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Thaksin Unveils " Thailand Brand" Initiative


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PM unveils "Thailand Brand" initiative

BANGKOK: -- The government has said it plans to set up "Thailand Plaza" in large cities across the world to promote locally made products under the "Thailand Brand.”

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday that the initiative would benefit manufacturers, exporters, workers and eventually, the Thai economy as a whole.

"So far, most local manufacturers and exporters have served global markets as sub-contractors. They produce for contracted foreign firms, which later have the products, labeled as their own brands. This means Thai manufacturers, exporters, and workers earn less than they really should,” he told TNA.

“The Thailand Plaza will help promote and sell Thai produce under our own ‘Thailand Brand’,” he said.

The plan to set up "Thailand Plaza" in large cities across the world was

also part of the government's policy to support small and medium-sized

enterprises, the Thai leader said.

--TNA 2004-12-07

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Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday that the initiative would benefit manufacturers, exporters, workers and eventually, the Thai economy as a whole.

How much would anybody care to wager that this scheme would be set up in such a way as to benefit CP Group or perhaps Shin Corporation in particular?

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Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday that the initiative would benefit manufacturers, exporters, workers and eventually, the Thai economy as a whole.

How much would anybody care to wager that this scheme would be set up in such a way as to benefit CP Group or perhaps Shin Corporation in particular?

I'm sure you got that one right, he's bad news for the country.

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PM unveils "Thailand Brand" initiative

BANGKOK: -- The government has said it plans to set up "Thailand Plaza" in large cities across the world to promote locally made products under the "Thailand Brand.”


these products would have to pass the ever more stringent quality checks , so we must hope he does not include Thai made condoms :o

all right in Japan but not elsewhere

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Am I the only one that thinks promoting Thailand and Thai products is a good idea.

I'm not sure if the Plaza idea is worthwhile but the concept is good. Some months ago we went to a Thai sponsored Trade Show in Vancouver, Canada and I was impressed with the BOT and their efficiency. We made a lot of contacts for goods but unfortunately none of them contacted us after they returned to Thailand, I think they thought it was a nice trip not business. The BOT on the other hand has sent us lots of information on Thai companies that want to export to us.

I think that the Thai government would better spend their money supplying decent email addresses to small Thai companies because hotmail and yahoo emails do not instill confidence in the international trading community. Something like [email protected] would do a lot for the image.

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Long as they put a nana plaza in every city :D

PM unveils "Thailand Brand" initiative 

BANGKOK: --  The government has said it plans to set up "Thailand Plaza" in large cities across the world to promote locally made products under the "Thailand Brand.”


these products would have to pass the ever more stringent quality checks , so we must hope he does not include Thai made condoms  :o

all right in Japan  but not elsewhere

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What is Tanksin sniffing? :D

Are these Little Thailands going to be in competition with the China Towns? Where is he going to get the money for this and who is going to run these places? Shouldn't he be spending money on bettering Thailand instead of giving the west back it's money by buying our overpriced land?

Did the Thai people really vote him in or did he cheat? :o

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Am I the only one that thinks promoting Thailand and Thai products is a good idea.

I think it's a good idea - in theory!

But the question must be asked, is Prime Minister Toxic Shit-A-Brick out to genuinely promote his country or his own ego.

Good idea yes, but the man implementing it does not inspire confidence!

If the government of Thailand is serious about this then I wish them all the success in the world, maybe a few people will get to see the other side of Thai culture, not just the nightlife, girls, bars etc. which tends to be the worldwide view of LOS.

The Thai people living abroad could also help promote their country. Look at the effects of the "Chinatown" phenomenon!

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When I was young anything "Made in Taiwan" was cheap and nasty.

Then it became "Made in Hongkong".

Now it is to be "Made in Thailand" ??

The OTOP idea is a good one, except that most of the products can be found in just about any country round the region.

There is still nothing that makes the ones from Thailand special!!

If they can crack that nut they may well have a winner.

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This will surely be counterproductive – if it ever gets off the ground of course.

Western Consumers invariably buy Brands they know – regardless of where the item is actually produced, because they know it is backed by the ultimate owner of the Brand who needs to maintain the reputation and Goodwill of his Company and Product.

Many, many Companies manufacture in Thailand and sell the Product in Europe or the U.S. – it’s called outsourcing!

What International Company is going to keep their manufacturing base here if the Thai Government establishes and (probably unfairly) promotes a “Thailand Brand” of the same Product?

The end result would certainly be the loss of many jobs as the Multinationals relocate to China, Laos etc. and leave Thailand struggling to get their “Thailand Brand” established and accepted.

A really dumb idea, again not thought through properly.


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This will surely be counterproductive – if it ever gets off the ground of course.

Western Consumers invariably buy Brands they know – regardless of where the item is actually produced, because they know it is backed by the ultimate owner of the Brand who needs to maintain the reputation and Goodwill of his Company and Product......

My g/f just asked me to cut a small branch off a bush that was blocking the gate. So I got the pruning shears - Thai made - squeezed, and broke them - the metal snapped. Cheap metal, cheap manufacture, zero quality. This is what Thailand needs to address - product quality and customer satisfaction - before they start trying to sell abroad.

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Stupid as they come.

There is a Thai Chamber of Commerce in the US .. to my knowledge.

If it is not known by that name, then the equivalent organization is in a

very large building in the Thai consulate in LA. There might also be one in other

consulates across the country. This building should perform the function

for which Thaksin wants to set up new offices.

As another poster has already shown, this is just more pie in the sky, "I will sell your products to the world," by Thaksin.

Thailand makes really great food, and as my mother says, beautiful women,

but until they stop expecting something to happen, and instead make it happen, food and women will be what the country is known for.

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