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station." - Michelle Obama on 60-Minutes.

Suggest you have a look at this.

In your link:

Most murder victims -- 93 percent of blacks and 85 percent of whites -- were killed by someone of their own race.

Without any context, her statement would be accurate per the statistics, although she didn't clarify the danger would most likely be from another black man, statistically.

However, in the context of the video, they are discussing a black man as President being in danger of some "crazy person with a gun" - would that "crazy person with a gun" most likely be another black man, as per the statistics, and given the context of America's first black president?

Or does that statement, given the context, conjure up images of a white racists, neo-nazis, skinheads, etc.?

Edited by ChefHeat
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Its a sad day in America, when we know more about "Joe the plumber" than the "President elect".

Maybe it would be kind of sad if it were true. I have an idea. Why don't you examine Obama's garbage can for a week? That always tells you alot about a man. If not, given that he will be our president, maybe just watch and see how he actually performs in the office for a few months ... ??? There is already talk he will tear out the white house bowling alley and put in a basketball court. What further horrors can we look forward to?

Edited by Jingthing
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Michelle Obama is a very compelling professional woman and she clearly will make an inspiring and glamorous first lady.


Did you watch those vids, mate?

A Hillary she'll never be.

She's generated so much dirt, and she isn't even in the White House yet.

Why bother watching videos that were part of the smear campaign during the election? The campaign is over. I have seen the "proud to be American" speech and I had no problem with it, I understood what she means. The people will judge her well or poorly based on her actions in the white house. I bet you even you will be pleased with how she turns out. I have to admit it feels weird being an advocate of the people who are in power now, its been a very long time!

BTW, I love your sauces.

I've seen enough of Michelle to get the strong impression that she has a chip on her shoulder. I know many others in and outside America have gathered the same impression.

I hope for America's sake that you are right, and she can/will turn around her image.

(and thanks...glad you like our sauces :D )

Do you think the same wasn't said about Hilary? FemiNazis etc .....

to quote the clueless


I love how some people here make statements with no logical connectivity. The videos that I referenced as evidence supporting my opinion were of Michelle Obama doing what Michelle Obama does; saying what she says.

Its another matter entirely regarding "what people said" about Hillary. False comparison.

Clueless, indeed. Oh, the irony. :o

"As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station." - Michelle Obama on 60-Minutes.

Now tell me honestly there is no undertone, to put it mildly, in that statement. It might come as no surprise, if you investigated the Black Liberation "church" she attended for 20 years. Even Barack's reaction in the video is telling.

What? do you deny that as a black man he could be shot just going to the gas station in the USA? hel_l didn't they kill a Sikh just after 9-11 thinking he was an Arab and Muslim and ...

I personally know black men that are academics in Texas and they have more contact with the police than I EVER have had. (I hang out with Bikers, am heavily tattooed etc etc etc).

I guess you are an expert on the 'black experience' in the USA; mate

If you wanna look at it that way... I guess even I could eventually get shot going to the gas station as well, statistically, provided I made enough trips in the bad parts of town. So could an Asian, Indian, etc. Is there any statistics that show black people being the majority targets of gas station murders?

From what I've found, its the station attendants who are more likely to be in danger, due to robbery, rather than patrons simply getting gas.

The picture Michelle paints of America on 60-Minutes is misleading and unbecoming - particularly in light that her husband (although mixed, but appears "black") was just elected POTUS.

LOL .. again your understanding of the US astounds me 'mate'

Blacks are far more likely to be the victim of violent crime than whites ... a sad but accurate statement ... and that they constitute a far larger percentage (of victims of violent crime) than the population would suggest is appalling.

When you take the 'killed by a loved one or with your own gun at home' numbers out of the equation, life gets even scarier!

Please tell us more about your in depth first hand experiences :D

Edited by jdinasia
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Obama hits the ground running

By Edward Luce in Chicago

Published: November 5 2008 17:41 | Last updated: November 5 2008 23:29

Barack Obama on Wednesday moved swiftly to capitalise on the momentum from his historic victory by announcing a string of senior appointments aimed at reassuring the markets and ensuring


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Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I love the near illiterate 'right' ....

