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Went to the ATM, pin wrong 3 times, swallowed my card.

I have another card with me, but that card isn't for an ATM.

The bank card that was swallowed was my Nationwide card

Just wondering what I can do?

Is there any way I can get my card back by contacting the bank? (It was a Siam Commercial ATM). Don't think I can but just wondering.

Any suggestions appreciated A LOT.

edit: just read on another website (from another bank completely) that if their ATM swallows your card, you can get it back if you contact within 3 days. Is that the case here? If so that would be great


went to one ATM from another bank, tried and got my pin wrong 2 times.

Then went to siam commercial ATM, tried once and wrong again. Only had the 1 try, card was swallowed.

Turns out i had my cards mixed up. I was trying to use the pin number for one of my other cards.


From Nationwide website:

Cards retained by a cash machine

If you have had your cash card retained at a Nationwide cash machine, please contact or call in at the branch where the card was retained.

If your card was not retained by a Nationwide cash machine or if it has not been possible to release your card please telephone our 24hr service centre on 08457 30 20 10 and report it. If you are telephoning from abroad, please telephone +44 1793 656789. We can then order you a new card and it will be sent to your registered address in 5-7 working days.

For branch telephone numbers, please follow this link to our branch or ATM finder and choose more information.

The thing is, if it's a Nationwide machine they know it has been safe and sound, but abroad..?

You might try, but if you do not report that your card if out of your control immediately and it gets misused then you will be liable for any losses.

I've left the card in the machine before now, cancelled it immediately, but I had back-up cards.

From Nationwide website:
Cards retained by a cash machine

If you have had your cash card retained at a Nationwide cash machine, please contact or call in at the branch where the card was retained.

If your card was not retained by a Nationwide cash machine or if it has not been possible to release your card please telephone our 24hr service centre on 08457 30 20 10 and report it. If you are telephoning from abroad, please telephone +44 1793 656789. We can then order you a new card and it will be sent to your registered address in 5-7 working days.

For branch telephone numbers, please follow this link to our branch or ATM finder and choose more information.

The thing is, if it's a Nationwide machine they know it has been safe and sound, but abroad..?

You might try, but if you do not report that your card if out of your control immediately and it gets misused then you will be liable for any losses.

I've left the card in the machine before now, cancelled it immediately, but I had back-up cards.

i've found on a few websites it said that if your card is swallowed by an ATM, you contact the bank within 3 working days, someone will open up the ATM and give you your card back if you can prove identification.

Have you heard of this happening in Thailand? I'm not sure if they would do it for a foreign bank card..? Or any other card apart from their own for that matter

Tried contacting a Siam Commercial bank number too - just on answerphone. Do banks here not have a 24 hour line?


If your ATM card was swallowed at a BRANCH of the bank, show up with your passport (and anything stating your card number like a recpt) and ask to speak to the manager. If not ..... it gets more complicated but go to the nearest SCB bank and ask them.

If your ATM card was swallowed at a BRANCH of the bank, show up with your passport (and anything stating your card number like a recpt) and ask to speak to the manager. If not ..... it gets more complicated but go to the nearest SCB bank and ask them.

Just called my girlfriend here, she said that she thinks the ATM i used is attatched to a small office for SCB. Is anyone here able to confirm? If it is, then I'll just go to it with my passport tomorrow and get my card back.

The ATM i used was SCB, has an ATM, a passport updater(?) and a cash deposit machine. Was very near a smallish lotus express, my girlfriend said the place i went to was called town in town? Does anybody know it? There are a few restaurants in the area, we went to eat at some place called north to south which is pretty close. There is also a K excellent(?) ATM very close to it (sorry don't know the name, it's the green bank with a big K)


The ATM i used was SCB, has an ATM, a passport updater(?) and a cash deposit machine. Was very near a smallish lotus express, my girlfriend said the place i went to was called town in town? Does anybody know it?



Just found the address of it, the ATM was in wangthonglang. Checked on SCB's website for it, seems like they have a branch there. Must mean the ATM is attatched to an office (i didn't see it, only saw one side of the wall).

and to the elkan guy.. you really need to find something better to do with your time.


