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Warning For People Thinking To Go Watch Or See The Protest Of Pad


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UZi semi automatic - and .375 found - with Hundred of bullet . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This weapon is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --


Is being report on the TV news now .

The PAD protestor arrested even have Bullet proof vest

- i wonder if there give it to all protestor

- for your own safety . Seem like PAD is going Violenece and is out to kill so

PLease stay away from the protest if you value your life .

Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Maybe she is repeating what was said regarding the torch run, since that has NOT been said in the news on any channel I have seen.

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Ta, you are fast becoming the resident nanny of TV

Why not wrap all of us up in cotton wool and tuck us into bed while your at it.

Jeez, the alarmists are out in force tonight!!

Bombs, guns and bullets, thats the nature of the business with the PAD it seems.

I might take a look in the morning... :o

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Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Should treat Thai PAD anarchists equally: arrest, cancel their Thai ID cards, and deport them to North Korea to get a dose of civil discipline and control. :o

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i enjoy forum and disagreement . and friendly debate .

not intention to nanny anyone .

after all one have their choice to use what ever way there want.

as long as everyone is safe and keep the barking on the keyboard - i care less:)


live ammon is no joke . call me what ever you want .

i hope everyone be safe and not get hurt in anyway .

go ahead and use the forum and debate about the line , but stay off the area .


beside Uzi , and .375 .

some of the slingshot using Metal bots as the projector can kill within 20-30 meter if the attacker get headshot .


The PAD also attacked Taxi station . two taxi driver were shot .

In my view , there should be arrested and treat as terrorist ,


This had gone to fair .


I wonder whos flight would be affected , thus time since there closing the airport due to PAD.

usually is easier to speak and careless till you are hurt by it .

Think twice .

and have a nice day

Edited by Ta22
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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Maybe she is repeating what was said regarding the torch run, since that has NOT been said in the news on any channel I have seen.

Why would any farang try to get involved in this THAI business.

Cheers, Rick.

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UZi semi automatic - and .375 found - with Hundred of bullet . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This weapon is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --


Is being report on the TV news now .

The PAD protestor arrested even have Bullet proof vest

- i wonder if there give it to all protestor

- for your own safety . Seem like PAD is going Violenece and is out to kill so

PLease stay away from the protest if you value your life .

Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

Very wise words - well said Ta22.

It is indeed a powder keg - not aplace for ex-pats.

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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Maybe she is repeating what was said regarding the torch run, since that has NOT been said in the news on any channel I have seen.

Yes, that comment was only in reference to people protesting the Olympics.

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UZi semi automatic - and .375 found - with Hundred of bullet . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This weapon is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --


Is being report on the TV news now .

The PAD protestor arrested even have Bullet proof vest

- i wonder if there give it to all protestor

- for your own safety . Seem like PAD is going Violenece and is out to kill so

PLease stay away from the protest if you value your life .

Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

From Govt House storage room when they ransacked it.

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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

A good idea. But I dont know if that is really enforced.

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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Its so funny at least they wont be flying them out from Swampypoom when they deport them!!

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UZi semi automatic - and .375 found - with Hundred of bullet . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This weapon is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --


Is being report on the TV news now .

The PAD protestor arrested even have Bullet proof vest

- i wonder if there give it to all protestor

- for your own safety . Seem like PAD is going Violenece and is out to kill so

PLease stay away from the protest if you value your life .

Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

You just need to watch the footage from yesterday on the highway of the two PAD gun men shooting from a pickup to see that some PAD are well armed and not afraid to shoot at people.

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Regarding live ammo and firearms as it is very controversial to the facyt that the PAD guards controlling everyone who wishes to enter the rally sites - INFILTRATION comes in mind - century old tactics to mar the image of the opponent....

my thoughts as the ousted premier, the hurting kiddy, has had a couple of these pocket player tricks played long before, remember the bomb scare of the Thai plane, the bomb which wasn't really a bomb, a car bomb that wasn't assembled, the bomd at the democrats HQ....

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Yes, be careful. I walked once through a PAD crowd/camp. They were actually quite friendly to me. Then again, a fellow Westerner told me, that they beat up two Filipinos. :o

I was there 3 or 4 times to make pictures. They were friendly and helpful. Only they insisted to feed me a southern fish-soup, to show their friendliness and I hate sour fish soup. A lot people love to explain the situation to foreigner, as they know that many news are wrong or semi-true.

There is absolute no danger from the PAD, but maybe from the police, or when the police is getting violent again a bullet does not know the difference between a peaceful protestor and a bystander.

So maybe modify the original warning to:

Fish soup - and fishes - with Hundred of chillis . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This food is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --


Is being report on the TV news now .

The PAD protestor arrested even had garlic

- i wonder if there give it to all protestor

- for your own safety . Seem like PAD is going hungry and is out to eat so

PLease stay away from the protest if you value your taste .

Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

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Regarding live ammo and firearms as it is very controversial to the facyt that the PAD guards controlling everyone who wishes to enter the rally sites - INFILTRATION comes in mind - century old tactics to mar the image of the opponent....

my thoughts as the ousted premier, the hurting kiddy, has had a couple of these pocket player tricks played long before, remember the bomb scare of the Thai plane, the bomb which wasn't really a bomb, a car bomb that wasn't assembled, the bomd at the democrats HQ....