Barack Obama is a Democrat .... :o though it would be laughable if the Communist Party of America could have beaten McCain/Pailin

(They actually probably could have!)

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If you wanna look at it that way... I guess even I could eventually get shot going to the gas station as well, statistically, provided I made enough trips in the bad parts of town. So could an Asian, Indian, etc. Is there any statistics that show black people being the majority targets of gas station murders?

From what I've found, its the station attendants who are more likely to be in danger, due to robbery, rather than patrons simply getting gas.

The picture Michelle paints of America on 60-Minutes is misleading and unbecoming - particularly in light that her husband (although mixed, but appears "black") was just elected POTUS.

LOL .. again your understanding of the US astounds me 'mate'

Blacks are far more likely to be the victim of violent crime than whites ... a sad but accurate statement ... and that they constitute a far larger percentage (of victims of violent crime) than the population would suggest is appalling.

When you take the 'killed by a loved one or with your own gun at home' numbers out of the equation, life gets even scarier!

Please tell us more about your in depth first hand experiences :o

But jdinasia, take a look at what point here...

Yes, a black man is more likely to get shot in an urban setting. But by another black man more so than a white person. And even less so if the black man is infact living in a mansion in a gated community. (Not many crack heads or gang-bangers around.)

Her comment made it sound like she was living in the 50ies in some hick-ville and [white] people was out to get them.

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LOL .. again your understanding of the US astounds me 'mate'

Blacks are far more likely to be the victim of violent crime than whites ... a sad but accurate statement ... and that they constitute a far larger percentage (of victims of violent crime) than the population would suggest is appalling.

When you take the 'killed by a loved one or with your own gun at home' numbers out of the equation, life gets even scarier!

Please tell us more about your in depth first hand experiences :D

My "understanding of the US" ???

You seem to assume that I am not an American. LOL.

But this is TV forum - where assumptions run rampant.

Blacks killing blacks is the reason for their disproportionate stats on a street crime level.

Do you really think this trend would apply to the first African-American POTUS?

Recall the context of the video.

Do you really think Michelle Obama was alluding, without any clarification, that Barack would most likely be assassinated (heaven forbid) by another black man?

Quite a stretch, 'mate'. :o

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TAWP ---

A black man is more likely (by far) to be the random victim of violence ANYWHERE. I invite you to visit Fayetteville Georgia some time soon in reference to hickville ....

Not true, but why go for fact when hyperbolic works better?

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"As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station." - Michelle Obama on 60-Minutes.

Suggest you have a look at this.

In your link:

Most murder victims -- 93 percent of blacks and 85 percent of whites -- were killed by someone of their own race.

Without any context, her statement would be accurate per the statistics, although she didn't clarify the danger would most likely be from another black man, statistically.

However, in the context of the video, they are discussing a black man as President being in danger of some "crazy person with a gun" - would that "crazy person with a gun" most likely be another black man, as per the statistics, and given the context of America's first black president?

Or does that statement, given the context, conjure up images of a white racists, neo-nazis, skinheads, etc.?

Actually, in the context of the

it's the interviewer who raises the question of "some crazy person with a gun," not Michelle Obama, so if anything it's the interviewer who is alluding to 'white racists, neo-nazis, skinheads, etc.' Michelle Obama actually responds by saying: "you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen." You're being misleading, since you originally cited the quote "As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station" as some kind of 'proof' of her being racist. In fact, the two issues (as you appear to have realized, but for the wrong reasons): 1) black man possibly getting shot on the way to the gas station and 2) Presidential candidate/President elect/President possibly getting shot by "some crazy person with a gun" are not the same issue at all. 1) refers to the statistically disproportionate risk of being shot in the US if you're a black male, 2) refers to nut jobs who shoot the president.
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I think this must the double first in American history, the 1st black & 1st muslim president. Imagine when he'll invite the Al-Qaeda leader for a state visit. Obama meets Osama :o

Not likely a Muslim. He just appointed a guy to be his chief of staff who did his 3 year military service in the Israeli Defense Force instead of serving in the US military during the first gulf war. Interesting choice.