I once had my (Citibank) card swallowed by an ATM in the Philippines, on a Saturday afternoon.

I immediately phoned Sentinel Card protection who cancelled my card, nothing else, waste of my annual subscription, I could have done that myself.

Following Monday morning I went into the bank, they opened the ATM and gave me my card back after I showed them my passport.

If I had not cancelled my card via Sentinel I would have been OK, instead I had to use my Lloyds ATM card, an expensive card to use in the Philippines.

So, the ATM has your card, safe and secure, they are fairly well armoured. Contact the bank, take all your id, and be persistent.

Good Luck

I once had my (Citibank) card swallowed by an ATM in the Philippines, on a Saturday afternoon.

I immediately phoned Sentinel Card protection who cancelled my card, nothing else, waste of my annual subscription, I could have done that myself.

Following Monday morning I went into the bank, they opened the ATM and gave me my card back after I showed them my passport.

If I had not cancelled my card via Sentinel I would have been OK, instead I had to use my Lloyds ATM card, an expensive card to use in the Philippines.

So, the ATM has your card, safe and secure, they are fairly well armoured. Contact the bank, take all your id, and be persistent.

Good Luck

thanks for the reply :o

i'll (hopefully) have my card back tomorrow :D

(i didn't see it, only saw one side of the wall).

Let us know what happens when they're open and you get to see the inside...


For the security of keeping your card and not have the ATM take write the pin number on the card in very large numbers. Also will be very helpful for pick pocket to clean out your account.


Last January an ATM machine at petrol station in Bangna swallowed my card.

This what happened.

I put my Nationwide card in the machine, entered the CORRECT pin number and the the screen changed to the one where you choose the amount of cash you want, then that was it the machine frooze, wouldn't do anything, tried pressing different amounts, nothing happened, tried clicking cancel to get my card back, nothing happened, the screen was stuck on the page asking for amount. My thai wife went inside to get a member of staff to come and look, the member of staff came outside and said the machine was out of order and that this had happened many times. I was fuming, why cant some people use the brain they were born with, I was saying and my wife was saying in thai, why couldn't some one of put a sign on it saying "out of order" / "not working" in thai or english, anything, couldn't you have put some tape over the card slot, or turned the machine off, anything would be better than doing nothing at all. The member of staff did then put a sign on it but said they couldn't turn it off and they couldn't open it to get the card back. She gave us the number of the bank we needed to contact and my wife called them. They said the card would be safe and they said they would have someone come to open the machine. They asked the wife when we were flying back to UK, i would have been thinking quickly here and said the next evening but my wife told them the real date which was about 2 weeks time (at least she honest, too honest this time). We had to leave the machine with my card inside, the pin number entered and the screen on the page asking you how much you want.

The next day we called the bank and they were sending someone, this went on for a week, we went back to the petrol station, they had a stack of cards behind the counter ours wasn't there, the reason they had these was because the machine would sometimes spit the cards out after a while. We ended up going to the bank which was at the end of Soi 3 near Suk, I wish I new this earlier as we were staying at Soi 4. The bank said they had sent someone to the machine and my card wasn't inside. So in the end we didn't get the card back.

The thing that made me really angry was that nobody at the service station had thought to put any type of sign on the machine or some tape over the card slot even though they new it had problems. Common sense is a very hard thing to teach, most of us have it but some don't.


I had an instance a while back where I was pretty sure I had left the card in the ATM. You know, something like this:

Insert card, enter PIN, get cash, counting cash, wife asks about something, get distracted, walk away without taking card.

Perhaps 30 minutes later, we were at a restaurant perhaps 2 km away..."Shit, did I take my ATM card back?". Check the wallet, not there.

I dash back to the 7-11 on the offhand chance that some good Samaritan just happened to see the card in the machine before the ATM ate it and gave it to the clerk...nope.

