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Crazy Bird


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A bird (feathered variety...) has become obssessed with my car. It constantly sits on the wing mirror and tries to fly in through the closed window. I think it is a bit of a Narcissus and has fallen in love with its own reflection.

My car is constantly covered in bird cr*p and little scratch marks from its claws.

I have tried leaving a plastic dinosaur on the wing mirror to scare it off, also a toy snake however neither of these were effective.

Does anybody have any other (humane!) suggestions to get it to move on?

The bird is about the size of a sparrow with a black and white striped tail.

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The bird is about the size of a sparrow with a black and white striped tail.

How about engaging a sparrow hawk, or its trainer?

I have a real problem with pigeons who have always followed me around the world and whether in Scotland, Devon, Southern France, and now here in Chiang Mai they continue to fray my nerve endings with that appalling persistant racket with which they pollute the air from morning till night. It must be the most boring sound ever inflicted on innocent searchers after peace and quiet. Pigeons are the scourge of the countryside and should be treated like rats. I don't think the word humane applies to the treatment of pigeons.

I'm wondering if its legal to shoot them or whether to take my own advice, given above, and purchase a bird of prey; I think a falcon may be partial to pigeon. Anyone know of a falconer in the area?

I hope I haven't hi-jacked your thread. They are closely related questions. About annoying birds.

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You could try the Thai method of scaring away flies....

Hang a clear plastic bag filled with water over window ( apparently the fly's magnified reflection scares them away - i will have to do a scientific analysis of this method, - could be a money spinner back in farang land :o )

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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What about covering your car for a while with tarpolin(sp?) or something for a week or two. By then hopefully he will have found a new spot to admire himself.

I have the same problem only with my water tank, which is chrome and attracts one little one who sits most of the day and pecks at himself...

I bet that would work Eek.

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We at Dustoff Scarecrow Services (DSS) can provide a really scary guy who will not only frighten birds away but neighbor's children, dogs, cats, bats, rats and even your wife if you so desire (trust me, I have scared away several of my own). :o

But seriously folks, birds, like cats, do not like surprises. A piece of string and some little device that suddenly flaps at them will send them looking for less frightening places. The device can be as simple as a playing card, mousetrap, whatever your imagination can come up with and the string leads to your house door or window where you await like a drooling vulture.

Myna birds can be a major nuisance by eating all your pet's food and even swooping into your house to steal stuff. I have had great success with a simple cardboard box, a stick and a string. Prop the box up (open side down) with the stick, bait even just one of them with a trail of dogfood, yank the stick out with a pull of the string, shake the box roughly from side to side (slamming the trapped bird against the sides), release the bird and they will never enter your yard again. And yes, they do pass the word...

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Probably using the mirror as the locals...pimple picking

Hmm, now I understand the reason for the mirror in the toilet in your home..

I know, I know, before you even start - reason, conscience and all that crap... :o

Edited by Dustoff
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We at Dustoff Scarecrow Services (DSS) can provide a really scary guy who will not only frighten birds away but neighbor's children, dogs, cats, bats, rats and even your wife if you so desire (trust me, I have scared away several of my own). :o

Hmm...so where is DSS when you have scary noises in your ceiling/roof eh? :D

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I had problems with coots here on the London canals - these creatures cruise 24/7 (they NEVER sleep) and constantly make VERY LOUD peeping noises (like a submarine active sonar). No joke at 3am when you have to get up in the morning.

I gently discourage them by shooting small pebbles at them with a catapult - never hit them but it encourages them to move on to another part of the canal and doesn't take that long, they're quick learners. :o

Anyway, you probably won't want to shoot pebbles at your own car, but perhaps you could find some rubber pellets (cut up a few erasers) and spend some quality time communicating your displeasure at 'his' antics. 'He' will get the message soon enough. Unlike me (the pebbles disappear into the water) you have the option of recycling your ammunition.

Then you will be prepared, replacing the rubber with steel shot, for dealing with snakes and rats from a safe distance :D

[Actually, I'm assuming catapults (AmE: Slingshots) are legal in LOS?]

Edited by phaethon
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We at Dustoff Scarecrow Services (DSS) can provide a really scary guy who will not only frighten birds away but neighbor's children, dogs, cats, bats, rats and even your wife if you so desire (trust me, I have scared away several of my own). :D

Hmm...so where is DSS when you have scary noises in your ceiling/roof eh? :D

Hmmmmmm..... I am thinking off and active as post #9 above has mentioned. "Probably using the mirror as the locals...pimple picking" :o

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