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I know this is not the way to go ahead..

But I am staying away from this forum site as I have understood this forum is not for an Asian like myself, to express personal opinions.

Enjoy Thailand


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This is a religious war. The whole thing would stop if Mitta Bush declare Islam as a forbidden religion.

Christians, Buddhists and Hindu's don't do this evil acts.


I agree with Fester, they are evil, sick people. They will make a holy war they will and can only lose.

Bush and Sadam, were having a telephone conversation a little while ago.

Sadam say's to Bush, I like the movies you make in America. I really like the STAR-TREK films, but can I ask you? Why on STAR-TREK there are Americans, Chinese, Irish, Vulcans, etc, BUT THERE NO MUSLIMS.

Bush reply's, don’t be silly Sadam that's because this is in the future. :o



Kwiz, I was just wondering what nationality you are, I noticed in the index you say your name is RAS. is that short for


Have you bowed down to the terrorist?, if we let then even think we are scared they have won, (hope you agree). I for one, will never stop travelling, and I will go to anywhere in the world I please to go.

I would also like to ask, why have you posted such a topic on this forum ?. It seems a very strange posting that you write. If you can please explain your thought process, as I am sure not only me would like to know why you bring such a OFF TOPIC statement. We all know about the Bush and other world leaders meeting in Thailand soon, if this is realy playing on your mind leave Thailand, if it's not this then what is it that you are worried about?.

By the way, I don't think Im racist, I was once married to a coloured, my father is 1/4 indian and my sister is a practising catholic. I have no problem with colour,creed,religion or race, there are good and bad people all over our world. But when 3 year olds Muslins/Islamist's are taught at school to hate the western world and our culture, someone somewhere needed to draw a line, rightly or wrongly Bush has made his mark and we can not turn back the hands of time, so this is the world we live in and it ain't going to change overnight so we might aswell live our life and enjoy it.


The US Constitution and Bill of Rights should be translated and distributed widely.

But what the Islamic world really longs for is a revolution of human conciousness similar to what has been taking place in the West since the 1960's, with leaders such as Ghandi, ML King, John Lennon and others.   Unfortunately this is the last thing that the Bush-Blair team can fathom, as they are still stuck in the pre-sixties world.  




Victims of Tuesday's suicide bombing in Jerusalem  

By Haaretz Staff

The 20th victim is a foreign worker from Thailand who has yet to be named.

terrorists dont mind who they kill!!!

i send my condolences to the thai family that are relying on the support from israel


As long as we do nothing about Palestine, but continue giving Israel billion of $ per year we will breed hatred.

Hamas will have songs to sing about the evil West. Poor, extremely uneducated, children will listen and strap bombs to themselves - they soak up the rants of those that would twist the words of the Qur'an (koran), as other have done to other great books, to further their ‘cause’.

They are dispossessed - stateless - we took their land and gave it to the Jews for the suffering the West had put them through for hundreds of years - we swapped one dispossessed for another (Collapse of the Turkish Ottoman Empire saw Britain taking control of the many Ottoman Arab territories – all but one state was made independent Arab states, Palestine, under the "Balfour Declaration" in 1917 the League of Nations – the West – decided to support:  "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"). Then we arm and protect them. We give them $billions and the poor neighbour watches, cowers and starves.

What are there choices? What would ours be?

How loud do they have to shout before we help them? Words and promises are just not enough anymore – they get words from Hamas. They have seen peace talks come and go and nothing has changes for the better.

Forget the terrorists, they only have their instruments of destruction for as long as the 'cause' exists; for as long as the money is there and they have martyrs to turn themselves into payload delivery systems. It is not possible to win such a 'war' with guns - they have nothing left to loose - unless genocide is on your agenda.

Forget the religious angle - simply here it is that the Qur'an teaches to hold allegiance to the faith above all things. To the faithful, this means that if Palestine suffers they must help; as the allies did against the Reich. Those conquered in Europe fought back with resistance and guerrilla tactics. How long this would have gone on if Europe had fallen and the US sat back. How would France, Britain and the other conquered nations (yes I know Britain wasn’t conquered, but given time how long could she have held out?) got the attention of America?

It is no coincidence that the poorest nations are usually the most religious; when you are drowning you grab for and straw that floats past.

I am no condoning Terrorism – far from it – I am simply saying, kill the ‘raison d'être’ and you loose the ‘cause’.


Having read the comments on this thread it would appear that some people are getting away from basic facts. Yes some Muslim clerics do teach hatered of non Muslims and not only to children either. In Saudi Arabia 200  clerics have been banned for preaching just this from the mosques. In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government. These booklets may not be the "official" muslim line but they are readily available printed in English for all to read.

