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Anyone Recommend A Doctor For Skin Problem?


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Noticed I started to get some red spots on my forearms which started to spread to to my chest and torso, think they are probably Cherry Angioma which are benign but I think I'm best off checking that with a doctor. Can anyone recommend a doctor in cm suited to the task?

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One thing I have not tried yet at Sripat Special Clinic (13th floor, Maharaj hospital complex) is a skin doctor. But I have had good results from maybe 20 doctors in ten specialties, and the chances of getting a good dermatologist are pretty high. And most of the junior doctors are not afraid to refer you to a staff ajarn/professor. Tell the appointment nurse on the first floor of the clinic what you need, and she may give you an appointment with the right specialist within 36 hours.

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I had a couple rough yrs with the spots/bumps breaking out and it was heat rash/ prickly heat. Wiki it n see if it sounds familiar. Now with the drier air it's less likely though up until 2 days ago the afternoons were hot n humid. I also recommend going to Tesco n wherever n experimenting with a splash of Protex brand cooling powder on yer body (anywhere likely to get too hot or sticky - no other way to put it). Protex does me good, and prickly heat powder in the metal can does not, by the by; it's too cheap.

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Two dermatologists are available at the Special Medical Service Center, Maharaj. See details of the center by searching for the topic on this board. The hours are Mon (1-3) and Thursday (1-3). Call for an appointment or just show up. If the latter, take a magazine. There will mostly likely be a wait. Double-check at 053946900-1 or [email protected]

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Two dermatologists are available at the Special Medical Service Center, Maharaj. See details of the center by searching for the topic on this board. The hours are Mon (1-3) and Thursday (1-3). Call for an appointment or just show up. If the latter, take a magazine. There will mostly likely be a wait. Double-check at 053946900-1 or [email protected]

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There is a skin specailist near The Cafe on Moon Muang road who speaks excellent English and has been around for years. :D

UG, I went to that guy when I was suffering from some sort of skin rash on my arm and chest.

He glanced at it for less than half a second, reached without looking into two boxes sitting right beside him, and handed me three bottles of lotion and two tubes of grease (the same as I'd seen just about every other patient before me walking out with,) telling me it was just eczema and I needed to 'moisturize' the areas for the rest of my life. :D

I REALLY can't stand greasy stuff, but tried it for a week with no improvement before heading off to Chiang Mai Ram and that delightful young dermatologist. She spent five minutes carefully examining the rash with a powerful magnifying glass, took a sample to be checked by the lab, and prescribed some ANTIHISTAMINE tablets! The rash cleared up within hours of taking the pills. Simple allergy to something (the lab confirmed there was nothing else there,) and after a week of the meds, the rash never came back.

I will, however, agree that the doctor who ran the assembly line shop near the Cafe did speak excellent English and cost next to nothing. Now if he could only practice excellent medicine.... :o

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I had a different experience with him.

I was traveling around South East Asia and picked up a rash that was terrible and kept moving from place to place. The thing kept getting worse and worse and I was even having trouble sleeping and I kept trying different medicines, but nothing worked. Finally when I returned to Chiang Mai, I went to see him and he gave me some sort of medicine that got rid of the itching and allowed me to sleep and it was completely gone within two weeks.

I was most happy! :o

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I had a good experience with him too. He spent about ten minutes examining me and talking with me (superb English) even when there were about 30 people in the waiting room. He told me to come back at 9:00 P.M. when he had more time to properly treat me and anesthetize the skin. He spent over an hour doing laser surgery , being really careful and taking his time. His diagnosis was the same as an American Doctor I went to, who wanted over $3000 USD to treat me! His fee was not super-cheap but not unreasonable. The laser was state of the art. I was there until about 10:30 P.M. I can't say enough good things about him.

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There is a skin specailist near The Cafe on Moon Muang road who speaks excellent English and has been around for years. :D

UG, I went to that guy when I was suffering from some sort of skin rash on my arm and chest.

He glanced at it for less than half a second, reached without looking into two boxes sitting right beside him, and handed me three bottles of lotion and two tubes of grease (the same as I'd seen just about every other patient before me walking out with,) telling me it was just eczema and I needed to 'moisturize' the areas for the rest of my life. :D

I REALLY can't stand greasy stuff, but tried it for a week with no improvement before heading off to Chiang Mai Ram and that delightful young dermatologist. She spent five minutes carefully examining the rash with a powerful magnifying glass, took a sample to be checked by the lab, and prescribed some ANTIHISTAMINE tablets! The rash cleared up within hours of taking the pills. Simple allergy to something (the lab confirmed there was nothing else there,) and after a week of the meds, the rash never came back.

I will, however, agree that the doctor who ran the assembly line shop near the Cafe did speak excellent English and cost next to nothing. Now if he could only practice excellent medicine.... :o

I went to Ram for a suspicious spot on my arm. The dermatologist was a fellow who sat behind a desk and poked at the spot WITH HIS PEN and told me it was "nothing". I withdrew the assaulted limb and said "I don't know what medical school you went to, but I don't expect to be poked by a BIC as part of any exam". I excused myself, told the front desk I wasn't paying for a Bic Pen examination, and left. At the CMU Special Medical Clinic (CMED), they at least looked at the spot under a lens, then proceeded to give me a whole-body skin cancer examination just to be sure (since I'm light complexioned and told them I hadn't been examined for five years). They did concur with the Bic Pen result, but I do feel they gave the whole process a bit more consideration and the patient a bit more respect.

