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Nationwide Flex Account Bs

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Just had my Flex Account blocked (aka soft hold) by Nationwide.

Never had this happen before with them. I usually associate it with others banks who play this trick but not with the 'wondercard' flex account.

First warning sign was yesterday when a few ATMs were rejecting the card. I figured the 10k withdrawal limit was still in place so waited til today.

Today, same thing happened with every ATM machine I went to.

Checked the card, no damage. My next fear was the sim unit was damaged (happened with a phone sim a while back).

Considered that a soft hold aka blocked card was out of the question since I've used this card whilly nilly last year for months on end.

Routinely rang up Nationwide. After £4 of Skyping and being put on hold I get the grim outcome that, yes, the internal investigations(!) department have restricted my account!

On hold for another x minutes then I get this bird on the line explaining in robot speak that 'due to Thailand being a high risk destination for fraud their 'detection systems'' decided to block my card!! :o

I explain to her that I've used this card much more aggressively in the past and no problem so why now?!

No answer from on that she just repeats her robot mantra and says she can get the restriction lifted. Not checked it yet but should be ok. If not a Thai bank will be getting all of the flex accounts money whinging its way East :D

For a lot of folks coming out to Thailand for high season be wise to the fact that this may happen with your Flex account too. If it does you'll have to waste time ringing their helpline (for Flex accounts).

I think next time I come out here or there, I'll be bringing T.Cs instead.

You, at least, hold 'hard' fiscal currency and not a piece of plastic at the whimsical mercy of Nationwides detection systems :D

Here's the helpline number on


0845 600 5707 is what I used.

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My Citibank (UK) card got blocked recently.

I spend over 10 months a year away from the UK, living by international ATM withdrawals, but when I spent 400 quid on a camera in the UK, it got flagged as suspicious, and the card stopped working.

It took me a while to realise what had happened, then it soon got sorted out with one phone call, and answers to a few security questions.

Be grateful, if your card is scanned and your account emptied, that can ruin your holiday as your card would be Cancelled (permanently), how would you get a replacement.

Same problem with pickpockets.

My rule is always keep a spare Visa card at the hotel.

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It's grim brothers it really is to know that's the only thing to bail you out.

I've got some gold and a visa card, but ideally that shouldn't be called upon.

As long as you keep covering your hand at EVERY ATM machine there is zippo chance of having a cloner rip off your card :o

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More so these days, you have to inform your card companies if you are going to use your card in LOS (or anywhere,but LOS in particular) a year or so ago I forgot to do this and found most of my cards blocked including my debit. Now, I travel with a debit card and four CCs and luckily one CC still worked, but I had to swallow the expensive calls to the UK to get the blocks lifted and the CCs cash advance fees to tide me over the 24hrs or so it takes to get things working again - lesson learned.

I usually only carry the debit card and one CC and leave the rest in the hotel safe. Spare cards also safe-guard against leaving your only card in an ATM as I did once :o

I intend to open a Nationwide account (I think it's now called a current account and not a Flex account according to my enquiries on Monday in Holborn branch) but I'm not sure if they will accept my telling them I could be in LOS at any time and not to block activity any time. As it will be my main means of transferring funds I think I will restrict it to just that, keep the pattern of use simple and predictable and use a Thai bank card for day-to-day withdrawals.

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My Citibank (UK) card got blocked recently.

I spend over 10 months a year away from the UK, living by international ATM withdrawals, but when I spent 400 quid on a camera in the UK, it got flagged as suspicious, and the card stopped working.

It took me a while to realise what had happened, then it soon got sorted out with one phone call, and answers to a few security questions.

My rule is always keep a spare Visa card at the hotel.

It's also happened to me, the blocking when spending pattern has changed, like from Thailand to the U.S. Solution? I phone the credit card carrier, MC or VISA, and as you say, after some security Qs, just let them know I'm there and will have spending pattern changes.


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Consider a pre paid card, load it before you travel. Another option is Fairfx. Seek em out research them and you can find some good ones with low or no foreign currency or atm charges (fairfx ie ), better to pay a couple of bucks than to be stranded with no access to cash because your bank is skint and afraid of loosing a few baht or pounds or dollars.

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To me it does not make any sense. I can understand that Thailand is the card-crime capital of the world but IF your card is copied and they get the PIN # then the only person who loses money is the customer period.

The banks of this world will not refund cash taken from ATM's ever.

That is why everyone should check their statements daily online.

The poster who said if you cover your hand when using ATM's is wrong. There are many ways to obtain someones PIN. A Nigerian Post Office scam in England seized the cards of thousands of Manchester United fans and swooped on millions of pounds because 18% of fans had changed their PIN to 1999

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It's grim brothers it really is to know that's the only thing to bail you out.