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Michelle Obama is a very compelling professional woman and she clearly will make an inspiring and glamorous first lady.


Did you watch those vids, mate?

A Hillary she'll never be.

She's generated so much dirt, and she isn't even in the White House yet.

Why bother watching videos that were part of the smear campaign during the election? The campaign is over. I have seen the "proud to be American" speech and I had no problem with it, I understood what she means. The people will judge her well or poorly based on her actions in the white house. I bet you even you will be pleased with how she turns out. I have to admit it feels weird being an advocate of the people who are in power now, its been a very long time!

BTW, I love your sauces.

I've seen enough of Michelle to get the strong impression that she has a chip on her shoulder. I know many others in and outside America have gathered the same impression.

I hope for America's sake that you are right, and she can/will turn around her image.

(and thanks...glad you like our sauces :D )

I'm behind Obama 100%, but Michelle scares me. Her anti-white feelings are all over her face. Difficult to mask body language. If she will be pulling some strings from under the sheets, that won't be good (to say the least).

Edited by Lopburi99
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Michelle Obama is a very compelling professional woman and she clearly will make an inspiring and glamorous first lady.


Did you watch those vids, mate?

A Hillary she'll never be.

She's generated so much dirt, and she isn't even in the White House yet.

Why bother watching videos that were part of the smear campaign during the election? The campaign is over. I have seen the "proud to be American" speech and I had no problem with it, I understood what she means. The people will judge her well or poorly based on her actions in the white house. I bet you even you will be pleased with how she turns out. I have to admit it feels weird being an advocate of the people who are in power now, its been a very long time!

BTW, I love your sauces.

I've seen enough of Michelle to get the strong impression that she has a chip on her shoulder. I know many others in and outside America have gathered the same impression.

I hope for America's sake that you are right, and she can/will turn around her image.

(and thanks...glad you like our sauces :D )

Do you think the same wasn't said about Hilary? FemiNazis etc .....

to quote the clueless


I love how some people here make statements with no logical connectivity. The videos that I referenced as evidence supporting my opinion were of Michelle Obama doing what Michelle Obama does; saying what she says.

Its another matter entirely regarding "what people said" about Hillary. False comparison.

Clueless, indeed. Oh, the irony. :o

"As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station." - Michelle Obama on 60-Minutes.

Now tell me honestly there is no undertone, to put it mildly, in that statement. It might come as no surprise, if you investigated the Black Liberation "church" she attended for 20 years. Even Barack's reaction in the video is telling.

If there is a chip of any size it has been knocked off by the last days events.

Or at least whittled down a lot smaller than YOURS Chef.

She was telling the truth as a 'Black Man' he had a bigger chance of getting shot

going into a gas station than most of us here TV farang nabobs.

I know because an hard working, honest, peaceful, black friend of mine of 20 years,

WAS shot because gangbanger robbed and terrified a gas station attendant to the point

that he got a gun for the job. He was robbed again, but had left the gun out of reach.

He pocketed it and went back to work, my friend pulled in for gas,

the guy paniced when my friend asked for change for a large bill... and shot him...

thinking he wanted the till opened to rob him.

My friend was just waiting for his change. But he's black.

He lived, but his shoulder sucks now.

She does not exagerate.

I have worked in multi-race environments and seen outsiders

with gripes T-off on me in one way, but then start in on the African-American in a wholy different,

truly dispicable way, even though he was NICER than I was when dealing with this disgruntled ass.

So you see racism issues for Micheles generation was improving compared to her parents,

but it wasn't finished. It ISN'T finished improving.

She no doubt has lost aquaintances to rascist violence.

