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State Of Emergency Declared


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This just in the police have reported that the PAD are paying their protesters and guards(500 Baht) The have also confiscated weapons from the PAD and are showing them on Thai TV now. I can't wait for the PAD supporters to deny these reports. Wake up guys the PAD have only one goal and they will not negotiate on this with anyone. The PM must resign and the PPP must leave. So you can see that no matter who tries to talk with Sondhi or his cronies they will not concede and only violence will end this siege I am sorry to admit.

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Some people would say PAD need to leave

Regardless of my leanings towards PAD, the simple fact is that any government that can let a situation get to this point is obviously unfit to manage the country.

You must be able to see that, surely?

I really don't care either way. If the PPP steps down and then PAD leaves fine. If PAD leaves on it's own great. My only requirement you see is that PAD needs to leave. That is what needs to happen to resume flights.

you must be able to see that, surely?

Besides tha, PAD needs to change its name.

A party which calls for violence, calls for military coup, doesn t respect the people willing, and call for an appointed and not elected parliament, cannot be called Democratic.

The should rename themselves Mai Chawp Prachathipathai or Mai Sonjai Prachathipathai , in this case I would understand their actions.(in line with their manifesto)

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Heavily-armed police block main road to Bangkok airport

At 6:55 pm Friday, police equipped with M 16 assault rifles were deployed to block a main road to the Suvarnahbhumi International Airport.

Police set up a road block on the Lard Krabang- Suvarnabhumi Road and did not allow any vehicle to pass through.

Edited by rainman
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Some people would say PAD need to leave

Regardless of my leanings towards PAD, the simple fact is that any government that can let a situation get to this point is obviously unfit to manage the country.

You must be able to see that, surely?

I really don't care either way. If the PPP steps down and then PAD leaves fine. If PAD leaves on it's own great. My only requirement you see is that PAD needs to leave. That is what needs to happen to resume flights.

you must be able to see that, surely?

Frankly, I couldn't give a dam_n about flights. They are inconsequential in this equation.

This just in the police have reported that the PAD are paying their protesters and guards(500 Baht) The have also confiscated weapons from the PAD and are showing them on Thai TV now. I can't wait for the PAD supporters to deny these reports. Wake up guys the PAD have only one goal and they will not negotiate on this with anyone. The PM must resign and the PPP must leave. So you can see that no matter who tries to talk with Sondhi or his cronies they will not concede and only violence will end this siege I am sorry to admit.

Hmmm.. Replace the chief of police with a cronie, and then violence ensues..

So we know who the real hero is, and that this is truly a Thaksin run sham.

Heavily-armed police block main road to Bangkok airport

At 6:55 pm Friday, police equipped with M 16 assault rifles were deployed to block a main road to the Suvarnahbhumi International Airport.

Police set up a road block on the Lard Krabang- Suvarnabhumi Road and did not allow any vehicle to pass through.

The real PPP is unmasked.

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Its being reported that the road to the airport is blocked by heavily armed police. The government have changed the tactics from negotiation to something else it seems.

PAD has made clear there will be no negotiation, so I am afraid of course they need to change tactics.

The army is rady to intervene at the first scratch on a finger against one of the protester.

They are just waiting for an excuse to stage a coup, it is well clear.

Sondhi was just sold out to them as tool to justify another coup.

The plant (Thaksin) was cut off, but they want to make sure to cut off all the roots.

So the bad guy is over and the much worst guys will always be there as always....

Poor Thailand.... what a damage this folk is doing to this country ! ....

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Some people would say PAD need to leave

Regardless of my leanings towards PAD, the simple fact is that any government that can let a situation get to this point is obviously unfit to manage the country.

You must be able to see that, surely?

I really don't care either way. If the PPP steps down and then PAD leaves fine. If PAD leaves on it's own great. My only requirement you see is that PAD needs to leave. That is what needs to happen to resume flights.

you must be able to see that, surely?

Besides tha, PAD needs to change its name.

A party which calls for violence, calls for military coup, doesn t respect the people willing, and call for an appointed and not elected parliament, cannot be called Democratic.

