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Could The Mumbai Style Terrorist Attacks Happen In Bangkok?


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Prior to yesterday I never about a mass terrorist attack could happen in Mumbai. After all Mumbai is one of the largest cities in the world, financial capital of India, is very prosperous, has the best education in the country, and has the best standard of living in India. But then it happened. And it started me thinking, well what's so different between Mumbai/India and Bangkok/Thailand? With all the PAD demonstrations going on, we haven't heard that much of the unrest in the South. But if it could happen in Mumbai, is there any reason why such an event could not happen in BKK? I know there is a difference in the percentage of the population which is Muslim (Mumbai is about 14% Muslim and 80% Hindu while BKK is 92% Buddhist and 6% Muslim) But then again, it doesn't take that many people to organize such an attack. I remember for new years this past year, people were concerned about being out at any large gatherings for fear of bombing in BKK. Any thoughts here?

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Not sure what Terror groups look for in target selection, but local education level is probably closely associated with the other items mentioned. If memory serves me correctly this will describe many past terror targets, thus making predictability extremely difficult. I am not sure any large city is safe from a potential attack, if it has any outstanding charteristics.

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The terrorists in Mumbai weren't native Mumbai Muslims, they were apparently Pakistani and arrived by sea. You would have a lot more trouble getting up the river here. It'd also be difficult for terrorists from the southern provinces to go by land, there are a lot of police check points, and they are singled out for searches. I think that's one reason the bomb attacks so far have been largely confined to only the southern provinces. But it's certainly possible that it could happen.

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There way the government has handled this has shown the world what us expats already knew, how poor the security is in the country. The events at the airport, particulary gaining access to the control tower so easily is an advert to extremeists worldwide what a soft target this country is.

It's totally within the realms of possibility that these events could plant seeds in extremeists minds that Bangkok would be an easy target to kill large numbers of westerners.

I doubt it would come from Thai muslims, on the most part they are far less radical than other muslims, even the ones carrying out the attacks in the deep south would probobally not be able to organise something on the scale of Mumbai. It's also not there MO, they are seeking a seperate state, a new country.......

It's unlikely they would go for mass killings of westerners as a way to try and achieve their goals.

Far more likely some British muslims come over on "holiday" and then carry out the large scale simultanious attacks.

For one thing the Thai muslims don't have the funding for such activites, or the logistics.

I repeat though, the handling of this whole situation is an advert to extremeists that Thailand security is not much to worry about.

I doubt there's many places in the world where it would be so easy to carry out a bombing that could kill so many, there are so many locations that if targeted could kill thousands and the security at these places is non existant. There may well be security guards, but these guys have no training and more often than not if they saw something suspicious they would turn a blind eye as they wouldn't want to bring any risk to themselves..........

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One does not need to look at the muslim population or outside terrorist groups , you have already experienced this type of action (watered down) in Klong Toey and other recent spontanious(?) shootings , i think it has been said many times " The terrorist you have fear for , could be in your house , your school , your church or even your job " be wary lest you speak the wrong words to the wrong person .

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I don't think Thailand has the same enemies as Mumbai but I could be wrong. However during times when the government is heavily distracted are when a country is most at risk. These are dangerous times.

Well said. It would be difficult to highlight any nation who rates India highly. The internal caste system makes it a prime target which fortunately for Thailand it does not have, or at least will not have so long as certain elements do not remain in politics.

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There way the government has handled this has shown the world what us expats already knew, how poor the security is in the country. The events at the airport, particulary gaining access to the control tower so easily is an advert to extremeists worldwide what a soft target this country is....

All very interesting observations and I am inclined to agree with the thrust of them. However, my only comment would be that in some ways, it would be easier for the security forces at an airport like Swampy to respond to a discreet terrorist operation (a fixed number of armed individuals) and contain it than it is to protect/secure a large sprawling airport space from a large and unruly mob of basically unarmed civil protesters intent on "peacefully" occupying the place.

They face the same conundrum now in retaking it. Sure, they could come in with guns blazing and take it back with no problem but the risk of large scale causalities would be high (especially with all the women, children, and old folks there) as well as damage to the structure itself.

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Prior to yesterday I never about a mass terrorist attack could happen in Mumbai. After all Mumbai is one of the largest cities in the world, financial capital of India, is very prosperous, has the best education in the country, and has the best standard of living in India. But then it happened. And it started me thinking, well what's so different between Mumbai/India and Bangkok/Thailand? With all the PAD demonstrations going on, we haven't heard that much of the unrest in the South. But if it could happen in Mumbai, is there any reason why such an event could not happen in BKK? I know there is a difference in the percentage of the population which is Muslim (Mumbai is about 14% Muslim and 80% Hindu while BKK is 92% Buddhist and 6% Muslim) But then again, it doesn't take that many people to organize such an attack. I remember for new years this past year, people were concerned about being out at any large gatherings for fear of bombing in BKK. Any thoughts here?

Well obviously you dont much about mumbai's history then, They have terrorists attacks occuring for decades.

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