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Mercury Fillings - Removal Of.


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I know that there are still differences of opinion on the safety of these fillings. However my wife is considering having them removed. Has anyone had this done in Thailand? If so what proceedure was used? Or do you know anywhere that can do this removal...thanks.

Please I am already aware of the pro's and con's.

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I know that there are still differences of opinion on the safety of these fillings. However my wife is considering having them removed. Has anyone had this done in Thailand? If so what proceedure was used? Or do you know anywhere that can do this removal...thanks.

Please I am already aware of the pro's and con's.

Procedure is the same as having a cavity, but now they drill out the mercury and replace it.

It just takes time.

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I know that there are still differences of opinion on the safety of these fillings. However my wife is considering having them removed. Has anyone had this done in Thailand? If so what proceedure was used? Or do you know anywhere that can do this removal...thanks.

Please I am already aware of the pro's and con's.

Procedure is the same as having a cavity, but now they drill out the mercury and replace it.

It just takes time.

Wow..I would think twice before having that method. Clearly a mis-understanding of the dangers of mercury dust.

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Mercury is indeed used in the old standard "silver" amalgam fillings. Getting them removed is simply a matter of drilling them out and having them replaced, if they are not very large. Frankly, I'd recommend waiting until the filling needs to be replaced anyway, as it eventually will. But if you are here on vacation/holiday, and want to get it done then to save on the expense, any good dentist is capable.

If the OP would mention just where in Thailand he would like to get this done then perhaps recommendation of good dental clinics/dentists can be made.

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I know that there are still differences of opinion on the safety of these fillings. However my wife is considering having them removed. Has anyone had this done in Thailand? If so what proceedure was used? Or do you know anywhere that can do this removal...thanks.

Please I am already aware of the pro's and con's.

Procedure is the same as having a cavity, but now they drill out the mercury and replace it.

It just takes time.

Wow..I would think twice before having that method. Clearly a mis-understanding of the dangers of mercury dust.

How else are you going to get them out? And drilling is done with water cooled drills and the water is sucked out of your mouth.

I don't see any other way.

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At least in the U.S., the current "state of the art" is to clamp a huge latex barrier around the teeth, then drill out the filling. (Doesn't matter if it's an amalgam filling or plastic.) You don't eat much, if any, of the removed material.

I realize everyone nowadays panics the instant that they hear the word "mercury!" but it never was that big of a deal to begin with, and shouldn't be now, except among those who either have a professional interest in spreading panic and those who, despite all the evidence that it's a non-issue, choose to believe the panic-spreaders.

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I think there is some kind of misunderstanding.

Mercury is very toxic & I can't imagine it being used to fill teeth. It is a liquid at room temperature.


I would keep silent & have the filling removed & replaced.

Sorry, I thought that everyone knew that amalgam fillings contained mercury, although the jury is still out regarding a ban on the use of these. As I said earlier I don't want to discuss the pros and cons. . Although heavy metal contamination is now considered to be bad news and responsible for many health problems.

We live on the border of BK and Nonthaburi. A recommended proceedure is indeed a large dam, breath through your nose and frequent mouthwashes proceeded by high dose Vit C and others which help the body to expell heavy metals.

I do know of a UK dentist, who is up with the latest techniques and can probably get his proceedure, if so I will post it for anyone who is interested.

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the above quackwatch report will tell you all you need to know about mercury fillings and the hysteria that surrounds them.

for those who have succumbed to the hysteria and wish to have their amalgam fillings removed then do seek the services of a dental practice that has been equipped to do the task properly and run by a dentist who can do the job properly.

if you are paranoid about your amalgam fillings ganging up on you and releasing undetectable micro amounts of mercury into your system whilst you sleep , then the last thing you would want is for them to be vapourised and fragmented in your mouth by the heat of a drill and for you to inhale that mercury vapour through your mouth or nose.

heavy duty suction apparatus and air filtering systems are needed to protect the truly paranoid during the procedure. some dentists even dress up as spacemen so as to impress their patients and justify the inflated fees charged.

.......... you should also research thoroughly the chemicals used in the composite white fillings often used to replace the amalgam fillings , you might soon be asking for the amalgams back.

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.......... you should also research thoroughly the chemicals used in the composite white fillings often used to replace the amalgam fillings , you might soon be asking for the amalgams back.

Oh, come on, what's a little hydrofluoric acid among friends?

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  • 2 months later...

1. Liquid mercury - the metal itself is not as poisonous as people make out..in fact you can swallow the stuff with out any adverse effects

2. Elemental mercury is posionous - ie the vapour given off by liquid mercury as it boils off...

First signs of mercury posioning is migraine type headaches..

The question I would ask people before they start getting all paranoid about the mercury in their mouth is.....Do you eat fish which has been caught in the gulf of Thailand ??...if the answer is yes...then you will be getting far more mercury in your system from the fish you are eating, than you will be from your fillings...

Oil and gas workers in the gulf of thailand under go annual mercury tests as part of their medicals and Thai nationals have quite levels on mercury in their systems due to the amount of fish they eat....

Therefore if someone is thinking about getting their fillings yanked because they are afriad of mercury...stop eating fish first before your get the fillings pulled..

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Reverting back to the original inquery, any reputable dental clinic would be ab;e to remove these abnd replace them with anmlgm. (My personal favorite for dental care is the Bangkok Dental Hospital on Sukhumvit Soi 49.

As Taxexile has pointed out, the process of drilling through and removing the fillings (unless they are already so loose as to be able to be simply pried off, in which case they need replacing anyhow) will in itself vaporize the contents and, while the amount of mercury inhaled is apt to be minimal, it will probably be more than the very miniscule amounts entering the system as a result of the fillings being in place. But if she wants them out, that's her business. Health scares aside some people opt to do this on cosmetic grounds.

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