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Advice On Moving To Thailand

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This is my first posting on this site. I am thinking of moving to Bangkok with my girlfriend. Because neither of us are Thai nationals this has made me wonder whether we will have problems with Visas and immigration. We would want to stay indefinitely.

My plan would be to work for a UK firm from BKK - the trade off is less money to do the job I do now. My girlfriend is an airline cabin crew based outside Thailand so she would be continually travelling in and out of the country.

This would make it possible for both of us to travel cheaply in and out of the country with her airline discount.

I do not know whether it is feasible but she would have to continually have to come in and out of the country as part of her job and I would happily travel to the UK a few times a year on business and to see my family.

Is one option a continual Visa run? I've read about a 90 day limit on this which would mean 4 runs per year which would be okay for both of us. Is this feasible/correct? If so, is there a danger you could do this for a few years and suddenly get refused entry? It seems a bit risky?

What other options are open to us? We wouldn't be strictly working in Thailand but the money we are earning would be spent there. For this reason I would guess we would not be eligible for work permits?

Alternatively, I could set up my own company in Thailand and get paid as a contractor from my company rather than as a UK employee - would setting up a business help on the Visa/Immigration front? Would I need to employ Thai nationals? At a stretch I could employ one part-time.

Another alternative I considered was to take a part-time job teaching English to get a work permit? Is this a possibility?

I don't know if there is enough information to go on with this enquiry but I hope someone could help/guide me?


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This is my first posting on this site. I am thinking of moving to Bangkok with my girlfriend. Because neither of us are Thai nationals this has made me wonder whether we will have problems with Visas and immigration. We would want to stay indefinitely.

My plan would be to work for a UK firm from BKK - the trade off is less money to do the job I do now. My girlfriend is an airline cabin crew based outside Thailand  so she would be continually travelling in and out of the country.

This would make it possible for both of us to travel cheaply in and out of the country with her airline discount.

I do not know whether it is feasible but she would have to continually have to come in and out of the country as part of her job and I would happily travel to the UK a few times a year on business and to see my family.

Is one option a continual Visa run? I've read about a 90 day limit on this which would mean 4 runs per year which would be okay for both of us. Is this feasible/correct? If so, is there a danger you could do this for a few years and suddenly get refused entry? It seems a bit risky?

What other options are open to us? We wouldn't be strictly working in Thailand but the money we are earning would be spent there. For this reason I would guess we would not be eligible for work permits?

Alternatively, I could set up my own company in Thailand and get paid as a contractor from my company rather than as a UK employee - would setting up a business help on the Visa/Immigration front? Would I need to employ Thai nationals? At a stretch I could employ one part-time.

Another alternative I considered was to take a part-time job teaching English to get a work permit? Is this a possibility?

I don't know if there is enough information to go on with this enquiry but I hope someone could help/guide me?


You and the girlfriend have to accept that Thailand doesn't recognize de facto relationships, so you have to both apply as individuals. What are your ages ?

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I am going to assume that you are both young, and British.

Your girlfriend will be able to enter Thailand on the 30day visa on arrival plan,

and this will probably fit in with her work schedule as a stewardess.

For you it will be more difficult. Basically you need a job to get a year by year visa.

Thailand already has a lot of young people struggling to find jobs, so your chances of work here are not good, unless you have experience and skill in required field.

Teaching English is not to be recommended, it hard work and poorly paid. In many cases the pay will not justify a visa to stay long term.

There are people who manage to stay here by using Tourist visas, one after another and doing a border run every 2 months. There appear to be moves to clamp down on that approach.

You can get a visa to stay here by investing money here.

Lastly I would not advise your girlfriend to leave you unattended in this country, there are too many temptations for a young man. :o

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Once you have an address in Thailand you can apply for a 1 year multi entry non immigrant visa. Take a look at the Hull website


You can put down reason for going to Thailand as visiting friends. You will need a letter from someone to say that they will bale you out should you get into financial problems. You will need to leave Thailand every 90 days. You will have to renew visa every 12 to 15 months, preferably in UK. cost £90.

If you are working for UK company in Bangkok can they sort out a work permit for you? No need for visa runs then.

If you do the visa option indefinitely would advise that you open a Thai bank account and make sure that you have proof that the money you are living on originates from outside of Thailand

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Lastly I would not advise your girlfriend to leave you unattended in this country, there are too many temptations for a young man. 

This could cause you the most problems if you have a jealous, suspicious girlfriend :o:D

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If you are working for UK company in Bangkok can they sort out a work permit for you? No need for visa then.

He will always need a visa - but if he has a work permit and enough income to extend his stay he would not have to make visa runs.