I've got some gold and a visa card, but ideally that shouldn't be called upon.

As long as you keep covering your hand at EVERY ATM machine there is zippo chance of having a cloner rip off your card :D

Know how you feel. Visited England back in April and returned with a new Flex card. Not back here long when they announced ' new security measures ' that were ' for my benefit ' . This proved to be a little card reader machine. However, you didn't need the machine to withdraw cash with your flex card. But then they issued a new flex card that was compatible with the machine and canceled the one I have in Thailand. Like you, I also have a Gold Visa card but as you say, best kept for emergencies. If all this wasn't for ' our benefit ' I might be feeling a bit ticked off. As it is I'm just a bit ' morhor ' :o

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The poster who said if you cover your hand when using ATM's is wrong. There are many ways to obtain someones PIN. A Nigerian Post Office scam in England seized the cards of thousands of Manchester United fans and swooped on millions of pounds because 18% of fans had changed their PIN to 1999


If that's true any losses for people who choose 'obvious' PINs are what we call self-inflicted wounds.

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To me it does not make any sense. I can understand that Thailand is the card-crime capital of the world but IF your card is copied and they get the PIN # then the only person who loses money is the customer period.

The banks of this world will not refund cash taken from ATM's ever.

That depends on the regulations in the country you bank.

If my card (or a copy of my card) were used in an ATM, it would be my bank who would have to cover the loss. Depending on the circumstances I may, however, have to pay the first 200-200 EUR myself.


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My bank block my card every 30 days... automatically. They know I'm in Thailand, and I've asked them not to do it... they just repeat the mantra : "It's now a standard security precaution for your own benifit"... drives me mad... Inevitably, I have to use my credit card instead, 'cos I'm away from home when it happens, and they charge interest on that straight away... Just another way of making extra charges out of you...

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I have all USA accounts and spend most of my time outside the USA. I get all of my money via ATM withdrawals. So I carry 4 different ATM cards that access 4 different accounts, as well as one credit card. I try to never have all of them physically together at anytime. In addition, I carry enough in traveler's checks to support me for a few days if I have to straighten up a mess. But even TC's are not easily turned into cash if your passport has been stolen.

My "official" address in the USA is a private mail box that can forward mail anywhere in the world to me, including express mail. I am contacted via email when I receive anything in this box. So it is a fast way to get a replacement card in an emergency since a bank will typically only send a replacement card to your address of record.

A friend that spends all of his time on the road had the ultimate backup solution which is that he created his own Western Union account and could wire himself money anywhere in the world in the event of an emergency.

I also have scans of all of my cards saved in a rarely accessed email account and have all the phone numbers written down and recorded in my Skype account. It is easy to forget to do this.


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I never understand why people have so many problems. Surely you're armed with some 10+ cards and if a regular visitor to LOS, some local cards as well. Tell your bank people you are going to be travelling and that is it. For constant travellers, they will no flag anything unless totally out of character.

nly once had my HSBC stopped and that was because I was taking out £1500 a day from the ATM. As for 10k limits ? ????? what on earth can you do with 10k ? Surely every decent card is at least £500 a day now ?

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More so these days, you have to inform your card companies if you are going to use your card in LOS (or anywhere,but LOS in particular) a year or so ago I forgot to do this and found most of my cards blocked including my debit. Now, I travel with a debit card and four CCs and luckily one CC still worked, but I had to swallow the expensive calls to the UK to get the blocks lifted and the CCs cash advance fees to tide me over the 24hrs or so it takes to get things working again - lesson learned.

I usually only carry the debit card and one CC and leave the rest in the hotel safe. Spare cards also safe-guard against leaving your only card in an ATM as I did once :o

I intend to open a Nationwide account (I think it's now called a current account and not a Flex account according to my enquiries on Monday in Holborn branch) but I'm not sure if they will accept my telling them I could be in LOS at any time and not to block activity any time. As it will be my main means of transferring funds I think I will restrict it to just that, keep the pattern of use simple and predictable and use a Thai bank card for day-to-day withdrawals.

I have both types of card and used both to withdraw identical sums on the same day from the same machine. I noticed that the rate of exchange with the debit card was much better than the ordinary cash card.

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March 2008 3 week trip to LOS. Informed Lloyds & Nationwide that we would be in Thailand. "ok, no problem, thanks for letting us know"

Arrive at swampy, try to withdraw money from Lloyds platinum current account visa debit card....blocked. Tried the other 2 Lloyds current account cards I also have....blocked, tried hubbies Nationwide....blocked. Last option, LloydsTSB credit card.....also blocked!!!. So me, hubby & 10 month old baby, off a 13hr flight from UK, no way to get money!!!!

