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This week the uk has introduced changes in immigration laws that it is billing as the biggest changes in 45 years.

These changes largely relate to a raising of the age you can obtain a marriage visa from 18 to 21 and the implementing of a strict points based system for people wanting to come and work in the UK.

Whilst the move seems sensible to many as a protection against exploitation, both from the point of view of immigrants and forced labour, it also damages many perfectly genuine people.

These quoted changes in the law claiming biggest shake up in 45 years is simply yet more smoke and mirrors politics from this discredited government. These moves in total only affect around 15% of immigration to the UK and they actually impact the people who in most cases are the most deserving of compassion. 85% of immigration comes from the EU and other special countries, these people can still come and go at will and claim benefits immediately they arrive. The government of course does not say this in the press releases. (immigrants from outside the EU cannot claim benefits on arrival as believed by many)

All this is simply yet another attempt by the Govt to garner more "sun headlines" and appeal to the less savoury side of the uk electorate. In 2007 more people left the uk than arrived but of course you dont see this.

People in the nursing profession it seems will be particularly hard hit, I wonder how the health service will manage now?


While you berate the Labour government you forget that EU treaties OBLIGE the UK to accept any citizen of the EU into the UK just as they are obliged to accept UK citizens into thiers. Why you think they then claim benefits is beyond me. Is the UK benefits system superior to the rest of the EU? I doubt it.

Protectionism is rife throughout the world and you'll see more than enough examples in this adopted country we choose to visit/live in.

This week the uk has introduced changes in immigration laws that it is billing as the biggest changes in 45 years.

These changes largely relate to a raising of the age you can obtain a marriage visa from 18 to 21 and the implementing of a strict points based system for people wanting to come and work in the UK.

Whilst the move seems sensible to many as a protection against exploitation, both from the point of view of immigrants and forced labour, it also damages many perfectly genuine people.

These quoted changes in the law claiming biggest shake up in 45 years is simply yet more smoke and mirrors politics from this discredited government. These moves in total only affect around 15% of immigration to the UK and they actually impact the people who in most cases are the most deserving of compassion. 85% of immigration comes from the EU and other special countries, these people can still come and go at will and claim benefits immediately they arrive. The government of course does not say this in the press releases. (immigrants from outside the EU cannot claim benefits on arrival as believed by many)

All this is simply yet another attempt by the Govt to garner more "sun headlines" and appeal to the less savoury side of the uk electorate. In 2007 more people left the uk than arrived but of course you dont see this.

People in the nursing profession it seems will be particularly hard hit, I wonder how the health service will manage now?

1- you can't escape the basic mathematics and history : during recession, all gvt put the brakes on immigration. It's not a matter of left or right, just plain common sense. How the migrants can make a living, have decent living conditions, if they can't find a job ?

2-when you write that more people left UK than arrived, I believe it's a gross mistake : more UK citizens left... and probably more non UE migrants arrived. Plus, what do you make of the illegal immigration ? Oh yes of course, like you say, "you don't see this". Obviously those people do not appear in statistics... So yes, we don't see them...

3-nursing profession. That's a good point. But I think the new UK law addresses this point : in France, we call that "immigration choisie". It means you choose the migrants you need. It's absolutly not shocking. Canada does it (with the points system).

It's the best system to offer better living conditions and protection for the migrants too.

It's a win win solution.

Excepted of course for the leftist lunatics who believe that western countries have to welcome all the third world. Just for the sake of it, just for the sake of "human rights", unconditional love, and universal peace.

And who, in a hurry, move to white and posh neighbourhoods, put their kids in private schools, to precisely avoid the very same migrants they were calling for...


Hmmm, seems people dont reas the posts very well.

85% of immigrants are free to do as they please, fact, some do claim benefit because they can. My clear point was that non eu immigrants cannot.

It is not true that all of eu has similar rules for immigrants, it was only the uk and sweden that opened their doors with no number restrictions. In addition the uk is by far the most popular destination for one simple reason, benefits but also the language, English.

The uk points based system does not give preference to nurses, it demands degree level qualifications and very specific skills.

Quote - 2-when you write that more people left UK than arrived, I believe it's a gross mistake : more UK citizens left... and probably more non UE migrants arrived. Plus, what do you make of the illegal immigration ? Oh yes of course, like you say, "you don't see this". Obviously those people do not appear in statistics... So yes, we don't see them...

I say quite clearly that what you call third world immigration only accounts for 15% of all immigration. Actually illegal immigration in the UK, while a problem is less than rest of eu, simple reason, an island.

I agree that when there is an economic downturn there will likely be less immigration because there will be less jobs however my main point still applies.

"biggest changes in 45 years" a lie and simply intended to grab headlines. Now if they said that they have made changes that affect 15% of immigration to UK I would have no argument. This of course would not have achieved their main aim which is to garner headlines.

All this is simply yet another attempt by the Govt to garner more "sun headlines" and appeal to the less savoury side of the uk electorate. In 2007 more people left the uk than arrived but of course you dont see this.

You broadsheet reading superior people ought to get your facts straight before criticising others.

The UK population has risen by 2 millions in the last 7 years, and this doesnt include the many non registered living here estimated at 500,000 -1 million.


If you import millions of cheap workers the wages of the indigenous workers will suffer, but dont let a horrid right winger like myself blow your delusion out the water.


First of all I can find no reference anywhere to the population rising by 2 million in 2 years, sounds like another sun headline for the bigots and racists to me.

Secondly let me say yet againnnnnnn.

My post was about so called biggest changes in 45 years. 85%, 85%, 85% of immigrants are not affected by these changes!

Oh, by the way I dont read any papers unless I find them on the bus. Just use what brain I have and always question the spin I am fed by govt.

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