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Roy Keane Talking Sense..


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From the Torygraph.....

Well said Roy. icon_thumbsup.gif

The Sunderland manager accused Sky Sports of brainwashing the public as the former Manchester United captain railed against the treatment this week of his Arsenal counterpart, Arsene Wenger.

Such is Keane's disdain for the 'experts' in front of the cameras and behind microphones that he admitted he had resorted to turning off the sound on his television.

"I was asked by ITV to do the Celtic versus Manchester United game but I've done it once for Sky and never again," Keane said. "I'd rather go to the dentist.

"You're sitting there with people like Richard Keys and they're trying to sell something that's not there.

"Anytime I watch a game on television, I have to turn the commentators off. They say 'he's playing well' and I'm thinking 'no, he's not'. My advice to anyone is don't listen to the experts, Just watch the game and gather your own opinions."

Keane, who insisted he would only consider a job in TV "if I fall on hard times", said: "There was a debate about Wenger on Sky and how crazy is that? People are actually getting interviewed saying he shouldn't be doing this.

"What that man's done for English football is amazing and will be remembered in 25, 50, 100 years' time. Will those on telly yesterday be remembered for what they've achieved? None whatsoever.

"I wouldn't trust them to walk my dog. There are ex-players and ex-referees being given air-time who I wouldn't listen to in a pub. OK, there will be one or two who've done something in the game whose opinion you would take on board, but I'm on about every Tom, Dick and Harry."

Keane, whose 12-year spell at United was ended following his guest appearance on MUTV's Play the Pundit slot when he allegedly criticised team-mates, is also irritated by the pressure mounting on Tony Adams, the recently-appointed Portsmouth manager, who he will take on on Saturday at the Stadium of Light.

"Somebody said to me Tony Adams has had a tough start," Keane said. "He has had a tough start. He's played Liverpool away and a difficult game against Wigan at home. The average manager's lifespan is going down and down again.

"I keep saying hopefully managers will be given an opportunity but the way punters are getting brain-washed every week, like a debate on every night after a bad result, it's crazy.

"We're on about league tables after a week, teams losing two games and it's a crisis and that's constantly being thrown into people's faces.

"People are getting brain-washed so what you've got to do is not to get sucked into any of that nonsense and try and focus on your job, but it's hard because people take notice of what's been said."

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i hate that fuc_ker but i agree with everything he's said there. the dumbing down of football coverage, mainly by sky but also by the bbc, is shocking.

Jamie Redknapp, Andy Gray know what they are talking about, but Sky have got to fill a 24 hour news channel hence the crap you get, Paul Merson is the worst, he knows nothing, he cant handle his drink, drugs or gambling without crying and he's thick as pig sh7t.

The BBC are a joke with that Asain guy who knows absolutely nothing about football coming along and murdering the institution that is Football Focus, he got the job purely because of his skin colour.

Hansen, Lawrenson and Dixon say the same thing every week and are boring and why Shearer goes on TV with his personality is beyond me, if he wants the Newcastle job he should go to a smaller club and get some managerial practice in, nepotism shouldnt be enough to get such a job.

As for Roy Keane he couldnt be more brutally honest if he wanted to be, some of the things he comes out with are absolutely fantastic and are the best p7ss take lines you can get, but IMO he wastes a lot of money on below average players who could quite easily get him the sack which would be a pity as he is in football for the love of the game not for the money, which is unlike most.

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Roy Keane didn't suffer fools when he was a player and he's carrying on his doctrine as a manager.ESPN and Skysports treat the viewer as though they are halfwits with inane chatter and 'after timing' that leaves me speechless.I,too, turn the sound down,when the game is on because I can't take imbociles solemnly telling me what I already know.Get rid of the wide boys and get some sensible commentators in place.

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Roy Keane didn't suffer fools when he was a player and he's carrying on his doctrine as a manager.ESPN and Skysports treat the viewer as though they are halfwits with inane chatter and 'after timing' that leaves me speechless.I,too, turn the sound down,when the game is on because I can't take imbociles solemnly telling me what I already know.Get rid of the wide boys and get some sensible commentators in place.

I don't know who are worse, the 3 Thai stooges that do the premiership games on true sport (berbatov mai dee, Fabricas geng mak mak etc) or the 3 Farang goofs that do the Champions League half time reports.

Hate to say this, but it makes me long for that awful UBC red slide with the accompanying music they used to show when alcohol was being advertised. At least with the red slide, I am assured of the quality of the commentary.

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I don't know who are worse, the 3 Thai stooges that do the premiership games on true sport (berbatov mai dee, Fabricas geng mak mak etc) or the 3 Farang goofs that do the Champions League half time reports.