Luckily we had a few thousand baht in cash left over from the last trip so used that for the taxi into town & water etc <deleted>, it was just too much.

3 hours later at our hotel I get a call on my UK mobile "This is LloydsTSB, there has been some attempted withdrawals on your accounts in Thialand" .....

"Ummmm really, you muppets, I told you 2 days ago I would be in Thailand so unblock my <deleted> accounts now."

No such call from NW, had to place a call out of my own pocket to tell them something I todl them already.

I appreciate the security measures but when you have taken the time to call & let them know you will be using cards abroad then they why do they still block the accounts?

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

Edited by Maverell
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I can see why this might p... you off but what is the alternative? I

resent like hel_l 'advising' them of my travel plans, like you I've used thier

card here for the past decade. You could have emailed them and demanded

that they call you.

And if this is your only source of finance your a fool!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

I told them i was coming to LOS for long term on retirement and they said no problem

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

I told them i was coming to LOS for long term on retirement and they said no problem

Quote from Nationwide's Flex Account Terms and Conditions

"Our FlexAccount is only available if you are aged 16 or over and live in the UK. You must be 18 or over to apply for an overdraft"

So be careful and keep some money somewhere else. Just out of interest what did they do with the money already in the account

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision..................................

This would concern a few of us no dobt.

Can you elaborate on how they came to the conclusion that you were not a UK resident?

Did you fail to respond to a letter to the UK address you gave them? Did you subscribe to the paperless system and log on regularly ? etc etc - just any tips as to how the rest of us can avoid the same fate please.

For this and for the Inland Revenue does anyone know the definition of "permanently living abroad"? What is permanent anyway out here? I suppose if I die here I could tell them retrospectively but...............

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

That's not good to hear...I have the application forms filled out ready to post when I get back to dry land, but not point if they will close the account due to me never being in the UK. Time to open a thai account and just transfer spending money methinks.

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I can see why this might p... you off but what is the alternative? I

resent like hel_l 'advising' them of my travel plans, like you I've used thier

card here for the past decade. You could have emailed them and demanded

that they call you.

And if this is your only source of finance your a fool!

Nationwide won't do that, they won't even refund anyone for phoning up to unblock it.

Get with the 21st century man.

No for me I've a whole bunch of options but that's not the point.

The Nationwide account is sold as the travellers cashcard, so they should start being a bit more traveller savvy and backing off on this dumb blocks!

If there's a problem I'd phone them, not the otherway round!

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never had it happen with nationwide in 2 years but lloyds do it every dam_n 30 days and although I managed to bully one of them into admitting it can be removed, its either have the system do it every 30 days OR have the system NEVER do it. So I said leave it on..

Plus lloyds just charged me 20 quid per day for going 40 pounds over my overdraft.. by accident.. and they only notify you by letter.. so I didnt know for about a week.. could have been months as I never use the account. Old DD caused the problem. You have to love UK banks.

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

I told them i was coming to LOS for long term on retirement and they said no problem

Quote from Nationwide's Flex Account Terms and Conditions

"Our FlexAccount is only available if you are aged 16 or over and live in the UK. You must be 18 or over to apply for an overdraft"

So be careful and keep some money somewhere else. Just out of interest what did they do with the money already in the account

I hold 4 accounts with them (their advice) and my pension is paid into one....I went to see the manager of my local branch before I retired outlined my plans and they said no problem.

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More so these days, you have to inform your card companies if you are going to use your card in LOS

From Internet Banking:-

MY ACCOUNTSFlexAccount_****46452 Still called FlexAccount

I used to routinely advise them of my trips. Now they say they don't need to know and rely on their internal checks of 'unusual activity' to block accounts.

It has happened to me twice and is not the drama portrayed by some posters - a 5 minute call to the number on the card gets the account released within 30 minutes. I am happy to accept that they are genuinely trying to protect MY interests by having these checks in place and I would rather they stopped the card and asked questions later. It is mildly irritating if you are in Big C trying to get some cash but a 30 minutes wait is rarely life-threatening ! :o

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Nationwide recently closed my flexaccount because they deemed I was not a resident in the UK. The reason: I use it solely in Thailand for about 10 months of the year. The first I knew about it was when an ATM refused me. I rang them but got no change in their decision.

Even though the account is funded from England and I have never had an overdraft.

I told them i was coming to LOS for long term on retirement and they said no problem

i have been here 3 years and use my card constantly,but have an address in the uk.never had a problem with nationwide ,but have other cards and thai bank cards as well

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