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Eating Buffalo Placenta In Isaan ?

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Is this a joke or is it real ? My girlfriend got a phone call from her sister today who stated that one of their buffalos had just given birth. She was over the moon with joy. The reason ? Her family could sell the placenta for 300baht a kilo as it is considered great to eat. Is this true ? Has anybody tried it ?

I cringe at the thought.


Sounds pretty plausible. I know that eating human placenta is practised by some people - lord knows why... Something to do with iron content?


Talking of random stuff to eat - I had live shrimp salad the other night! They were all jumping out of the box until a friendly passerby took pity on me and showed me how to shake the box to stun the little critters. How mental is that?! Tasty snack though. :D

Sounds pretty plausible. I know that eating human placenta is practised by some people - lord knows why... Something to do with iron content?


Talking of random stuff to eat - I had live shrimp salad the other night! They were all jumping out of the box until a friendly passerby took pity on me and showed me how to shake the box to stun the little critters. How mental is that?! Tasty snack though. :D

Thats'called Kung Ten", very tasty, and spicy, unfortunally not available in the Thai-food shops in Europe (not the live one's)


I thought my wife was picking up the afterbirth to stop the dogs eating it and getting a taste for raw meat.No,it was to wash and eat.

Boiled buffalo afterbirth.


we used to have to fight with thte thai workers to stop them from taking the placentas from the cows or goats... too many zoonoses around here, one of the few foods i wont touch with a ten foot pole; i handled placentas even with gloves... brucellosis, chlmydia, toxoplasmosis, the list goes on....




No you are not being had.I was asked to share eating the placenta of one of our uncles cows.I cannot remember what I said to get out of it but I did not share in this delicacy.Here is a photo of our uncle waiting to catch the placenta when it comes out.


we used to have to fight with thte thai workers to stop them from taking the placentas from the cows or goats... too many zoonoses around here, one of the few foods i wont touch with a ten foot pole; i handled placentas even with gloves... brucellosis, chlmydia, toxoplasmosis, the list goes on....



Hi Bina,

Could this be the missing link in the Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome (SUDS) that has plagued Thai workers overseas for many a year? Catching nasty lurgies off animal placentas. Nah, doubt it, what with all the other risk factors the lads indulge in. In fact, I'd more likely put it down to the lack of a varied diet like raw fish, afterbirth, tits, <deleted>, pig's ovaries,etc and all those lovely raw veg and herbs in Isaan not being widely available and their body rebelling at the monotonous diet as being a far more likely cause of death.

By the way, did you see that thread in the news section about Thai workers being shot by Israeli defence forces up near the Lebanon border after bring challenged and running off? Did you ever find out what was that about? Were they after the local wildlife or just going for a peaceful stroll along the fenceline. Intriguing story that would be good to know more about, if it was covered by the Israeli press that is?



Is this a joke or is it real ? My girlfriend got a phone call from her sister today who stated that one of their buffalos had just given birth. She was over the moon with joy.

It is real


As you can see


And again

It's very true.

And a dried out cat placenta in the glove-box of your vehicle will stop you having accidents.

That's why Thai's eat cats.

You have it wrong.Thai's do not eat cat,it is the Haitian's that do. :o


Nothing surprises me in Issan anymore. 2 months ago we slaughtered 2 of my pigs. My misses did'nt want to watch them get killed but was happy along with the rest of the posse to eat raw cuts from it's body which i tried and felt bloody awful.

Bless em. They maintain they don't eat dog which i think is <deleted>. haha. My mother inlaw has had 6 dogs go missing in 2 years.....



i missed that one...

but the sudden death syndrome usually occurred a day or so after landing here, i put it down to that syndrome of people flyig and not walking around at all...

on the other hand, its not monogomous diet that does it to them, most of them really have access to veggies and eggs chickens and stuff... its the alcohol that they drink constantly, sometimes even the same sort of thing like grain alcohol... and mix that with cold winter in some areas, bad housing, bad clothing practices, bad mixture....

but besides placenta, there is the eating old rotten eggs that havent hatched, like after they are layed, and sat on, it rains and the eggs get wet, dont hatch, the thais show up to ask for them instead of having htem be thrown away....