Hate to say this, but it makes me long for that awful UBC red slide with the accompanying music they used to show when alcohol was being advertised. At least with the red slide, I am assured of the quality of the commentary.


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This subject came up on Football Focus last night.

The concensus from the "experts"

Roy, if you don't like it ...don't watch it :o But they were gonna say that anyway, if they admit its true they would be out of work

Bunch of plebs.......what have they ever achieved on the pitch that makes them think they know better than Keaneo?

Especially "Chavvy" Singh...what an absolute moron that bloke is.......is it me or has he been at the whitening cream lately...sure looks a lot paler :D and that little tash he sports...just looks like he missed a bit when shaving :D

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This subject came up on Football Focus last night.

The concensus from the "experts"

Roy, if you don't like it ...don't watch it :o But they were gonna say that anyway, if they admit its true they would be out of work

If they'd listened to what he said rather than their own blather they'd realise it's not what he's seeing that he's on about but what he's hearing. Let's face it 90% of those watching the game can follow it reasonably well without the commentary most of which is verbal diarrea (sp?) and useless trivia. One thing that bugs me about football commentary these days is the mindless churning out of statistics (copied from across the Atlantic). As soon as a player touches the ball you get a stream of useless facts down to the brand of toothpaste he uses.

Bunch of plebs.......what have they ever achieved on the pitch that makes them think they know better than Keaneo?

Be fair though, they are legends in their own minds.

Especially "Chavvy" Singh...what an absolute moron that bloke is.......is it me or has he been at the whitening cream lately...sure looks a lot paler :D and that little tash he sports...just looks like he missed a bit when shaving :D

A tash is it? For years I've always thought it was the residue from him blowing his nose. Oh well we live and learn. :D

Football pundits = down and outs who wear ghastly neckties in public for their 50 pieces of silver.

Not all of them obviously but a depressing proportion.

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Love the comments guys!

Re the subject at hand, did you notice when Chevy (what's that piece of fur under my nose) Sing said "The problem is when pundits who have never played the game comment". Did you see that little twerp with the glasses next to Masefield squirming in his chair. Quality!

This guy has to go, I want to either reach through my TV and grab him by the throat or just plain turn it off when he starts to speak. If there is anyone that looks as if they have never played sports in his life and thus unqualified to comment, its this guy. :o

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I thought I would tune in to see if they would raise the topic and,unsurprisingly,they all completely missed the point Roy Keane was making.They all became very defensive towards themselves and others in their 'profession' basically because they knew Keane was right and they had no answer.

Masefields first comment says it all - "Where are Sunderland in the league?"What ARE you talking about?What has managing a football club got to do with it? It's braindead statements like"Well,Sir Alex m'lud(touching his forelock),what does it mean to you to win the Champions League?" or "Well,Stevie,how does it feel to have beaten Man. United and go top of the league?"Tell us,please,because we don't know and we would LOVE to bathe in your aura,as well.

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Love the comments guys!

Re the subject at hand, did you notice when Chevy (what's that piece of fur under my nose) Sing said "The problem is when pundits who have never played the game comment". Did you see that little twerp with the glasses next to Masefield squirming in his chair. Quality!

This guy has to go, I want to either reach through my TV and grab him by the throat or just plain turn it off when he starts to speak. If there is anyone that looks as if they have never played sports in his life and thus unqualified to comment, its this guy. :o

Well credit where credit's due & for all his faults as a Pundit, i had the pleasure of meeting Shebs at a Master Tournament in the Summer of 2007 & he can play Football & very well too, i'll give him that..

Very nice Guy too even if he is a Y*d.

Good name too... :D

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have to say that one of the joys of living over here is that i don't have to watch punditry during football matches. . . .before i came away at the start of this year sky's coverage had become simply unbearable. the anchor (silent w) richard keys has an editorial remit to attempt to generate controversy where it does not exist, so sky's punditry ends up being a) irrelevant, b] self-contradicting hyperbole or c) plain wrong. just because a bloke happened to get paid to play football at the top level does not mean that he understands the tactical intricacies of being a successful manager. jamie redknapp is a case in point, he was a decent player but as a pundit he just trots out the standard soundbites that are given to him by sky's production team and expected from him by the cud-chewing masses who tune in.

so i watch football in bars over here, go out for a smoke at half time and don't expose myself to the self-congratulatory gobshittery that espn for example puts forth. steve mcmahon, legend of a player, travesty of a manager, spent most of last season claiming that rafa benitez rotated fernando torres in and out of the team too much. which is obviously why torres scored 33 goals and started just one match from the bench, that when coming back from an injury. if you parrot out the same misinformed crap often enough, it becomes accepted gospel. which is a shame, as there are some excellent, informed and reasoned pundits out there. they just don't appeal to the hype and stat-loving masses.

