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Will Thailand Ever Make Any Progress On Anything


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The major Thai tv stations make only programs who are an insult to human intelect and of a kindergarden level. Their main goal is besides game shows, chit chat and soaps, to promote patriotism of an unseen level, only beaten by FOX, Dr. Goebels or North Korea.Thai people deserve better than this.

So very true!

Thai tv station make program(s) to insult all our intellect at kindergarten level so to promote patriotism? :D Whatttttt? Dude you must be on Yabah. Take a chill pill and call your psychiatrist in the morning.

You must be joking? What's wrong with you man?

With all due respect but you should read that remark again. or do you have a problem with comprehensive reading.

With all due respect to you, I was having a joke with the guy. I thought his statement was funny and out in space. You know, he make an out of this world statement, so I took another step further.

On second thought may be you should take a "chill pill" :o

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It's actually a very interesting topic. The country has mystified me for many, many years. About the time I think I figured it out, everything changes! Guess that's one of the reasons I frustratingly love the place. Several problems come to mind rather quickly.

1. Corruption. Can't say enough about it and it's effect on every aspect of life.

2. Culture. The country is actually much more diverse than the gov't would like to admit--from Isaan to the Malay Muslim, it's not one culture. This causes an underlying level of stress. The gov't then puts a lot of effort (especially in education) to convince everyone 'we are the same.'

3. Patronage. This is actually part of both 1 and 2. The system where leaders are held in such high regard, whether they are village head men or much further up the food chain, allows them to make decisions for others that aren't always well thought out. Italso means those 'in charge' have a duty to collect money to take care of their patrons.

So, basically, it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

I agree with all of the above, but I think you should add languages in their somewhere.

There is an Isaan language, Northern language, central language, and southern language. I'm not going to count Laos even though most of the Southeast speak more laos than Thai. All of these in a country that can be fit quite comfortably into the State of Texas. Think about India, Indonesia, and Philippines. All with their many different languages and observe how difficult progress is to be had in these countries. If you want to expand in business you must go to other areas. If you can't speak the language???

Compare it to a country with a single language and you will see the diffifence. So in answer to the question, when will we see progress, I remember the old joke about the word con being the opposite of pro. This must mean that Congress is the opposite of Progress.

Maybe you should raise your eyes a little: Switzerland, a country of just over 7 million people that ranks #6 in the world by average income (World Bank figures), has four official languages!

/ Priceless

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Singapore is a financial power house, Taiwan has great mountain bikes - it has been that way for decades, it's not exactly the sign of progress - pulling away from Thailand. It's just maintaining status quo.

I'm not saying Thailand progresses really fast, I just commented on PB's "neckbreaking speed" or something. I don't see it - the west has been basically in stagnation for the past few years, and there has been no changes in Asian order of things. Ok, India and China are catching up with the rest of the world, but only economically, that's amazing but we shall see if this growth is sustainable. Only South Korea has been making really big splashes here.


I am trying not to argue much about my breakneck speed phrase. I surely was not referring to the last couple of years economically. In terms of Thai culture, I mean to be very sympathetic to most Thais (maybe not the blue-hairs still living in the 19th century). We went from 3 speed transmissions to seven since I was a teenager. Mobile phones, kids driving motorcycles, birth control methods, youngsters moving off the farm - all in one generation, to a society that used to be very stable.

Thai culture, which was so stable, is not only fluid, but moving in several wrong directions, toward non-Buddhist materialism and violence. This lovely country does not need to imitate Taiwan or Singapore, and surely not the USA or UK. I wish only the best for Thailand, knowing it will progress slowly.

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Singapore is a financial power house, Taiwan has great mountain bikes - it has been that way for decades, it's not exactly the sign of progress - pulling away from Thailand. It's just maintaining status quo.

I'm not saying Thailand progresses really fast, I just commented on PB's "neckbreaking speed" or something. I don't see it - the west has been basically in stagnation for the past few years, and there has been no changes in Asian order of things. Ok, India and China are catching up with the rest of the world, but only economically, that's amazing but we shall see if this growth is sustainable. Only South Korea has been making really big splashes here.


I am trying not to argue much about my breakneck speed phrase. I surely was not referring to the last couple of years economically. In terms of Thai culture, I mean to be very sympathetic to most Thais (maybe not the blue-hairs still living in the 19th century). We went from 3 speed transmissions to seven since I was a teenager. Mobile phones, kids driving motorcycles, birth control methods, youngsters moving off the farm - all in one generation, to a society that used to be very stable.

Thai culture, which was so stable, is not only fluid, but moving in several wrong directions, toward non-Buddhist materialism and violence. This lovely country does not need to imitate Taiwan or Singapore, and surely not the USA or UK. I wish only the best for Thailand, knowing it will progress slowly.

I do agree with some of your points PB, but violence in Thai society has been here long before Taiwan, Singapore and the USA / UK ever set foot or influenced this nation.

