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How Would They Retake The Airport


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Given the approach roads are blocked, this could be a very tricky operation, as they fight their way into the bulding across cars and trucks. And how would they arrest and move out all the protesters from the terminal?

Lots of planning will be needed. Are the BIB up to the job?

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Who said they'll use the front entrance? I'd come in airside through the perimeter fence.

Have the PAD penetrated into the secure areas, i.e beyond passport control and security scanners? If so, and if PAD are anywhere near as devious and malicious as I would be, even if the airport is retaken it will be a long time befoe they have cleared it of any potential booby traps left behind.

These guy will be busy for days/weeks:


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Given the approach roads are blocked, this could be a very tricky operation, as they fight their way into the bulding across cars and trucks. And how would they arrest and move out all the protesters from the terminal?

Better question - how to get the stranded tourists out of the airport before the riot starts?

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It will be the Army that clears it; not the police.

The sooner the better.

I would fly in there in helicopters & attack em from the rear. Give them one hour to clear off & then start shooting.

Inevitable damage to facilities though, which will delay re-opening as well as great propoganda for PAD (expect more DVDs).

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It will be the Army that clears it; not the police.

The sooner the better.

I would fly in there in helicopters & attack em from the rear. Give them one hour to clear off & then start shooting.

I hope not - according to TV pictures I've seen there are kids in there. These are innocents, even if they have parents with no sense of responsibilty. I sincerely hope for a peaceful end to this ridiculous situation that the people behind the PAD have instigated. One thing is for sure, the rich and super rich will be well out of the line of fire, same as always, in EVERY country.

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Call the tanks in and roll over the top of all the cars blocking the entrance to the airport. that should get their attention  :o

I believe a certain Viktor Bout is still in Bangkok doing nothing in particular, possibly available for consultation...

Someone remind me why the aversion to using water cannon in Thailand? Seems to work in most other countries when you want people to move on without causing too much injury.

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Cut off all their food and water supplies and any access to sanitation. Convince them there is transport waiting for them on the elevated freeway then march them there with heavily armed police behind and infront (and to the sides where necessary. Then once on the freeway, keep them there for 48 hours, allowing the police to change shifts but keeping the protestors in the open. Then let them find their own way back on foot. If they're lucky, it will rain. Additionally, add butyric acid (the substance that gives vomit and parmesan it's odour) to the water tanks in the airport firefighting trucks, then drench them with it.

Any that have entrenched themselves in the control tower or secure/enclosed area should be removed by anti-terrorist forces using deadly force if necessary.

See if they fuc_k with my holiday plans next year.

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I imagine taking control of the interior of the buildings would be the top priority...giving the PAD no where to take a stand, and securing any tourists/airport employees. Police and troops brought in by helicopter would be needed for this first step.

Once secure, tear gas. A relentless volley of tear gas (hopefully not Chinese)

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It seems to me like no one really wants to end this. I am in the states visiting for a Holiday and Mumbai is all over CNN, but NO mention of Suv or Don Muang Airports.

This doesn't seem to be well organized, or well financed. Is anyone being killed? Or are they just shooting AT each other?

Someone has to be in charge and they should be taken out, not the foot shoulders.

If this were LAX or Heathrow, or Sydney, it would be over by now.


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I sometime wonder if any of the previous posters on this thread ever took a moment to look at the live TV coming from the airports....

Now you are facing some desperate people.....old ladies with hand clappers, middle age people laying on sleeping mats, and some really whacked out people dancing to some mulahm music....yep better bring in the bombers as well.

A napalm attack would help a lot too.

Think how much the current government can put in their pockets when the rebuild the airport....

After all Thaskin was able to load hundreds of stacked bodies of living and dying people in the back of large trucks, and just make them disappear down south...I'm sure he would fly back in a moment to take charge.

The bottom line is these people at the airport are fighting for their country....to rid it of 50 years of corruption. PAD is not running for office, or to take over the government, just clean out the crap that is there now.

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The bottom line is these people at the airport are fighting for their country....to rid it of 50 years of corruption. PAD is not running for office, or to take over the government, just clean out the crap that is there now.

And the PAD have shown they will install someone who would do a better job, when? How?

Edited by wasabi
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Given the approach roads are blocked, this could be a very tricky operation, as they fight their way into the bulding across cars and trucks. And how would they arrest and move out all the protesters from the terminal?

Lots of planning will be needed. Are the BIB up to the job?


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I sometime wonder if any of the previous posters on this thread ever took a moment to look at the live TV coming from the airports....

Now you are facing some desperate people.....old ladies with hand clappers, middle age people laying on sleeping mats, and some really whacked out people dancing to some mulahm music....yep better bring in the bombers as well.

A napalm attack would help a lot too.

Think how much the current government can put in their pockets when the rebuild the airport....

After all Thaskin was able to load hundreds of stacked bodies of living and dying people in the back of large trucks, and just make them disappear down south...I'm sure he would fly back in a moment to take charge.

The bottom line is these people at the airport are fighting for their country....to rid it of 50 years of corruption. PAD is not running for office, or to take over the government, just clean out the crap that is there now.

The real bottom line is the people behind the yellows are stirring it up in order to keep control and the wealth to themselves. As for corruption ? well seeing as these hi-so's have been running the country for ever and it's been corrupt for all that time. Its just the way it is, since Toxin turned up carried on the tradition of lining his own pockets nothings changed other than with Toxin he used the rural Thai's to gain power and a lot of rich thais have had thier usual "cut" of backhanders bypassed. They sure did'nt like that and this is the result. The reds are just as bad and are taking the lead from what they are seeing from the yellows. In the middle of it all you have a paralized government, an Army unwilling to enforce martial law and a police force too scared to act.

I hear all this BS coming from PAD but no options of what comes after, or any solutions to anything. It is an absolute joke, and the world is laughing at the whole Thai Nation.

Now the PAD have said they will use human shields, basically hold innocent people to ransom and ruin it's reputation and economy. It's disgusting and really brings home the meaning of 3rd world status, Thailand has proved once again it is far from ready to join the developed world, certainly from a behavior and humanitarian view.

Of course when something does happen, and it will at some point, there will be no one taking responsibility for the injured or dead. The corruption will go on and the poor will stay poor


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