Edited by StevieH
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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

favourite presenters of mine are mike ingham on bbc five live and james richardson on the guardian and setanta. pundits, it's hard to look beyond david pleat for expert analysis of games, notwithstanding his inability to speak english.

you ever listen to 606 with danny baker on bbc radio five? that's how football shows should be, sheer fun.

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This guy has to go, I want to either reach through my TV and grab him by the throat or just plain turn it off when he starts to speak. If there is anyone that looks as if they have never played sports in his life and thus unqualified to comment, its this guy. :o

Personally i like to watch football focus.

But I do agree that the wormy looking guy does need to go, what a muppet, brings nothing to table except maybe some weird nervous ticks.

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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

favourite presenters of mine are mike ingham on bbc five live and james richardson on the guardian and setanta. pundits, it's hard to look beyond david pleat for expert analysis of games, notwithstanding his inability to speak english.

you ever listen to 606 with danny baker on bbc radio five? that's how football shows should be, sheer fun.

Never listen to 606, id like to slap the callers.

But this will make you laugh -


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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

Yeah, he is a top presenter. I also think Chris Kammara is fantastic.

But the one who gets on my t1ts the most, is Andy Grey and his <deleted> Tiddly Winks :o

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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

Yeah, he is a top presenter. I also think Chris Kammara is fantastic.

But the one who gets on my t1ts the most, is Andy Grey and his <deleted> Tiddly Winks :o

Chris Kamara?Come on,Mr.B,that must be tongue in cheek!The two that take the biscuit are Merson and Thompson with their girly squeals of delight when something happens.

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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

favourite presenters of mine are mike ingham on bbc five live and james richardson on the guardian and setanta. pundits, it's hard to look beyond david pleat for expert analysis of games, notwithstanding his inability to speak english.

you ever listen to 606 with danny baker on bbc radio five? that's how football shows should be, sheer fun.

Never listen to 606, id like to slap the callers.

But this will make you laugh -


Hilarious :o

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I read in the BK Post's weekend column which they give over to Steve Mcmahon.

In last Sunday's column he stated that Hull's Phil Brown had been a "Lucky Manager" and that when he was a Manager he had the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson and Kenny Dalgliesh as mentors who he would call for advice. Brown does not have that luxury...he only has Brian Horton

Well a lot of good it done hime....two less than impressive stints at Swindon and Blackpool.....power houses on the Football front, and was sacked by both clubs.....with all that advice you would have thought he could get something right. He never manged a top flight team

He must go down as one of the least sucessful managers to come out of a big side...if not the worst...at least Souness was entrusted to run some top teams.

Its just sour grapes from a guy who makes a living talking bullshit and never achieved anything as a Manager

Edited by ThaiPauly
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TP, i've read mcmahon's column in the BK post and wondered if it's ghost written by someone who has never watched football but who has access to the internet and various newspapers and just cobbles together some random populist soundbite crap and then puts mcmahon's name at the end of it. it's utter dross, and for him to claim that phil brown is a lucky manager is disgraceful. mcmahon does my head in, he really does. was such a good player and is such a boorish pub gobshite now yet gets paid for it.

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TP, i've read mcmahon's column in the BK post and wondered if it's ghost written by someone who has never watched football but who has access to the internet and various newspapers and just cobbles together some random populist soundbite crap and then puts mcmahon's name at the end of it. it's utter dross, and for him to claim that phil brown is a lucky manager is disgraceful. mcmahon does my head in, he really does. was such a good player and is such a boorish pub gobshite now yet gets paid for it.

the sad thing is, is that he is the best (and I use that term lightly) of the bunch on FF.

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stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

Yeah, he is a top presenter. I also think Chris Kammara is fantastic.

But the one who gets on my t1ts the most, is Andy Grey and his <deleted> Tiddly Winks :o

Chris Kamara?Come on,Mr.B,that must be tongue in cheek!The two that take the biscuit are Merson and Thompson with their girly squeals of delight when something happens.

Nah, honestly. I think he's great. He has me in stitches, i don't know whether he's meant to but he does. He's certainly not dull, that's for sure.

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Nah, honestly. I think he's great. He has me in stitches, i don't know whether he's meant to but he does. He's certainly not dull, that's for sure.

agree about kamara, he's not the cutest tactically but he's fun to watch. at least he doesn't really claim to be some genius like merson, charlie nicholas, mark bright et al do.

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