It was part of her life even in the middle class.

I do agree that her church's preacher was way over the top,

but that partly comes from being in HIS generation, like her parents generation.

They seen some nasty shit in their lives. She comes by these feelings legitimately.

It is a legacy of shame for my generation that this still lingers through it,

and is only just finally diminished enough for new young voters to ignore the past biliousness...

You saying that you can't trust that 'biatch' because she is angered at the past racism

that she has seen in the lives around her, is STILL part of that problem.

It is a continuation of that RACISM.

You are being part of the problem and not of the solution.

And worse yet, you actively work to prevent that healing process.

Still one more lock-step to the past generation, that must die off from natural causes

to diminish this crap some more.

She know doubt will adhere to causes that help inner city African-Americans.

Rural poor in the RED areas too. Not just northern blue cities.

She would be foollish and ungrateful not to. She has the bully pulpit, and it's to be used.

But she's not stupid, like most first ladies she will try yo improve the lot of ALL children.

Literacy for adults and many just causes for PEOPLE, not just some myopic "her people".

She will have a staff of advisers and she will get good advice.

She is smart enough to understand her position and USE it well.

She also will now see more of the world and understand more of the world.

Edited by animatic
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Having Obama as president will have terrible consequences for the US (and the rest of the world). I think its tragic that so many well meaning people have been suckered into believing that there will be change. Obama has left wing cover and will be able to get away with things that McCain just would not have been able to.

The US will continue to invade other countries, the financial crisis will continue to worsen, the Patriot act will NOT be repealed, the police state will continue to grow etc etc etc. The only difference is that people will accept these things as long as their 'saviour' is behind the wheel.

Here's a very interesting interview with Congressman Ron Paul (you know, the guy who predicted the current financial catastrophe decades ago). Goes into detail as to why you should be very afraid to have Mr Obama as president.

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Michelle Obama is a very compelling professional woman and she clearly will make an inspiring and glamorous first lady.


Did you watch those vids, mate?

A Hillary she'll never be.

She's generated so much dirt, and she isn't even in the White House yet.

Why bother watching videos that were part of the smear campaign during the election? The campaign is over. I have seen the "proud to be American" speech and I had no problem with it, I understood what she means. The people will judge her well or poorly based on her actions in the white house. I bet you even you will be pleased with how she turns out. I have to admit it feels weird being an advocate of the people who are in power now, its been a very long time!

BTW, I love your sauces.

I've seen enough of Michelle to get the strong impression that she has a chip on her shoulder. I know many others in and outside America have gathered the same impression.

I hope for America's sake that you are right, and she can/will turn around her image.

(and thanks...glad you like our sauces :D )

I'm behind Obama 100%, but Michelle scares me. Her anti-white feelings are all over her face. Difficult to mask body language. If she will be pulling some strings from under the sheets, that won't be good (to say the least).

HUH? Anti-White? her?

I am super glad that you can read faces and tell someone's deepest hidden emotional leanings though .. and from TV no less!

You should get a show of your own and become the next great mentalist! or are you perhaps just mental?

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With some exceptional people .. both eloquent, educated AND in the past staunch Republicans crossing the aisle to vote Obama!

(Like Colin Powell)

Crossing the aisle ... otherwise known as selling out one's core beliefs in the hope of achieving political gain. I think Powell's cabinet title will be Commander of the Sell-outs.

McCain and Leiberman are arguably two of the leading proponents of crossing the aisle and what do they have to show for their efforts? Scars on their backside from being taken advantage of so many times, and total political shame and humiliation.

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LOL .. not happy with almost anyone are you Spee?

But it is time for you to get behind the next President of the USA because according to some people you seem to admire ... 'if you aren't with us then you are against us"

So suck it up until YOU can run for Pres in 4 years

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"As a black man, Barack could get shot just going to gas station." - Michelle Obama on 60-Minutes.

Suggest you have a look at this.

In your link:

Most murder victims -- 93 percent of blacks and 85 percent of whites -- were killed by someone of their own race.