great with vodka........blech!!!!!!!!!! NOT...




send me that news item?? could have been trigger happy soldier (understandably enough in that area) , language problem and stupid thai (they know where they can walk and where not to go, they learn from the guys that have been around for a while) ignoring rules, going hunting and getting shot..

my husband and i were camping and it was during holiday season, and soldiers were patrolling all night long. anon went to fish, the soldiers finally came to ask me to tell him to come back to the camp area cause they were afraid they would mistake his identity (he's dark, with dark clothes, lurking around along hte jordan trickle (river) trying to fish at night. enough that someone calls out to him, he doesnt understand or answer, and then a tragedy occurs.





i missed that one...

but the sudden death syndrome usually occurred a day or so after landing here, i put it down to that syndrome of people flyig and not walking around at all...

on the other hand, its not monogomous diet that does it to them, most of them really have access to veggies and eggs chickens and stuff... its the alcohol that they drink constantly, sometimes even the same sort of thing like grain alcohol... and mix that with cold winter in some areas, bad housing, bad clothing practices, bad mixture....

but besides placenta, there is the eating old rotten eggs that havent hatched, like after they are layed, and sat on, it rains and the eggs get wet, dont hatch, the thais show up to ask for them instead of having htem be thrown away....

great with vodka........blech!!!!!!!!!! NOT...


Having a monogamous diet is enough to drive most men to distraction, if not hard booze and placenta soup. :o

Hope you keep anon's diet polygamous, with variety being the spice of life (and not chilli or basil!). :D

Yeah, those old rotten eggs are gross. Far worse than afterbirth or any other fresh offal item that has occasionally graced my plate. Especially the ones with the wee chicks in 'em. Guaranteed upchuck inducer. But we had a sweet old lady used to live behind our house that always took the rotten geese eggs off the nests, when the rest had hatched and swore it was good for rhematism or somesuch ailment. Bizarre, but who know? :D

Nothing surprises me in Issan anymore. 2 months ago we slaughtered 2 of my pigs. My misses did'nt want to watch them get killed but was happy along with the rest of the posse to eat raw cuts from it's body which i tried and felt bloody awful.

Yes, steer clear of raw or undercooked pork:


Remember that the next time your standing there thinking the street food is taking forever to barbecue...

Nothing surprises me in Issan anymore. 2 months ago we slaughtered 2 of my pigs. My misses did'nt want to watch them get killed but was happy along with the rest of the posse to eat raw cuts from it's body which i tried and felt bloody awful.

Bless em. They maintain they don't eat dog which i think is <deleted>. haha. My mother inlaw has had 6 dogs go missing in 2 years.....

Very few if any Thai's eat dog anymore.Most of the dogs that go missing are sold to the guy that comes around in a truck.Or the neighbor is tired of the barking and "takes"care of it.He will trade a wash basin for a dog.Then most of them end up in Lao,Cambodia or Vietnam.Here are two photo's from Ha Noi in the old French Quarter.In Ho Chi Min City (Siagon) you can also eat dog at many resturants.It really does taste pretty good.




Funnily enough i was offered raw chopped pork tonight, but passed... i did tell them it was "anterai!", along with raw buffallo: "LAP" i think its called. Delicious!

The beef/buffalo is lovely, very spicy, same sauce as used for 'dancing prawns' - live shrimps. yum.

Anything nasty in raw buffalo? I do pop worm pills every 3 months or so... just in case.

I can assure you dog is eaten here (CM in my case). My Fans naughty young 20 something cousin ate a litter of pups when they were fat enough.. A spot of fishing with friends, some whisky... and BBQ pup.

I was furious when i found out, but the neighbours, as well as rest of the family in the village did seem to think it was a bit naughty to eat them "Mai dee", but worse things happen at sea...

I must say i hate the way they BBQ frogs alive. But then if they killed em they might burst the body and lose tasty juices...

must say frog skin roasted till crispy is FANTASTIC!