Just look what happened on October 7.

The heavily armed PAD against the helpless police.......

If the PAD would have guns, bombs UZis or whatever they would have used them.

So we can be sure they had no weapons. Even many posters on TV claimed before that they are violent and heavily armed.

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Why would any westener in their right mind want to go anywhere near the crowds waring with each other?

Firstly, it's none of your business. That is of course unless you are one of the miniscule numbers of westeners who have received their full citizenship. Although I warrant, that even the odd westerner with citizenship, would come in for some special treatment from the police or anyone else in the mob be they red or yellow .

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It was me who posted on monday about a large gathering of red clothed thugs on the slip road off Viphavadi Rd to the Transport office, and I suggested things were about to kick off. About 4pm yesterday I had to take the same route (this location is about 300 metres from my office)and surprise surprise about 200 metres from the scene was a gathering crowd of yellow shirts who appeared to be armed the same as their opposition, with pangas and wooden staves. What did surprise me tho was that the PAD thugs were well organised and even had white clothed medics with red crosses on their shirts in attendance.

It is now widely publicised what occurred later and let me tell you it was scary when I passed by, anyone who voluntarily gets mixed up in gang warfare like this should expect no sympathy at all.

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I just watched an interview on ASTV.....a man who had just come to join the protest...

He told his wife he wanted to come and fight for his country.....his wife really objected and wanted him to take her on vacation...

His reply was memorable........I am going to fight for my country.....if I loose a wife I can get another, if I loose my country I am lost.

In the PAD I find a lot of very patriotic feelings, they truly believe the country and Kingdom must be saved from this corruption.....They are not trying to take over the government, just have a just government (for the 1st time in a long time).

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I just watched an interview on ASTV.....a man who had just come to join the protest...

He told his wife he wanted to come and fight for his country.....his wife really objected and wanted him to take her on vacation...

His reply was memorable........I am going to fight for my country.....if I loose a wife I can get another, if I loose my country I am lost.

In the PAD I find a lot of very patriotic feelings, they truly believe the country and Kingdom must be saved from this corruption.....They are not trying to take over the government, just have a just government (for the 1st time in a long time).


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Posting and disagreement on the forum is one thing .

but when you know you are putting your life or other life in damgerous by cheering the event .

please think twice .

my say is

STAY AWAY . SOMEONE IS going to Die be it PAD or Police or anyone is not worth it .

But haven't people already been firing in explosives and killed PAD protestors?

Thank you for the warning you've posted out of concern for everybody's wellbeing.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Maybe she is repeating what was said regarding the torch run, since that has NOT been said in the news on any channel I have seen.

Yes, that comment was only in reference to people protesting the Olympics.

maybe with the seizure of Suvarnabhumi, Thai authorities should look into that weird phenomena of foreigners mingling with the PAD rioters and actively supporting unlawful behaviour. Too right, they should be charged, deported and made persona non grata.

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in an event if more serious fighting break out .

those who create trouble or hide behind old woman and silly kids . will get away and not get hurt .


THe navie and the BRave ( binlded ) will be the first to get Hurt .


Both party suffer Death - and police suffer injury.

but the main agenda on this post act as a Window for everyone to reflect upon their self before there cheer on .

i repsect your choice to choose side , be it you are anti or pro gov . i care less .

but to spin others into risk and endangering ones life . is another .

alot careless about what there type .

H90 you seem to be thinking PAd violence is all an act or someone is trying to frame the PAD .

look at it this way . siding PAD from what i see.

will you be happier if more people get killed ?

those who had die had die .

The moment now is to reduce or prevent DEATH .

be it PAD die or pro gov die . or policeor anyone DIe in such event is a SAd thing . cos i believe one should strongly value life .


so enjoy with your mocking game. and my friendly advice for you is to avoid the Crowd . is not worth the Risk .


I do not hope any farang to made news a sthe first to be kille dby PAD , or Police or Pro gov - or by his silly act .

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Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

Should treat Thai PAD anarchists equally: arrest, cancel their Thai ID cards, and deport them to North Korea to get a dose of civil discipline and control. :o

North Korea :D:D

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Ive deleted a post, and a comment in reply.

please refrain from posting comments advocating violence

it is against forum rules, and any repeat will warrant formal warning and possible suspension of posting rights

I understand this is difficult and emotional times, but advocating violence to end violence is not really the route we want to go down is it?

please calm down people, and good luck to those affected

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Today's headline of an editorial in one of Thailand's English dailies said it well:

"PAD: Skywalker becomes Darth Vader"

(Although quite a few of us saw through PAD's mask the whole time...)

Edited by toptuan
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My wife told me a few weeks ago that it was mentioned on Thai TV news:

Farangs seen or participating in these protests will be arrested, visas cancelled and immediately deported.

A good idea. But I dont know if that is really enforced.

Perhaps they have secretly deported the dozens of farang who showed up at PAD rallies every day over the past "few weeks"...

interesting how this secret deportation has completely escaped the entire media and all foreign embassies....

Got a bridge for sale, too?

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