Edited by peekint
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I went to Ram for a suspicious spot on my arm. The dermatologist was a fellow who sat behind a desk and poked at the spot WITH HIS PEN and told me it was "nothing". I withdrew the assaulted limb and said "I don't know what medical school you went to, but I don't expect to be poked by a BIC as part of any exam". I excused myself, told the front desk I wasn't paying for a Bic Pen examination, and left.

I would be so grateful that they were not poking me with a shot needle that I would be happy to pay. :o

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There is a skin specailist near The Cafe on Moon Muang road who speaks excellent English and has been around for years. :D

UG, I went to that guy when I was suffering from some sort of skin rash on my arm and chest.

He glanced at it for less than half a second, reached without looking into two boxes sitting right beside him, and handed me three bottles of lotion and two tubes of grease (the same as I'd seen just about every other patient before me walking out with,) telling me it was just eczema and I needed to 'moisturize' the areas for the rest of my life. :D

I REALLY can't stand greasy stuff, but tried it for a week with no improvement before heading off to Chiang Mai Ram and that delightful young dermatologist. She spent five minutes carefully examining the rash with a powerful magnifying glass, took a sample to be checked by the lab, and prescribed some ANTIHISTAMINE tablets! The rash cleared up within hours of taking the pills. Simple allergy to something (the lab confirmed there was nothing else there,) and after a week of the meds, the rash never came back.

I will, however, agree that the doctor who ran the assembly line shop near the Cafe did speak excellent English and cost next to nothing. Now if he could only practice excellent medicine.... :o

I went to Ram for a suspicious spot on my arm. The dermatologist was a fellow who sat behind a desk and poked at the spot WITH HIS PEN and told me it was "nothing". I withdrew the assaulted limb and said "I don't know what medical school you went to, but I don't expect to be poked by a BIC as part of any exam". I excused myself, told the front desk I wasn't paying for a Bic Pen examination, and left. At the CMU Special Medical Clinic (CMED), they at least looked at the spot under a lens, then proceeded to give me a whole-body skin cancer examination just to be sure (since I'm light complexioned and told them I hadn't been examined for five years). They did concur with the Bic Pen result, but I do feel they gave the whole process a bit more consideration and the patient a bit more respect.

Okay. But who and when? If it was Dr. Sathorn, I have a friend who would heartily support your reaction --- and the doctor gave a very wrong diagnosis in that case, which was an obvious diagnosis given patient information. This was discovered later, soon fortunately. Or was it Dr. Vachiraporn or Dr. Sagulrat. You might be inadvertently maligning good docs.

Edited by Mapguy
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There is a skin specailist near The Cafe on Moon Muang road who speaks excellent English and has been around for years. :D

UG, I went to that guy when I was suffering from some sort of skin rash on my arm and chest.

He glanced at it for less than half a second, reached without looking into two boxes sitting right beside him, and handed me three bottles of lotion and two tubes of grease (the same as I'd seen just about every other patient before me walking out with,) telling me it was just eczema and I needed to 'moisturize' the areas for the rest of my life. :D

I REALLY can't stand greasy stuff, but tried it for a week with no improvement before heading off to Chiang Mai Ram and that delightful young dermatologist. She spent five minutes carefully examining the rash with a powerful magnifying glass, took a sample to be checked by the lab, and prescribed some ANTIHISTAMINE tablets! The rash cleared up within hours of taking the pills. Simple allergy to something (the lab confirmed there was nothing else there,) and after a week of the meds, the rash never came back.

I will, however, agree that the doctor who ran the assembly line shop near the Cafe did speak excellent English and cost next to nothing. Now if he could only practice excellent medicine.... :o

I went to Ram for a suspicious spot on my arm. The dermatologist was a fellow who sat behind a desk and poked at the spot WITH HIS PEN and told me it was "nothing". I withdrew the assaulted limb and said "I don't know what medical school you went to, but I don't expect to be poked by a BIC as part of any exam". I excused myself, told the front desk I wasn't paying for a Bic Pen examination, and left. At the CMU Special Medical Clinic (CMED), they at least looked at the spot under a lens, then proceeded to give me a whole-body skin cancer examination just to be sure (since I'm light complexioned and told them I hadn't been examined for five years). They did concur with the Bic Pen result, but I do feel they gave the whole process a bit more consideration and the patient a bit more respect.

Okay. But who and when? If it was Dr. Sathorn, I have a friend who would heartily support your reaction --- and the doctor gave a very wrong diagnosis in that case, which was an obvious diagnosis given patient information. This was discovered later, soon fortunately. Or was it Dr. Vachiraporn or Dr. Sagulrat. You might be inadvertently maligning good docs.

Frankly, I have no idea who it was, nor, at this point, does it matter.

I don't mean to malign any particular docs. My comment relates to Ram.

When I go to a private hospital I expect the hospital to have vetted its staff for competence. I do not expect to worry about the luck of the draw. In an emergency, if I were to go to Ram and there was a possibility that one of three doctors would be in surgery to care for me, and only 2 of the 3 knew their business, would I choose Ram as the place to go? That ratio is not one that appeals to me!

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I agree with peekint, that the problem lay with Ram having such a doctor on the staff, whatever his name was. But I only had one good treatment at Ram, one ineffective treatment at Ram, and a one-inch high medical record stack of good experiences at the 13th floor of Sripat.

When my wife was pregnant with my son, she chose an OB who was brand new in town. No one had anything good or bad to say about him, and she judged him solely on his pre and post treatment. (Which was great! She was fine, the baby was fine, I'm still a wreck 33 years later.) I suppose that for every good/bad report about a doctor we can always find someone who had a completely different story to tell. Perhaps that's why they call it 'practicing.' :o

(By the way, he was the first doctor I ever heard say "I don't know.")

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