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Short, Medium And Long-term Affects On Tourism


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I need to put together a quick article for the London Daily Telegraph.

Anyone like to share their views and opinions on what the current situation in Thailand will do the for short, medium and long-term tourism market?

Now that we've officially hit peak season, your feedback on how you found the high or shoulder season would be appreciated too.

Comments on how these protests might affect the retiree market will also be appreciated.

Those responding can choose to have their businesses mentioned in the article or not.

Responses by PM also welcome or by email. My email address is on my profile.



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I think Thailand going bad now. It will take at least 2 years to recover. In the European Media everything is punched up so badly, that peple will affraid to ravel to Thailand. Personally i don't think many business in Pattaya, Phuked, etc. gonna survive this. Housing Marked gonna collaps. It wil stop the greed at least a little bit. Move to Cambo is not a real option, to far behind. Many peaple will go back to their Home country, i guess. I personally own a rental car business and i prepared to move back or away if things not getting better. I'm very glad i never bought any properties overhere, so i'll take only a minimal loss.

Edited by stingray
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