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Why Not A Long Us Presidential Term?


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Congratulations to Barack Obama on winning the election. The Bush years can be put to the shredder (see cartoon -courtesy of The Guardian).

Here is an article from The Guardian about plans to extend the Russia presidential term to 6 years.


Why does not America follow suit? It seems crazy that the last two years of any four year administration is obsessed with holding on to power at the next election, and therefore does not concentrate on the business of governing. A six or seven year term would lead to far greater political stability. On the other hand it might have lead to 12/14 years of Bush!


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Congratulations to Barack Obama on winning the election. The Bush years can be put to the shredder (see cartoon -courtesy of The Guardian).

Here is an article from The Guardian about plans to extend the Russia presidential term to 6 years.


Why does not America follow suit? It seems crazy that the last two years of any four year administration is obsessed with holding on to power at the next election, and therefore does not concentrate on the business of governing. A six or seven year term would lead to far greater political stability. On the other hand it might have lead to 12/14 years of Bush!

Maybe nice idea for some but I would not have wanted another 2 years of Bush. In fact I was feed up with him after the first four.

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