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Once you have an address in Thailand you can apply for a 1 year multi entry non immigrant visa. Take a look at the Hull website


You can put down reason for going to Thailand as visiting friends. You will need a letter from someone to say that they will bale you out should you get into financial problems. You will need to leave Thailand every 90 days. You will have to renew visa every 12 to 15 months, preferably in UK. cost £90.

If you are working for UK company in Bangkok can they sort out a work permit for you? No need for visa then.

If you do the visa option indefinitely would advise that you open a Thai bank account and make sure that you have proof that the money you are living on originates from outside of Thailand

I am sorry, this is very misleading advice.

Although he has not said so, I would guess the poster is in his 20's, and his girlfriend likewise.

Not many airlines employ older people.

He also stated he wants a long term solution.

We cannot rely on these friendly consulates for ever.

To utilise a Non Imm visa he is going to need a real job (which will conflict with his desire to "work for a UK firm from BKK"), or investment.

Simply showing income from overseas is not sufficient to justify a long term stay.

That only works if you are retired and over 50 years of age.

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Once you have an address in Thailand you can apply for a 1 year multi entry non immigrant visa. Take a look at the Hull website


You can put down reason for going to Thailand as visiting friends. You will need a letter from someone to say that they will bale you out should you get into financial problems. You will need to leave Thailand every 90 days. You will have to renew visa every 12 to 15 months, preferably in UK. cost £90.

If you are working for UK company in Bangkok can they sort out a work permit for you? No need for visa then.

If you do the visa option indefinitely would advise that you open a Thai bank account and make sure that you have proof that the money you are living on originates from outside of Thailand

I am sorry, this is very misleading advice.

Although he has not said so, I would guess the poster is in his 20's, and his girlfriend likewise.

Not many airlines employ older people.

He also stated he wants a long term solution.

We cannot rely on these friendly consulates for ever.

To utilise a Non Imm visa he is going to need a real job (which will conflict with his desire to "work for a UK firm from BKK"), or investment.

Simply showing income from overseas is not sufficient to justify a long term stay.

That only works if you are retired and over 50 years of age.

He may well win for a one year multi, and it may be that that one year visa could be repeated from abroad for a year or two. It will not be a long term solution, and as I see it, there's no way around it.

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Once you have an address in Thailand you can apply for a 1 year multi entry non immigrant visa. Take a look at the Hull website


You can put down reason for going to Thailand as visiting friends. You will need a letter from someone to say that they will bale you out should you get into financial problems. You will need to leave Thailand every 90 days. You will have to renew visa every 12 to 15 months, preferably in UK. cost £90.

If you are working for UK company in Bangkok can they sort out a work permit for you? No need for visa then.

If you do the visa option indefinitely would advise that you open a Thai bank account and make sure that you have proof that the money you are living on originates from outside of Thailand

I am sorry, this is very misleading advice.

Although he has not said so, I would guess the poster is in his 20's, and his girlfriend likewise.

Not many airlines employ older people.

He also stated he wants a long term solution.

We cannot rely on these friendly consulates for ever.

To utilise a Non Imm visa he is going to need a real job (which will conflict with his desire to "work for a UK firm from BKK"), or investment.

Simply showing income from overseas is not sufficient to justify a long term stay.

That only works if you are retired and over 50 years of age.

Maybe I didn't make myself that clear, so will elaborate.

You do not need a job to get a one year multi entry non immigrant visa. You will need a job if you opt for a type B visa.

A one year multi entry non immigrant visa is available from Hull for the purpose of visiting friends and with a letter from someone who will be willing to pay for your repatriation should you encounter problems. I have this visa myself and I DO NOT have a job in Thailand.

With this visa you will be allowed to stay in the Country for up to 90 days on entry.

This can be extended at an immigration office or you can leave and re-enter Thailand within the 90 days to get another 90 days. This visa can be used for as many entries as required within 1 year of issue. If you enter Thailand just before the year expires, you will get a final 90 days, so the visa can be good for up to 15 months.

When I asked if the company that he works for could arrange a work permit for him, I should have said that there would be no need for Visa runs, he will of course still need a visa. Sorry I left out the word "runs".

Judging form the poster's questions, these are probably his only options. A multi entry tourist visa would require him to make visa runs every 60 days (or get extensions, then visa run every 90 days) and this will only be valid for 6 months from issue date. So he would have to renew visa every 6 to 8 months.

It would appear that he intends to return to UK at least once a year, so non imm visa is probably his best option.

I mentioned that it would be a good idea to have proof that he is funding his stay with money originating outside Thailand. This is not a necessity for obtaining the visa, but if he is going to be spending nearly all of his time in Thailand, it may be possible that immigration may at some point question his source of income. They may well suspect him of working in Thailand to support himself. If he has proof of funds originating outside of Thailand it could save him a lot of hassles.

