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Why Do Prefer Thailand Over First World Asian Countries?


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I am English and my wife is Thai who I met in England.

England is now a complete fourth world dump and I made my mind up to get out years ago.

As my wife is Thai it made sense to live in Thailand as my wife has all her family in Chiang Mai, which made it easier to set up a home here.

I`ve no doubts that if my wife would have been of some other nationality I probably would have ended up somewhere else.

England is now a multi racial foreign land anyway, so I`m no worse off living in Thailand. In my own country I`m classified as a whitey and in Thailand a Farang, so what`s the difference?

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Why do you want to live in Thailand instead of Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, or Japan?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a third world country?

3rd World. Thailand?

Have seen the UK recently?

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i would prefer to live in japan but it is way more expensive.

We are in our second month in Japan (myself in my 6th year).

So far, the cost is about 4000US$ per month for all of us (excluding international school fee).

The clothes - we had to buy and still buying for wife and daughter as the clothes from Thai are not warm enough for here. They brought only for first 10 days. Also, other one-off expenses while settling.

We shop in an equivavalent of Carefour for food (including Oz beef and atlantic salmon), low price baby shops and, for clothes, something like Sears.

Every Saturday and Sunday lunch in a restaurant (about 1000B for all 3).

The cost will be reduced to probably 2500US$ per month...which is, for the family of 3, about 80K baht. No attempt to save on anything. By average Japanese (or farang English teachers who earn 2500US$ per month) it could be called an entry level into luxury.

Edited by think_too_mut
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Cause Thai woman are exquisite :o

And affordable.

I would say Japanese and Korean women are equally exquisite.

My mail box (a traditional one, not email) gets about 10-20 leaflets a week advertising sex services.

Like this:

The point is - I have never seen such a thing in my mailbox in Thai.

Edited by soundman
That is exactly why we have the forum rule about referncing prostitution.
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I love Thailand because it is hot, fairly cheap, Great great food local and foreign, nice friendly people, Good nightlife in places if i want it, If i don't then it's very easy to get back out into the chilled out places and relax.

I think that some parts of Thailand are like third world places, Obviously not in the large cities, But if you go out into the countryside then it IS like a third world place, When i was at my ex's parents up in Isaan there were no electric or running water, No decently built homes, Just shacks etc etc. Yes parts of Thailand are like third world places, Just not all of them. In contrast the cities shops are exactly the same as any western world shops, The apartments are top too as well as cheap. The streets are the only thing that differ, I.E electric wires hanging down everywhere, run down building fronts, Crappy public crossings lol (These don't bloody exist in Pattaya, You have to run across the busy roads and hope to not get hit :D , half the time the traffic lights aren't working either haha :o ).

Thailand is a great place, I'd love to live there, But i am not really qualified enough in anything useful enough to work there, I'd love to but there is nothing i could do for work, Everything i am qualified to do, A local thai could probably do, so it is cheaper just to hire them.

One day i hope to retire there (long 35+ years yet though :D ), Until then i'll keep going back 1 or 2 times a year for a holiday.

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i chose to live in a first world Asian country mainly because of the friendly people.

Yes, Thais are friendly, but it is mainly just politeness... or the way of friendliness that Thais show towards those that are higher up in the hierarchy of society.

And this hierarchical stratification of society - everybody knows his place - is not something I enjoy in Thailand.

In Thailand, everybody knows I am rich (those who are richer than I don't give shit about me in Thailand). And accordingly treats me as a walking ATM. Friendly, sure. But not what I want.

In Japan, Korea, Taiwan everybody knows I am poor. So those who are friendly to me (some of them much richer than myself) are not in it for the money. I like that.

Much better to be poor.

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most people do not prefer LOS over first world countries. some do - like people here on TV. but i suspest some choose it as a consolation prize depending on their circumstances and their desires, while others do make it their preferred choice.

i prefer to live in a developed country. if i had a choice i would retire in japan.

BUT i love coming to LOS to visit for extended periods of time - but always look forward to going home. if anything, i spend most of the colder months in LOS if time permits (getting older). the taxi ride in is exhilirating - all the familiar things, sounds, smells, music on the radio - almost like watching the scene from cruises collateral - BUT - and this is a big _BUT_ i get out and go back to what i call home.

LOS is good in spurts and has a nice edge to it - but i would not want to work here and deal with the daily grind of traffic, weather, etc. and the country side is just that - country - and gets old very fast. bangkok is good because it is a great city with all the things that good cities have - variety and enough size to make it interesting - but there are better cities to live in, or retire in where life is much better in terms of level of comfort, ease of life, etc.

i get exactly what i want from this place and ask for nothing more. i do not have delusions about the place or expect more than it can give!

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I've always wondered why more straight guys didn't go to Japan, myself- that's really a good country for them (none of this morals hogwash surrounding sexuality between straight folks, anyway). My straight friends there always seemed a lot happier- and has nothing to do with money. For me, the benefits of Thailand over Japan include:

1. No, no, no homophobia. (there's not much in Japan, but there's less in Thailand)

2. Professional step up (took awhile, but I'm there)

3. Better overall savings (believe it or not- Japan is pretty darn expensive & the salary doesn't go far while you live there).

Would recommend if you straight folks can find a niche there to try out Japan; it's not bad!

"no no no homophobia"???????????????????????????????

get a grip

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Retire ive got about 18 years to go and cant wait to pack up and head over to Thailand to start a life of relaxing in Issan country with a couple of LEO"S and admirering the magnificent country .

I tell my wifes family that Loei province is the best kept secret around and I agree some parts of Thailand particularly Issan is 3rd world

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I do not think that Thailand is 3rd World certainly it has its very very Rural parts but not 3rd world.

I live in Thailand because I work rotational round the world 28/28 or similar so for the 6 months off I neeed a base.

I left Scotland and the UK 6 years ago and went to Dubai after 3 years the pace and cost put me off although it is amazing it is also very false.

So I had to choose Thailand,South Of France or Cape Town after holidays and visits I decided it was a no contest the Very south of Phuket was ideal.

Where else can you buy a 5 bed Villa Huge Pool Sea Views for the same price as you can sell a 1 bed tenement Apartment in Aberdeen.

Fishing and Golf are both superb shops are improving all the time. People are very nice especially my Thai Partner.

If you want to mingle there are a lot of Expats who are living in Phuket if you dont just hop into your boat and spend the day on an uninhabited island have a BBQ and swim in the perfect water with the fish. Weather is great things grow at 100mph if you like gardening then this is the place, value for money where else in the world is it cheaper to eat out than eat in and fantastic food.

Phuket Airport has great links Singapore,Hong Kong etc I cannot think of living anywhere else, Oh good medical facilities and Schools.

At the moment I am in Angola West Africa and I have also worked in Yemen,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Ivory Coast now these are 3rd World with a few people who have lots and 95% who have nothing.

You would not like to hear about these places I prefer Thailand to Singapore and Hong Kong Malaysia or Indonesia or any other country for that matter I could live anywhere I wanted I am lucky that way but I chose LOS along with a lot of other people I have no intention of ever going back to UK and in 4 years I get my Retirement Visa anyway

LOS Rules

McFarang :o

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Gay or straight Japan is very nice. Expenses aside Japan doesn't open it's door to visa runners. Great country and I like it more than Thailand in most ways but for a few reasons it isn't worth trying to live there again. I visit from time to time though and I always love it. Also the language barrier in Japan is much more extreme.

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