I remember the first time I saw this, the mother in law following the newly calved cow around waiting for the placenta to drop....lolz....I always have to keep the placentas from my sows when they farrow too; from what I'm told the pig placenta is also very delicious. I'll have to take their word for it I'm afraid:)

Regarding the dog for pot men that run around, most of these come from Nakon Sawan, where dog is very much the favoured meat; quite a bit more expensive than beef or pork so I'm told. The meat from black dogs supposedly the most delicious! Takes all sorts I suppose & I'll probably be slated for saying this, but, these guys do a good job in getting shot of these dog pests!


plachon, ok, my spelling was off........55555555555

i love fresh slaughtered pork livers; the porkers come from yablin a christian , i guess, arab village in the north that deal with pork, or some guy that raises them there or near there anyway...

can be about 2000 shekels for a small female, if we are lucky, she is preggers and then u get the fetuses also, yummy....most thai buy in a group and order parts (room 1 orders the head, room five want the legs, etc)...

they come with ear tags i.e. are supposedly vaccinated, meaning taken care of ... but knowing our wonderful agri. services here, well, who knows.... but i eat it and like it.

anon also will eat raw beef that comes koshered (salted for kosher reasons), and frozen in the supermarket... i dont like the flavour actually u can taste that it was frozen fresh and not fresh slaughtered.

fresh blood sausage is good too...

but the eggs. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. tried it once, just saw a little grey chick all smelling and rotting, and politely declined (its a gainst my religioun. thank god thais havent a clue about what's kosher and what's not).


Nothing surprises me in Issan anymore. 2 months ago we slaughtered 2 of my pigs. My misses did'nt want to watch them get killed but was happy along with the rest of the posse to eat raw cuts from it's body which i tried and felt bloody awful.

Yes, steer clear of raw or undercooked pork:


Remember that the next time your standing there thinking the street food is taking forever to barbecue...

Very true mate i've seen the caged trucks with the dogs in bound for Cambodia/Laos etc. You're right about most Thais not eating dogs anymore but as the poster above pointed out there is the odd occasion where p1ssed up local lads will take peoples dogs to Barbecue and feast on. Saw a video clip not long ago of a vendor i think in Vietnam skin the dogs alive then throw them into a pen, They were writhing around alive with no skin! It put me off i assure you i won't be trying it.




send me that news item?? could have been trigger happy soldier (understandably enough in that area) , language problem and stupid thai (they know where they can walk and where not to go, they learn from the guys that have been around for a while) ignoring rules, going hunting and getting shot..

my husband and i were camping and it was during holiday season, and soldiers were patrolling all night long. anon went to fish, the soldiers finally came to ask me to tell him to come back to the camp area cause they were afraid they would mistake his identity (he's dark, with dark clothes, lurking around along hte jordan trickle (river) trying to fish at night. enough that someone calls out to him, he doesnt understand or answer, and then a tragedy occurs.



Nice country! :o


Placenta yes it is true I phoned my wife before going to Thailand 2 months ago she was as happy as anything mmmmmm we eat cow afterbirth she said mai arroy I said no arroy mak mak was her reply raw beef salad is very nice though all the herbs and spices take away the raw taste :o

  • 4 months later...
I remember the first time I saw this, the mother in law following the newly calved cow around waiting for the placenta to drop....lolz....I always have to keep the placentas from my sows when they farrow too; from what I'm told the pig placenta is also very delicious. I'll have to take their word for it I'm afraid:)

Regarding the dog for pot men that run around, most of these come from Nakon Sawan, where dog is very much the favoured meat; quite a bit more expensive than beef or pork so I'm told. The meat from black dogs supposedly the most delicious! Takes all sorts I suppose & I'll probably be slated for saying this, but, these guys do a good job in getting shot of these dog pests!

They follow the Buffalo and take the placenta, and eat it, boiled, spiced, with a dash of lemon (really) its like a beef soup. When I asked why I was told that the Buffalo would eat it and there would be no more births for at least 3 years AND complications with births after that. Thats what I was told!! so they get to eat it. Good eh. :o


i have eaten it,my wife has eaten it.

it is good for you, you guys just cannot get past the mental aspect.

also some thais eat dog but it is quite rare.

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