Without any context, her statement would be accurate per the statistics, although she didn't clarify the danger would most likely be from another black man, statistically.

However, in the context of the video, they are discussing a black man as President being in danger of some "crazy person with a gun" - would that "crazy person with a gun" most likely be another black man, as per the statistics, and given the context of America's first black president?

Or does that statement, given the context, conjure up images of a white racists, neo-nazis, skinheads, etc.?

In any enclosed societal group, lack of resources makes for increased inter-territorial challenges and thus violence.

Be it the local wildebeast herd or pride of lions, peruvian tribes sharing two sides of a mountain valley during a drought etc,

Territorial imperative cause increased levels of aggression within tribes for mates and position and across tribes for diminished resources.

Also learning takes a back seat to hunter gatherer and foraging with in the unit.

Fear of others becomes all the greater because of attacks and reprisals.

POVERTY causes the same functionality within the same racial grouping, as well as other close groups in similar straits,

The poor are MUCH more territorial than the rich, but also more prone to use violence to enforce their territorial imperative.

The lady has seen some <deleted>.

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With some exceptional people .. both eloquent, educated AND in the past staunch Republicans crossing the aisle to vote Obama!

(Like Colin Powell)

Crossing the aisle ... otherwise known as selling out one's core beliefs in the hope of achieving political gain. I think Powell's cabinet title will be Commander of the Sell-outs.

McCain and Leiberman are arguably two of the leading proponents of crossing the aisle and what do they have to show for their efforts? Scars on their backside from being taken advantage of so many times, and total political shame and humiliation.

This post encasulates why the conservative right is out of touch with most of American thought,

and has been for some time.

'My way or the highway'

'Consilators and consensus builders are weak shameless individuals. '

'People what can change their minds based on new information are wafflers.'

'Those who don't prefer the times of Richard Nixon, Reagan or Eisenhour,

are communist fellow travelers, infiltrating the GOOD OFFICES of American Politics

to bring it into a socialist hellhole.'

If he not a Christian he is a danger to America's way of life.

Welcome to the 1950's folks.

Take a good look before they die off of old age.

Anachronism, and poor sportsmanship, driven by archaic ideology.

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Well said and informative. Compelling idea. If this is the case, then your president George W. Bush should be impeached, arrested, and imprisoned for knowingly telling globally mortal sized lies about WMDs thereby leading the USA to war and to the innocent deaths of 137,287 Iraqis and 4,268 US Citizens. It certainly does look like 'malice aforethought leading to wrongful death'. Is the American public not privy to this information? Why do conservative right wing US citizens continue follow such a known liar? Are they in fact war mongers too? Is this where rich Americans make their money, by making war? Is this why Barack Obama is going to pull out of Iraq really? Because the Iraqi war was started under false pretenses? It seems as though then, that the Iraqi war plan was originated long before your 9-11 attacks. Please enlighten.

Not so fast Riverine, read, weep, then report back:


This, and these consignees, are exactly what President George W. Bush used as his primary source of information. And, this sent on January 26, 1998, was a letter to President at the time, Bill Cliinton!

The first week he took office, President George W. Bush fired SAIC as the elite independent world information gathering source, and turned the job solely over to the Pentagon. SAIC was a major part of the "large war defensive" 'chess master defense' developed by Clinton think tanks. President George W. Bush threw this strategy in the trashcan immediately, then went to war with Iraq utilizing a body of lies unparalleled in US history.

You yourself may not be a warmonger, the US people may not be war mongers, but George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, William Bennet, and Zalmay Khalilzad, et al (along with the entire Bush heritage ranging back 70 years) certainly were/are, and they went about it very badly. Bad intelligence from restricted sources(?), or bad leadership(?), or both? History now suggests "both".