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A one year multi entry non immigrant visa is available from Hull for the purpose of visiting friends

But doesn't the friends have to be thai nationals - he can't just invent some friends because surely they will ask to see i.d cards, as in the case of getting a visa on the basis of marriage. And i thought the non 'o' visa was for visiting family, not friends ? if you did indeed get a visa for visiting friends, as already mentioned, you cannot rely on the generosity of consulates forever.

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

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A one year multi entry non immigrant visa is available from Hull for the purpose of visiting friends

But doesn't the friends have to be thai nationals - he can't just invent some friends because surely they will ask to see i.d cards, as in the case of getting a visa on the basis of marriage. And i thought the non 'o' visa was for visiting family, not friends ? if you did indeed get a visa for visiting friends, as already mentioned, you cannot rely on the generosity of consulates forever.

They do not ask for ID of the friends you are visiting. The visa is available just by filling in the form and enclosing the mentioned letter and the fee.

As for not being able to rely on the generosity of consulates forever, you're right. But you cannot rely on any thing being the same year after year. Thai officialdom is good at moving the goalposts so you can never be certain. Whose to say that next year they won't decide that all foreigners staying in Thailand retired or married will have to have 10 million Baht in the bank? You can't be sure of what will change so you have to make decisions on the options available today.

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With this visa you will be allowed to stay in the Country for up to 90 days on entry.

This can be extended at an immigration office or you can leave and re-enter Thailand within the 90 days to get another 90 days.

This can not be extended at an immigration office without a valid reason and meeting specific requirements. Which he will not; unless his situation changes. And the ability to obtain such a visa may be curtailed at any time.

I know this sounds like a small thing to you; like a visa for a visa run. But it could cause a lot of problems for some people.

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is  a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

Go to the District Office and apply for a Thai ID ( take old ID passport etc ) then go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for a Thai passport. Hey PRESTO you are a Thai again and it won't affect your other citizenship, and you can buy ANY property you want.

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is  a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

Go to the District Office and apply for a Thai ID ( take old ID passport etc ) then go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for a Thai passport. Hey PRESTO you are a Thai again and it won't affect your other citizenship, and you can buy ANY property you want.

It sounds very easy, but so easy as you said, I'm still wonder. Because I had to give up my thai citizenship as I decided to have new nationality. For making a new thai ID, I dont think it is easy. First I have to give up my nationality now and ask for thai again. How much money do they want again ? Is that worth for ? I am sure my hubby wouldnt want to die in thailand and would never want to stay longer than 3 months a year....( never stay that long ....:o

Or anybody who has the same situation like me ? Use to be a thai and now using other citizen and want to change back to thai again ? All I want is living in peace ..in thailand and dont afraid of any problem. Or I have to die in the cold cold world.....:D

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is  a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

Go to the District Office and apply for a Thai ID ( take old ID passport etc ) then go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for a Thai passport. Hey PRESTO you are a Thai again and it won't affect your other citizenship, and you can buy ANY property you want.

It sounds very easy, but so easy as you said, I'm still wonder. Because I had to give up my thai citizenship as I decided to have new nationality. For making a new thai ID, I dont think it is easy. First I have to give up my nationality now and ask for thai again. How much money do they want again ? Is that worth for ? I am sure my hubby wouldnt want to die in thailand and would never want to stay longer than 3 months a year....( never stay that long ....:o

Or anybody who has the same situation like me ? Use to be a thai and now using other citizen and want to change back to thai again ? All I want is living in peace ..in thailand and dont afraid of any problem. Or I have to die in the cold cold world.....:D

What is your citizenship ?

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is  a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

Go to the District Office and apply for a Thai ID ( take old ID passport etc ) then go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for a Thai passport. Hey PRESTO you are a Thai again and it won't affect your other citizenship, and you can buy ANY property you want.

It sounds very easy, but so easy as you said, I'm still wonder. Because I had to give up my thai citizenship as I decided to have new nationality. For making a new thai ID, I dont think it is easy. First I have to give up my nationality now and ask for thai again. How much money do they want again ? Is that worth for ? I am sure my hubby wouldnt want to die in thailand and would never want to stay longer than 3 months a year....( never stay that long ....:o

Or anybody who has the same situation like me ? Use to be a thai and now using other citizen and want to change back to thai again ? All I want is living in peace ..in thailand and dont afraid of any problem. Or I have to die in the cold cold world.....:D

What is your citizenship ?

