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Gay Music Composer, Singers Or Musicians


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Hi, I am living in Thailand permanantely. I compose music, plays keayboard and guitar and are working on a few different projects now. I am doing my own backgrounds so I can play live on bars etc in Bangkok or Koh Lanta when I am there. I want to contact people who might be good singers, playing any instruments or just have ideas for composing. Drop me line at PM and we ll se what it can lead to. I have BF (but he is not into music) so its focus on music.


Edited by endure
Email address removed as per forum rules. Pls PM the OP if interested.
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I want to contact people who might be good singers, playing any instruments or just have ideas for composing.

I am living in Bangkok near BTS and have a reasonably good voice that's sadly not getting practice. If I have to pinned down to genres, I am most comfortable with Soul, Jazz (light improvisational skill but it stops short of scat), Folk Rock (Crosby, Stills, Nash, The Byrds), Light Rock (Beatles).

Important for you to know: I cannot sight sing and have no music theory training.

I would love to sing. I am not driven by financial concerns; I live modestly and can continue to if I have to.

Edited by Goattee
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