These terrorists are not just after Americans to do with Iraq or Afghanistan, if so why Bali, Jakarta etc. Remember what was said 6 months ago when a terrorist plot was exposed in Singapore, these fanatics wanted to make Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia all part of a Muslim connerbation under Shariah law. Try living in one of the less tolerant Muslim

countries in the Middle East under Shariah law and then tell us all about how great the "faith' is.

Having read the comments on this thread it would appear that some people are getting away from basic facts. Yes some Muslim clerics do teach hatered of non Muslims and not only to children either. In Saudi Arabia 200  clerics have been banned for preaching just this from the mosques. In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government. These booklets may not be the "official" muslim line but they are readily available printed in English for all to read.

These terrorists are not just after Americans to do with Iraq or Afghanistan, if so why Bali, Jakarta etc. Remember what was said 6 months ago when a terrorist plot was exposed in Singapore, these fanatics wanted to make Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia all part of a Muslim connerbation under Shariah law. Try living in one of the less tolerant Muslim

countries in the Middle East under Shariah law and then tell us all about how great the "faith' is.

In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government.

But this is exactly what many believe (followers of Islam) the west, specifically the US , is attempting to do themselves.... impose there way of life on Islamic nations. Iraq, for example, has never had a democracy, while every nation bordering Iraq has equally never had a democracy. Though now, it would appear the US is attempting to create a democracy in Iraq.

Iraq is made up of Shia's & Sunny's (muslims) both of which have a history of conflict. How can these people live together in a democracy? One out numbers the other by 2 to 1. We can see from other nations (N Ireland springs to mind, as does Israel/Palestine) that attempting to integrate the 2 groups will lead to many years of problems ahead.

So what actually is the west trying to acheive?

I can only conclude that Iraq must have posed some sort of threat to the west in terms of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise, why bother creating such a mess?

But then i read today that half of all Iraqs oil exports by 2005 (under US contol) are to be purchased by Israel (BBC Newsnight 19.08.2003.) while the other half will be sold to the highest bids from the eurozone.

Perhaps that is the key. ???

In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government.

But this is exactly what many believe (followers of Islam) the west, specifically the US , is attempting to do themselves.... impose there way of life on Islamic nations. Iraq, for example, has never had a democracy, while every nation bordering Iraq has equally never had a democracy. Though now, it would appear the US is attempting to create a democracy in Iraq.

Iraq is made up of Shia's & Sunny's (muslims) both of which have a history of conflict. How can these people live together in a democracy? One out numbers the other by 2 to 1. We can see from other nations (N Ireland springs to mind, as does Israel/Palestine) that attempting to integrate the 2 groups will lead to many years of problems ahead.

So what actually is the west trying to acheive?

I can only conclude that Iraq must have posed some sort of threat to the west in terms of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise, why bother creating such a mess?

But then i read today that half of all Iraqs oil exports by 2005 (under US contol) are to be purchased by Israel (BBC Newsnight 19.08.2003.) while the other half will be sold to the highest bids from the eurozone.

Perhaps that is the key. ???

In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government.

But this is exactly what many believe (followers of Islam) the west, specifically the US , is attempting to do themselves.... impose there way of life on Islamic nations. Iraq, for example, has never had a democracy, while every nation bordering Iraq has equally never had a democracy. Though now, it would appear the US is attempting to create a democracy in Iraq.

Iraq is made up of Shia's & Sunny's (muslims) both of which have a history of conflict. How can these people live together in a democracy? One out numbers the other by 2 to 1. We can see from other nations (N Ireland springs to mind, as does Israel/Palestine) that attempting to integrate the 2 groups will lead to many years of problems ahead.

So what actually is the west trying to acheive?

I can only conclude that Iraq must have posed some sort of threat to the west in terms of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise, why bother creating such a mess?

But then i read today that half of all Iraqs oil exports by 2005 (under US contol) are to be purchased by Israel (BBC Newsnight 19.08.2003.) while the other half will be sold to the highest bids from the eurozone.

Perhaps that is the key. ???

In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government.


But this is exactly what many believe (followers of Islam) the west, specifically the US , is attempting to do themselves.... impose there way of life on Islamic nations. Iraq, for example, has never had a democracy, while every nation bordering Iraq has equally never had a democracy. Though now, it would appear the US is attempting to create a democracy in Iraq.