EU citizenship......( sorry prefer to be anonymous )

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I have some unclear problems too. I used to be thai and now using my hubby's nationality. Didnt want to change but it was many years ago and had informed that I have a right to have small land property, but now time has changed and nobody seems to care what they said and I now lost all my right. I am now like all Farangs in my hometown. Need a visa to stay longer. I am planning to buy a condo, but still worried if it is  a good idea, as we both neither thai citizens and we wouldnt like to stay whole year in thailand. Last year I got non immigration visa but had to run at the border after 3 months ( i had to stayed 5 months in Thailand during my parents sickness ). Now I have heard they wont give easily 12 months for non imm *O* ? That is the big problem, runing in and out. Anybody has any good ideas for me ? What should I do ? Or should I let my mom buying me a condo and give me as a present ? That is redicious...it makes me ....feeling belongs to nowhere.

Go to the District Office and apply for a Thai ID ( take old ID passport etc ) then go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for a Thai passport. Hey PRESTO you are a Thai again and it won't affect your other citizenship, and you can buy ANY property you want.

It sounds very easy, but so easy as you said, I'm still wonder. Because I had to give up my thai citizenship as I decided to have new nationality. For making a new thai ID, I dont think it is easy. First I have to give up my nationality now and ask for thai again. How much money do they want again ? Is that worth for ? I am sure my hubby wouldnt want to die in thailand and would never want to stay longer than 3 months a year....( never stay that long ....:o

Or anybody who has the same situation like me ? Use to be a thai and now using other citizen and want to change back to thai again ? All I want is living in peace ..in thailand and dont afraid of any problem. Or I have to die in the cold cold world.....:D

What is your citizenship ?

EU citizenship......( sorry prefer to be anonymous )

You'll have to make your own enquiries as to the attitude of your Eu country to dual citizenship. Most are quite happy about it. Thailand has no objections.

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You ask for anyone with similar experience. We have.

I am a (non-anonymous) UK citizen, and my wife, Thai, who now enjoys full dual nationality. She has allowed her Thai nationality to lapse after marriage - largely through fear of the intimidating staff attitude at the Consulate in Hong Kong (where she worked, and where we married). She NEVER actually gave up, or relinquished, formally, her Thai nationality. I suspect you, too have NEVER actually formally given your nationality up by going into the embassy in your country and signing a declaration to that effect?

On one of our twice yearly family visits to Thailand (she entering on a UK passport, same as me) she enquired at Immigration in Bangkok about re-instating her Thai ID card. She was told to go to her own amphur where, after a few frowns, and 'mai dai's' she was able to go to her own amphur and apply for a Thai ID card. NB: You MUST go to your own amphur where your birth certificate, tabieen baan etc are kept.

She then went to get a Thai passport, (both in her married name). She has travelled in and out of Thailand freely, likewise the UK. She bought land, we have built a house, and since May we are now both resident in Thailand, she as a Thai national, living free of immigration restrictions on her stay, and me as a supporting spouse on a non-imm 'O' visa (see this forum for copious threads on this topic).

We have a 20 year old luuk krung. She, too enjoys Thai/UK citizenship, and has done since age 15. For her, the route was slightly more arduous - with DNA tests to prove she was really our kid, and finally a ltter from Immigration to our local amphur, confirming her as Thai, and requesting they issue and ID card.

We also have a Thai friend, living in UK who did the same process.


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You ask for anyone with similar experience. We have.

I am a (non-anonymous) UK citizen, and my wife, Thai, who now enjoys full dual nationality. She has allowed her Thai nationality to lapse after marriage - largely through fear of the intimidating staff attitude at the Consulate in Hong Kong (where she worked, and where we married). She NEVER actually gave up, or relinquished, formally, her Thai nationality. I suspect you, too have NEVER actually formally given your nationality up by going into the embassy in your country and signing a declaration to that effect?

On one of our twice yearly family visits to Thailand (she entering on a UK passport, same as me) she enquired at Immigration in Bangkok about re-instating her Thai ID card. She was told to go to her own amphur where, after a few frowns, and 'mai dai's' she was able to go to her own amphur and apply for a Thai ID card. NB: You MUST go to your own amphur where your birth certificate, tabieen baan etc are kept.

She then went to get a Thai passport, (both in her married name). She has travelled in and out of Thailand freely, likewise the UK. She bought land, we have built a house, and since May we are now both resident in Thailand, she as a Thai national, living free of immigration restrictions on her stay, and me as a supporting spouse on a non-imm 'O' visa (see this forum for copious threads on this topic).

We have a 20 year old luuk krung. She, too enjoys Thai/UK citizenship, and has done since age 15. For her, the route was slightly more arduous - with DNA tests to prove she was really our kid, and finally a ltter from Immigration to our local amphur, confirming her as Thai, and requesting they issue and ID card.

We also have a Thai friend, living in UK who did the same process.


Good for you. Enjoy. Persistence pays ..... sometimes. Merry Christmas :o

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