The should rename themselves Mai Chawp Prachathipathai or Mai Sonjai Prachathipathai , in this case I would understand their actions.(in line with their manifesto)

not much democracy but all kind a defiance

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Some people would say PAD need to leave

Regardless of my leanings towards PAD, the simple fact is that any government that can let a situation get to this point is obviously unfit to manage the country.

You must be able to see that, surely?

I really don't care either way. If the PPP steps down and then PAD leaves fine. If PAD leaves on it's own great. My only requirement you see is that PAD needs to leave. That is what needs to happen to resume flights.

you must be able to see that, surely?

Frankly, I couldn't give a dam_n about flights. They are inconsequential in this equation.

This just in the police have reported that the PAD are paying their protesters and guards(500 Baht) The have also confiscated weapons from the PAD and are showing them on Thai TV now. I can't wait for the PAD supporters to deny these reports. Wake up guys the PAD have only one goal and they will not negotiate on this with anyone. The PM must resign and the PPP must leave. So you can see that no matter who tries to talk with Sondhi or his cronies they will not concede and only violence will end this siege I am sorry to admit.

Hmmm.. Replace the chief of police with a cronie, and then violence ensues..

So we know who the real hero is, and that this is truly a Thaksin run sham.

Heavily-armed police block main road to Bangkok airport

At 6:55 pm Friday, police equipped with M 16 assault rifles were deployed to block a main road to the Suvarnahbhumi International Airport.

Police set up a road block on the Lard Krabang- Suvarnabhumi Road and did not allow any vehicle to pass through.

The real PPP is unmasked.

Well obviously your concerns and mine don't coincide. I don't really care if thug A or thug B runs Thailand. Like the people in the airport and the people in the PPP I am not concerned about anybody but myself and my own agenda. Right now the PAD is in the way of mine. If it were the PPP in the way I would feel the same way. There is 0% chance of any of this leading to a meaningful democracy anyway.

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really ? TRT Party killed Thousands during its regime ?? Sorry ??

Who killed thousands of innocent students in 1976 ? In 1992 just 200 meter from where I am ?

Thaksin ?

Answer = Samak. Well, partial answer at least.


they were meaning the extra judicial killings during the drug war of a few years back.

Nothing to do with revolutions or coup or putting down student uprisings.

But Erob is right about Samack.

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No negotiation: Sondhi declares

Sondhi Limthongkul, No-1 leader of People's Alliance for Democracy, told protesters not to believe that the People's Alliance for Democracy would give in and negotiate with police to move protesters out of the Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Don Mueang Airport .

"PAD leaders will never negotiate with police," Sondhi told the crowd at the government House.

Sondhi also warned police not to listen to orders from Interior Minister Kowit Wattana, saying the People Power Party would be dissolved by the Constitution Court after December 2 and the House would be dissolved and Kowit would lose power.

The nation

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Sondhi Limthongkul, No-1 leader of People's Alliance for Democracy, told protesters not to believe that the People's Alliance for Democracy would give in and negotiate with police to move protesters out of the Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Don Mueang Airport .

"PAD leaders will never negotiate with police," Sondhi told the crowd at the government House.

Sondhi also warned police not to listen to orders from Interior Minister Kowit Wattana, saying the People Power Party would be dissolved by the Constitution Court after December 2 and the House would be dissolved and Kowit would lose power.

The nation

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Of course he is not a saint, he stole, he ordered killings, but a white dove cannot beat a blood-thirsty panther,so...

Huh? In a sentence that starts with "He ordered killings", there can be no "but". Not with me. Not in normal times. Not in extraordinary times.

I gave some though to PAD vs PPP - I came to the following conclusion: I agree with all the criticism the PAD has for the PPP. The PPP is a corrupt regime which has taken money from the Thai people. It looks like their only goal now is to exonerate Thaksin and perhaps even give him absolute power (with the PAD out of the way, presumably). Then they want to go on line their own pockets with new megaprojects, or worse. I have the feeling they will be much worse than before if they win this battle.

