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Over the past few days there have been two horrific Thai on Thai shooting murders on Third Road - well, two that have been reported by the increasingly censored local press. How many more shooting near misses, woundings, or even murders have occurred over the past few days we will probably never know.

And City Hall's response? Try to gag the local press. The police response? Put SWAT teams in highly visible jackets in tourist areas and main streets.

Acceptance of serious Thai on Thai violence only allows it to seep into the tourist manistream. For example the recent attack on an American tourist who (inadvisedly) tried to befriend a group of late-night drinking Thais and who was attacked with a sword. Whilst badly injured, he is lucky to be alive, an dthis incident highlights the dangers to tourists here from senseless, disproportionate, murderous violence escaping from Third Road into main tourist areas.

Does anyone have any serious suggestions to offer City Hall or Soi 9 on how best to reduce the rising tide of crime in the city, seeing nobody in authority seems to have a clue how to stop it themselves.

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A well to do Thai told me a long time ago that the whole area of 3rd road is what he described as a neat way of getting rid of trash - i.e. he seriously reflected that only trash go there and if they shoot each other then so be it. He also commented that it helps rid the population of at least 50% of said trash without anyone in authority needing to do a thing. I was never sure if he was serious or joking - but the more I think about it - the more I am coming to the conclusion he is correct. As he also commented, no Thai who was smart would ever go there after dark.

Edited by Digger
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Id legalise most drugs to bring the price down, hence people would need to steal less to pay for them and you wouldnt need to mix with criminals to get them, then all the free spaces in the prisons could be used to give violent people longer sentences.

Make any crime committed whilst drunk or on drugs punishable by doubling the prison sentence.

Have mandatory 5 year sentences for carrying guns or knives.

Create a decent education system keeping them in it until age 18 to give people alternatives to being thieving c...s.

Then id pass a law making me a dictator.

Edited by spiderman2
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Over the past few days there have been two horrific Thai on Thai shooting murders on Third Road - well, two that have been reported by the increasingly censored local press. How many more shooting near misses, woundings, or even murders have occurred over the past few days we will probably never know.

Is all of Third Road a problem area or is it just the stretch between P. Tai and P.Klang? The bit between Klang and Nua always strikes me as having a more select cliental!

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Over the past few days there have been two horrific Thai on Thai shooting murders on Third Road - well, two that have been reported by the increasingly censored local press. How many more shooting near misses, woundings, or even murders have occurred over the past few days we will probably never know.

Is all of Third Road a problem area or is it just the stretch between P. Tai and P.Klang? The bit between Klang and Nua always strikes me as having a more select cliental!

Its the bit between Klang and Nua where the most shootings occur!

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Over the past few days there have been two horrific Thai on Thai shooting murders on Third Road - well, two that have been reported by the increasingly censored local press. How many more shooting near misses, woundings, or even murders have occurred over the past few days we will probably never know.

And City Hall's response? Try to gag the local press. The police response? Put SWAT teams in highly visible jackets in tourist areas and main streets.

Acceptance of serious Thai on Thai violence only allows it to seep into the tourist manistream. For example the recent attack on an American tourist who (inadvisedly) tried to befriend a group of late-night drinking Thais and who was attacked with a sword. Whilst badly injured, he is lucky to be alive, an dthis incident highlights the dangers to tourists here from senseless, disproportionate, murderous violence escaping from Third Road into main tourist areas.

Does anyone have any serious suggestions to offer City Hall or Soi 9 on how best to reduce the rising tide of crime in the city, seeing nobody in authority seems to have a clue how to stop it themselves.

1. Make it an offence punishable by 5 years imprisonment for police officers to take bribes. Starved of this income, they might stop messing around at roadblocks and junctions all evening, oppressing the poor, whilst elsewhere the bad guys shoot each other and slash and rob tourists.

2. Make it a crime for a police officer not to be physically present and on duty when he is supposed to be working. At worst they would contribute to the feeling of safety by being seen in uniform. At best they may be able to help catch some criminals when they are on duty.

3. Appoint a local police commissioner with responsibility for managing, deploying and policing the police locally, and who will be accountable for their non-performance.

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There is one thing that usually helps a lot on these types of crime areas... Video Surveillance

We had an area in Copenhagen where several gang types were selling drugs and beating up / knifing innocent party-goers just cause they got bored. The police didnt seem to bother much so some citizens put up 2 "fake" cameras and the violence and drug selling hasnt been back since.


These cams cost a few hundred baht and are battery driven, and they look amazingly real moving right and left, blinking their little LED light. But they are totally fake, they dont even have a lense :o

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Over the past few days there have been two horrific Thai on Thai shooting murders on Third Road - well, two that have been reported by the increasingly censored local press. How many more shooting near misses, woundings, or even murders have occurred over the past few days we will probably never know.

Is all of Third Road a problem area or is it just the stretch between P. Tai and P.Klang? The bit between Klang and Nua always strikes me as having a more select cliental!

yes ,just saw a report today of another shooting outside the cottage pub after an altracation,the problem is most thais have a gun or someone in there group does when they go out for an evening so when theyre drunk any situation could develop into a shooting and often does in these popular drinking venues especially in 3rd road klang to nua. maybe a little more police presence would help but to be honest everyone knows that bib dont like to work much after 10 pm till 7 am,shame thats when all the druggies,drunks,gun holders,crims etc are at there worse :o

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I stay in that 3rd road area, and even after a very short time, you can humbly observe what

the real problems are. Underage drinkers (and you can guess who is selling them alcohol)

Afterhours drinking, ooohhh Yes, the cops make the rounds to all the farang establishments

at 1-2am but the pubs, discos, bars that cater almost exclusively to Thais, stay open until

dawn. And the drugs, as so many of them are wound-up on yaa-baa, aren't helping. And

now, this violence is spilling over into tourist circles as these young punks race around on

their motorbikes all night long. They've ignored it, and now it is a major problem in town. :o

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Yes, this stretch of 3rd road turns out to be a problem.

At 3 am hundreds of teenagers on the streets, clear evidence of drunk driving, both cars and bikes.

You add drugs and guns (both widely available) and you got the right mixture for violence and crime.

Sometimes I pass the area at 3 or 4 am...never seen police or any security.

Although there are some nice nightspots, I simply avoid those places.

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It is getting like that on Soi Yume - near Central Road end. In one night I saw 6 Thais beating up another Thai, using lumps of wood and their feet. The 2 hours later a drunk young Thai guy waving a gun and showing it off to everyone :o And I have been told the bar that he kept going into is police owned. No one near either of these incidents batted an eyelid (all Thais).

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It is getting like that on Soi Yume - near Central Road end. In one night I saw 6 Thais beating up another Thai, using lumps of wood and their feet. The 2 hours later a drunk young Thai guy waving a gun and showing it off to everyone :o And I have been told the bar that he kept going into is police owned. No one near either of these incidents batted an eyelid (all Thais).

that just re iterates the problem in pattaya......as no one calls the police as they know no one will come(unless paid to) and they are also used to seeing many thai guys beat up 1 guy,pretty standard stuff for patts. :D

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