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Save The Apostrophe...............


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For those amongst us with a pedantic leaning, here is an interesting link with which to bash - or pity - those writers on TV, who haven´t a clue how to use the apostrophe.............. I personally cringe when I see such mistakes..................... :o


Troll or Dick, can't decide.

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For those amongst us with a pedantic leaning, here is an interesting link with which to bash - or pity - those writers on TV, who haven´t a clue how to use the apostrophe.............. I personally cringe when I see such mistakes..................... :o


I would suggest you stop reading TV if you cringe at such minor errors , even the pedantic amongst us make more than minor errors whilst tyeping , it is human to err .

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For those amongst us with a pedantic leaning, here is an interesting link with which to bash - or pity - those writers on TV, who haven´t a clue how to use the apostrophe.............. I personally cringe when I see such mistakes..................... :o


Watch out where the Huskies go

And don't you eat that yellow snow....

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OP, Other than first lanuage english contributors to TV, i havent really seen any badly formed posts, ie, lack of punctuation, perhaps you could enlighten the forum by giving names ect, im sure they would clean up there act if they were pointed out.

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Not really a topic for TV, but I wondered why some people are so sensitive about the OP's interest in the apostrophe. I don't suppose one would find any clue in their previous posts. :o


Not a topic for TV? It was on Newsnight last night! Oh, that TV...

It should be banished into the bowels of hel_l. The apostrophe is merely a device for the strong to bully the weak.

And why can't non Thailand topics be discussed on TV? Doesn't do any harm, does it?

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i dont care about people not using apostrophes but what bothers me is when people just keep typing away and dont bother to use general punctuation like commas or periods they dont even bother to use a full stop to end a sentence or a capital letter to start the next one this makes trying to read these awful posts quite difficult sometimes and i for one just ignore them

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There instead of their, could of been instead of could have been, I have even come across a few posters who use a comma instead on an apostrophe.

It is funny how minor things can stand out so much to some. I guess we all have our little quirks.

What ever floats your boat I guess.

Edited by tuky
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For those amongst us with a pedantic leaning, here is an interesting link with which to bash - or pity - those writers on TV, who haven´t a clue how to use the apostrophe.............. I personally cringe when I see such mistakes..................... :o


I would suggest you stop reading TV if you cringe at such minor errors , even the pedantic amongst us make more than minor errors whilst tyeping , it is human to err .

To err is human,

but to really stuff things up, you need a computer, a couple of grogs, a red mist and a bitter vetch!


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I think its terrible the way the apostrophe is misused. Its' not difficult and if your not prepared to use good English, its' you're mistake.

I know what you mean mate. :o

(Missed a couple :D ^^)

For all you Facebookers out there, check out the group called: "Every time you misplace an apostrophe, God kills another kitten..."

And for all you realy gud reeders out there, check this out: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle4602609.ece

Edited by polecat
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OP, Other than first lanuage english contributors to TV, i havent really seen any badly formed posts, ie, lack of punctuation, perhaps you could enlighten the forum by giving names ect, im sure they would clean up there act if they were pointed out.

Your humour seems to have been missed by most :o

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I think its terrible the way the apostrophe is misused. Its' not difficult and if your not prepared to use good English, its' you're mistake.

oh such nonsense sweetpea

how about non english speakers who wish to add their voice

should we test them before they post?

surely, so long as we can understand what they say and its of some value we can get by we should not make such a big fuss over nothing.

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OP, Other than first lanuage english contributors to TV, i havent really seen any badly formed posts, ie, lack of punctuation, perhaps you could enlighten the forum by giving names ect, im sure they would clean up there act if they were pointed out.

Your humour seems to have been missed by most :D

And, the more you look the more you see.

Quite clever really. :o

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For those amongst us with a pedantic leaning, here is an interesting link with which to bash - or pity - those writers on TV, who haven´t a clue how to use the apostrophe.............. I personally cringe when I see such mistakes..................... :o


Troll or Dick, can't decide.

Why should I be a troll or a dick?????? I´ve submitted plenty of sensible postings over the last 12 months to have dispelled such assumptions - a bit insulting, don´t you think, to make such insinuations? There are plenty of people here, who are interested in the intricacies of the English language. I was simply pointing out what I consider to be an interesting newpaper article!!!

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