The PAD is also correct in that the PPP will win any further elections as long as things remain the same. That's the problem.

Vote buying, deplorable as it is, is not a significant factor - just talk to anybody in the north. Votes are "bought" by the PPP by giving loans and near-free healthcare to the poor - now that's something that's very similar to what happens in all democratic countries, except in Thailand people actually got something from the PPP government. Taksinomics is an unjust redistribution of wealth from the middle class through the PPP to the people - but it's hard to argue against this in a democracy. More to the poor, less to the middle class, and a very healthy cut of everything to the Taksinistas. Majority of votes guaranteed.

Where the PAD is wrong is in the solutions they offer for the problem: Less democracy, an army coup, appointed government. I have absolutely no doubt that such a solution, if implemented, would make things worse, much worse, for a long time to come.

What they should do instead is to fight for: A free media, and an independent, and working judiciary. Then the corrupt PPP would be taken down one by one over their many corrupt schemes. The media would be free to report on _anything_. Even the stuff that we can't discuss on the forums. The problem with democracy in Thailand is that there is no media freedom, and the rule of law is extremely weak, hence this is no real democracy. It's an elected dictatorship. What Thailand needs is more democracy, not less as the PAD is proposing.

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The domestic terrorists that are occupying Government House and the two Bangkok airports are duping the PAD supporters by telling them that their collective action will improve the quality of life for all Thais. The terrorists are using women, children and the elderly as human shields to accomplish their limited agenda. The governments failure is huge however the terrorist actions by core PAD leaders is reprehensible. The leaders of PAD need to be removed from society, perhaps for decades, as punishment for despicable acts against humanity. There is no justification for endangering the public and cripling the economy.

The PAD supporters here on TV are unfortunate victims of a domestic terrorist group. We all should feel sorry for every victim now and for those who will fall during the impending violence to come.

The domestic terrorists are the Thai Rouge drunks. They're running around w/ clubs and throwing granades. The PAD are just sitting in buildings.

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Why M16's


M16's are crowd control tools, right?

Shoot the front row and the crowd leaves, right?

Yes, the true face of a lost government with bunker isolated paranoia.

What do you suggest , water pistols ?

You dont do crowd control with automatic weapons

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PAD leaders' personality cult

who these people are and what psychological state they are in.

T-shirts, mostly in yellow with various messages including "Every drop of blood ... to protect the throne" are on sale.

Those deeply into the PAD leaders' personality cult can treat themselves to a plastic quartz watch, a la Swatch, with faces of the five co-leaders on the dial at Bt199 a pop. Swankier |versions in metal, some gold-plated, go for as much as Bt2,000.

One of the big sellers is a "fake" doctoral certificate with "authentic" signatures by the five PAD leaders issued for having completed the "save the country" political rally-cum-education course.

Those who can't get enough PAD anti-government "education" can treat themselves to one of many dozen titles. One is devoted to PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila, who looks like a superstar or superhero on the large promotional banner with his real signature affixed near his larger-than-life face. ASTV also sells party CDs and DVDs.

Then there's a painting of the PAD versus Thaksin and his "nominees", depicted in a clear good-versus-evil fashion, so there's no mistaking which side the PAD believes it's on.

On stage are the usual rousing speeches predicting inevitable victory when the so-called New Politics restores morality and democracy. It is done in messianic fashion. One speaker after another, male and female, hurls abuse at the enemy, whom they called "dogs", "scum", "lackeys", "evil" and much more as the dwindling band of followers, many sporting royal-yellow T-shirts, continue to wield hand-clappers in apparent ecstasy.

"We will not step out [of Government House] until New Politics has materialised," declared one male speaker.

Any curious Thai or foreigner, PAD supporter or not, would be well advised to pay a visit to the site, for words and pictures cannot fully capture the cultish atmosphere.

Sondhi was recently questioned by the media when he dressed himself in white, splashing what appeared to be holy water on prostrated followers, something normally done by Buddhist monks. This writer's visit started to make it clear how such a thing could happen.

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