Iraq is made up of Shia's & Sunny's (muslims) both of which have a history of conflict. How can these people live together in a democracy? One out numbers the other by 2 to 1. We can see from other nations (N Ireland springs to mind, as does Israel/Palestine) that attempting to integrate the 2 groups will lead to many years of problems ahead.

So what actually is the west trying to acheive?

I can only conclude that Iraq must have posed some sort of threat to the west in terms of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise, why bother creating such a mess?

But then i read today that half of all Iraqs oil exports by 2005 (under US contol) are to be purchased by Israel (BBC Newsnight 19.08.2003.) while the other half will be sold to the highest bids from the eurozone.

Perhaps that is the key. ???

In many Islamic publications that are readily available, there is mention of World domination by Muslims and that it is the duty of a muslim in a non muslim land to overthrow the legal government and install a muslim government.

But this is exactly what many believe (followers of Islam) the west, specifically the US , is attempting to do themselves.... impose there way of life on Islamic nations. Iraq, for example, has never had a democracy, while every nation bordering Iraq has equally never had a democracy. Though now, it would appear the US is attempting to create a democracy in Iraq.

Iraq is made up of Shia's & Sunny's (muslims) both of which have a history of conflict. How can these people live together in a democracy? One out numbers the other by 2 to 1. We can see from other nations (N Ireland springs to mind, as does Israel/Palestine) that attempting to integrate the 2 groups will lead to many years of problems ahead.

So what actually is the west trying to acheive?

I can only conclude that Iraq must have posed some sort of threat to the west in terms of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise, why bother creating such a mess?

But then i read today that half of all Iraqs oil exports by 2005 (under US contol) are to be purchased by Israel (BBC Newsnight 19.08.2003.) while the other half will be sold to the highest bids from the eurozone.

Perhaps that is the key. ???


Heheh, sorry, but after 4 attempt i figure out how to work this quote thing!  :o

Sorry if that p*ssed anybody off, i try to delete the previous ones but with no luck!!


The US Constitution and Bill of Rights should be translated and distributed widely.

That would be nice. Start in the US as the vast majority of people in the US have no clue as to what the ideas set forth by the Constitution are and certainly have no clue as to what the Bill of Rights represents as an integral part of that document which has been held incognito in a museum in washington.

Just 1 example is this issue about "democracy". Nowhere is that horrid idea even mentioned in the Dec of Indenpendence, Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The revolutionaries and founders fought AGAINST creating a democracy. But it sure has become not only a democracy but worse.

Worse? You bet. I've heard that if voting could actually change the power structure, then voting would be banned.


Mr Vietnam  :cool:


I agree, the United States was set up to be a republic, not a democracy, to prevent the majority from enslaving the minority.

Everyone check out that original US Constitution - Bill of Rights - it is a very good starting point.   What other countries have good constitutions that should be being discussed by Iraqis and the world right now?

And, oh yeah, when do the Iraqis get representation in the US Congress.  We fought a war with the English over the phrase - "No taxation without representation!"

  • 4 weeks later...

So the best way to stop these attacks is to stop launching attacks against them.

Incorrect.  Here is the best way to stop the terrorist attacks, taken from an article you can read here: To Stymie Terrorists, Wrap Their Remains in Pork  I think it's brilliant!  

"Plagued by Islamic terrorists in the southern Philippines, U.S. Army General John "Blackjack" Pershing's troops captured six Muslim guerrillas in 1911. "You'll never see Paradise," one officer told the militants before five of them were shot with bullets dipped in pig fat and later shrouded in pigskins and buried among pork entrails. The surviving terrorist was allowed to escape, whereupon he told his comrades what he witnessed. The jihad stopped immediately, and peace prevailed for years."

Also, the terrorists should be informed that, according to the Koran, Allah will accept only the first 70,000 martyrs into paradise.  Surely, that many have already died, in all the wars since this religion was made up??


kwiz, you seem to take side of terrorist.  and I am thinking you dont like americans, yes?  

and bombing of japan by americans saved more japanse and american lives by ending war so soon.  that was not terrorism.  it stopped japan who wanted to take over all the world.


Kwiz ,

What are your thoughts on the situation in your own country?

I'm not continuing our much earlier spate re : native English teachers, but its interesting that you have very strong thoughts on this subject, without mentioning your own origins , when they have a history , and very current terrorist climate.



Kwiz , all I'm saying is that its good to be upfront about where you are from , otherwise people cannot see the whole picture when entering a debate.

( ie how your opinions are formed , history, background)

Our previous engagement annoyed me only because you sent me a pm with your opinions, without explanation of who you were, where you were from , no previous introduction etc

I prefer an open discussion before things happen behind closed doors.

I respect your opinion also.


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