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Uk Debts


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Wow, some people here worrying about faceless banks ! To be honest, if the OP wanted to do a runner he should have at least 100-150k of borrowed cash to run from. 40k is terribly low.

When do you think we'll see Gordon Brown and Captain Darling strolling down Beach Road, having run away from their debts at home of £1.5 trillion, or whatever? :o

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Wow, some people here worrying about faceless banks ! To be honest, if the OP wanted to do a runner he should have at least 100-150k of borrowed cash to run from. 40k is terribly low.

When do you think we'll see Gordon Brown and Captain Darling strolling down Beach Road, having run away from their debts at home of £1.5 trillion, or whatever? :o

Didnt you know the gruesome twosome were spotted on walking street about two weeks ago, checking out how construction is going on their new bar....Big Brother A-Go-Go..camera's everywhere and bar fines triple the price of anywhere else in Pattaya... :D

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What the OP must not do though is just 'walk away'. He will almost certainly get County Court Judgments' (CCJ) against him in the local courts and that could cause all sorts of problems in the future.

Why not just walk away? In order to get court judgements against him, doesn't he have to be served legal papers in person? If he's in Thailand, they can't find him, they can't serve him legal papers, and they can't get monetary judgements against him. After 6 years, the statute of limitations for collecting unsecured debts is up and they can't do anything to him. At least, that's the way I think it works in America.

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Dear All,

My tupence worth....

The current financial crisis has indeed thrown up some awkward questions for the way the Banks behave and are run.

I would hazard a guess that the majority of the population in the US and the UK believes that thier money is printed and supplied by a Government agency, ie the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England?...... well you would be wrong!

Its a myth, both the Federal Reserve AND the Bank of England are not Governemnt agencies they are PRIVATE financial instituitions with private shareholders who's identities are protected by law.......why are there identities protected by law?

The question needs to be asked why is that the respective governments of the US and the UK have continuelly supported the few powerfull bankers who behind the scenes obviously have the control of a Nations economy and effect the lives of millions of people?...what have they to hide????

Those that control the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are in a win win situation even in this current crisis they are milking it.

The US and UK Governments borrow billion/trillions from these two banks alone at an agreed interest rate, but who underwrites the guarantee that they will get thier money back.........the taxpayer, hard working joe public, they are the ones thrown in generational debt bailing out the auto industry and other financial institutions.....in your wildest dreams you couldnt think of a money earner like this, but believe me it is true, it exists........try a Google search for the owners of these two Banks.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I care not who makes its laws" - Mayer Anselm Rothschild.

Google "Money as debt" by Paul Grignon for a basic expalanation of the Fractional Banking system.

The whole thing stinks!


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