Feet on ground, or foot in mouth? Please do some coherent fact finding before saying anything about the posters here. I don't think that anyone posting in thaivisa.com hates America at all, in fact 99.999% love it more than you will ever know. That's the reason people say anything at all. History is going to enslave George W. Bush to the ranks of the never to be forgotten war mongers, and what NOT to do as president.

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22 months! Almost two full years of hype and hysteria to choose between two guys who made the final of the advanced version of American Idol.

While the rest of the civilized democracies of the world seem to be able to get the job done in approximately 3 months, complete with restrictions on corporate donations. The Americans (who I respect except for this one issue) have made democracy into a circus of mythic proportions. Candidates are under such a magnifying glass over personal habits and every unscripted word, that only the most ordinary average personality with a political history and big corporation connections could ever have a shot at the post. Sadly, the men and women with greatest minds could never be considered to be king or queen of this prom, because likely they have opinions or thoughts that fall outside of the acceptable realm of average hollywood obsessed Joe and Janet plumber. Or perhaps they might dress unacceptably, or have some sort of physical impairment. Most likely they can't win because they can't be bought.

And then to make this into a true laugher, The winner of this talent show has to spend his entire time in office pacifying all of the corporate sugar daddies that payed for every moment of this media extravaganza. Amazingly the fact that this years debutant outspent his opponent nearly 10 to one, doesn't fill Americans with horror, rather they seem to be impressed. Time will come when people see who in fact owns Obama's ass, It won't be Joe the plumber.

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Michelle Obama is a very compelling professional woman and she clearly will make an inspiring and glamorous first lady.


Did you watch those vids, mate?

A Hillary she'll never be.

She's generated so much dirt, and she isn't even in the White House yet.

Why bother watching videos that were part of the smear campaign during the election? The campaign is over. I have seen the "proud to be American" speech and I had no problem with it, I understood what she means. The people will judge her well or poorly based on her actions in the white house. I bet you even you will be pleased with how she turns out. I have to admit it feels weird being an advocate of the people who are in power now, its been a very long time!

BTW, I love your sauces.

I've seen enough of Michelle to get the strong impression that she has a chip on her shoulder. I know many others in and outside America have gathered the same impression.

I hope for America's sake that you are right, and she can/will turn around her image.

(and thanks...glad you like our sauces :D )

I'm behind Obama 100%, but Michelle scares me. Her anti-white feelings are all over her face. Difficult to mask body language. If she will be pulling some strings from under the sheets, that won't be good (to say the least).

HUH? Anti-White? her?

I am super glad that you can read faces and tell someone's deepest hidden emotional leanings though .. and from TV no less!

You should get a show of your own and become the next great mentalist! or are you perhaps just mental?

You are right. Stupid post, my apologies. It is just a feeling I have for some reason.

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Its a sad day in America, when we know more about "Joe the plumber" than the "President elect".

You are either a functional illiterate or the video equivalent, a FOX news junkie, if you feel that you learned more about "Joe" over the past 4 weeks than you learned about Obama over the past 12 months.

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I'm behind Obama 100%, but Michelle scares me. Her anti-white feelings are all over her face. Difficult to mask body language. If she will be pulling some strings from under the sheets, that won't be good (to say the least).

She could pull my strings under the sheets any time. I just don't get the angry vibes from her that others seem to perceive. But then again, I have long been an unrepentant heterosexual attracted to intelligence.

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With some exceptional people .. both eloquent, educated AND in the past staunch Republicans crossing the aisle to vote Obama!

(Like Colin Powell)

Crossing the aisle ... otherwise known as selling out one's core beliefs in the hope of achieving political gain. I think Powell's cabinet title will be Commander of the Sell-outs.

McCain and Leiberman are arguably two of the leading proponents of crossing the aisle and what do they have to show for their efforts? Scars on their backside from being taken advantage of so many times, and total political shame and humiliation.

Have to disagree with you here Spee. What McCain and Leiberman have to show for their efforts is the knowledge that they did the right thing. Whether it is misunderstood or not appreciated is not relevant. What other choice did they have? They have character and therefore are to be commended.

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