And blaming someone else for materialism is weak. As dedicated Buddhists, they should be able to recognise materialism and do everything in their power to avoid it. They chose not too. I have a choice and so does every Thai. If I go buy a TV tonight and watch Thai soap operas all day tomorrow, I most certainly will only blame myself and not materialism from the west / other cultures.

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Thailand could have the same acomplishments as Taiwan if only it had the leadership, and the desire to do so.

Mountain bikes, respectful kids and good public transport?

Rock and roll!

I've only been to taiwan a couple of times but it seemed like a boring little hole- (though much better than Singapore which is almost suicidally tedious).

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blaming someone else for materialism is weak.

Practically no culture on Earth can withstand waves of "progress" coming from the West. They(us, really) are very good at imposing their (our) values on the rest of the world.

It appeals to most base human instincts and it works like a clock.

Greed, individualism, selfishness, vanity, sex indulgence - the west hasn't invented them, sure, but it was the first culture that put them on a pedestal and declared them normal and even desirable.

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blaming someone else for materialism is weak.

Practically no culture on Earth can withstand waves of "progress" coming from the West. They(us, really) are very good at imposing their (our) values on the rest of the world.

It appeals to most base human instincts and it works like a clock.

Greed, individualism, selfishness, vanity, sex indulgence - the west hasn't invented them, sure, but it was the first culture that put them on a pedestal and declared them normal and even desirable.

Take a look back at some of the Kmer Empires, or Eyptians for that matter for what you describe above. Just because Al Gore invented the internet ( :o ) doesn't mean the Chinese cant sell a million copies of DVD's a week in the name of socialism.

But hey, let's forget it all and go back to living in caves like the Taliban.

Edited by bkkjames
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blaming someone else for materialism is weak.

Practically no culture on Earth can withstand waves of "progress" coming from the West. They(us, really) are very good at imposing their (our) values on the rest of the world.

It appeals to most base human instincts and it works like a clock.

Greed, individualism, selfishness, vanity, sex indulgence - the west hasn't invented them, sure, but it was the first culture that put them on a pedestal and declared them normal and even desirable.

How true!

I said:-

I have been greedy, materialistic and judgmental in the past, and all it got me was hypertensive, irritable and envious. I re-evaluated the important things and now need so much less.

Dakhar commented:-

That is easy to say when you are 60, have a fat bank account, and all the essentials in life covered. If u never had your "greedy" stage, I doubt you could afford to live the life style you have at the moment.

my reply:

I am not 60 , only 57 - I am twice divorced and after a bout of severe depression, have an extremely skinny bank account, no house or car BUT i am healthy, i have great (true) friends, my kids think i am ok, my brain is ok, and most importantly, i have found a person who i truly care about and love and she cares for me and loves me. So i reckon i have the non-materialistic essentials covered.

Pure guese work, but I imagine I am not far off from the mark -

I can't afford much so I have learned to prioritise, compromise, economise and enjoy simple pleasures

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There is next to a zero percent chance that there will be ANY significant change in the way this country "does business" or handles it's internal problems in my lifetime as well as the lifetimes of my children. However, it is my sincere wish that my grandchildren inherit a better thailand.

One poster stated; "thailand changes at it's own pace". Unfortunately that is far slower than a snail's pace, and in many areas there has been little if any measurable change in years and years. I know good things take time, but gimme a break.

Understanding the glorious "Land 'O Thais" is extremely xenophobic, that it holds very short sighted views (also known as "the thai way or the highway") in regards to doing business and/or change. If that fact is added to the wide disparity between rich and poor, as well as the rigid, very regimented class structure, these things do not offer any incentive for a country to embrace quick changes; in fact most of them are detrimental to change at all.

If you factor in the relatively insignificant role on the world stage this country plays, it does not bode well for any measurable change that isn't forced on them to compete in the world market.

One can only hope, for as they say; Hope springs eternal. .. ...

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The major Thai tv stations make only programs who are an insult to human intelect and of a kindergarden level. Their main goal is besides game shows, chit chat and soaps, to promote patriotism of an unseen level, only beaten by FOX, Dr. Goebels or North Korea.Thai people deserve better than this.

So very true!

Thai tv station make program(s) to insult all our intellect at kindergarten level so to promote patriotism? :D Whatttttt? Dude you must be on Yabah. Take a chill pill and call your psychiatrist in the morning.

You must be joking? What's wrong with you man?

With all due respect but you should read that remark again. or do you have a problem with comprehensive reading.

With all due respect to you, I was having a joke with the guy. I thought his statement was funny and out in space. You know, he make an out of this world statement, so I took another step further.

On second thought may be you should take a "chill pill" :oI take 2 viagras a day, so,no time to chill :D

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Most Tv programming is related to the average intelligence of prospective viewers , to attain high numbers of actual numbers of viewers , to achieve the goal of high income levels from advertisements .

That would indicate planning and foresight.... you have gone way too far, sir.

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Then that is a very scary thought.

Dakhar do you know any democracy where the military is the owner of a nationwide commercial TV stations?

If you have doubts about how every TV station uses propaganda just look to the first

20 minutes of the news on every TV station. And very strange in every TV station its almost exactly the same, and repeated constantly.

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