In this scenario, I could not be certain that my card had been captured by the ATM. So I immediately called my bank, cancelled the card, ordered a new one. This involved a bit of fiddle-farting around, since my bank would not FedEx it outside of USA. So, it went to my house in USA, the house-sitter FedEx the card to me in BKK.

Depending upon your logistics, it might be just as easy to cancel the card and order a new one.


A card kept by the ATM is probably not safe. The card reader pulls the card past the card reader head, like the old tape drives had, and then holds it just behind ready to give back. If the card is retained, the card is pulled backwards and drops out of the back of the card reader into a metal tray just behind. The good thing is that the card is now blocked, so even if the card is taken and used somewhere else, even with the correct PIN, it will be declined as the card status is bad. Even if the bank give you the card back it will not be able to be used due to the 3 bad PIN attempts.

You will need to either get a replacement (banks are usually told to destroy retained cards) or get the original and call your bank to get it re-instated.

As for whats inside, probably less than you think! The base is a large safe which holds the cash in hoppers, and has a dispense slot. Above that is a basic desktop PC running windows and ATM software, the card reader mechanism, receipt and journal printer, nothing much else.

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... We ended up going to the bank which was at the end of Soi 3 near Suk...

Krung Thai bank? They've got some of the oldest ATMs I've ever seen.

... We ended up going to the bank which was at the end of Soi 3 near Suk...

Krung Thai bank? They've got some of the oldest ATMs I've ever seen.

Fortunately I was not relying on the 1 bank card for my holiday, I always take travellers cheques and at least 2 cards, I only change travellers cheques if I am going to take my passport straight back to my hotel safe, that day I wasn't so I took a card with me. Wouldn't like to have just 1 card with me like a lot do.


thank you mods :o

update? emailed them, got told that they can't give back foreign cards.

called the office there, couldn't speak a word of english. Then got my girlfriend here to call, told her what they will say first, told her to be strong and not give up on it.

First, the lady on the phone said no, it's a foreign card and will be destroyed. Girlfriend didn't let go of it, 2 mins after explaining the situation she got an .. ok, come to the office tomorrow with his (my) passport to get the card back - it won't be returned without proper ID.

Before i told my girlfriend that if they say no, tell her my situation. My situation as in - without the card, i can't pay for anything... and i'm pretty much screwed. The nice lady must have gave into that :D

Picking it up tomorrow. :D


As a rule, I only use my US ATM card at banks during bank business hours so that I can speak to a branch employee right away in case of this type of problem. Luckily I haven't had to deal with a machine gobbling my card yet. :o


now in posession of a blue, shiney, fully working nationwide card :o

The good thing is that the card is now blocked, so even if the card is taken and used somewhere else, even with the correct PIN, it will be declined as the card status is bad. Even if the bank give you the card back it will not be able to be used due to the 3 bad PIN attempts.

You will need to either get a replacement (banks are usually told to destroy retained cards) or get the original and call your bank to get it re-instated.

These points are wrong. I didn't have to make any calls to my bank or anything. Got my card back, and within 1 minute I withdrew money. Perhaps that is the case other places, but in this instance, not at all.

thank you mods :o

update? emailed them, got told that they can't give back foreign cards.

called the office there, couldn't speak a word of english. Then got my girlfriend here to call, told her what they will say first, told her to be strong and not give up on it.

First, the lady on the phone said no, it's a foreign card and will be destroyed. Girlfriend didn't let go of it, 2 mins after explaining the situation she got an .. ok, come to the office tomorrow with his (my) passport to get the card back - it won't be returned without proper ID.

Before i told my girlfriend that if they say no, tell her my situation. My situation as in - without the card, i can't pay for anything... and i'm pretty much screwed. The nice lady must have gave into that :D

Picking it up tomorrow. :D

What bank office is this - open on Sunday?

thank you mods :D

update? emailed them, got told that they can't give back foreign cards.

called the office there, couldn't speak a word of english. Then got my girlfriend here to call, told her what they will say first, told her to be strong and not give up on it.

First, the lady on the phone said no, it's a foreign card and will be destroyed. Girlfriend didn't let go of it, 2 mins after explaining the situation she got an .. ok, come to the office tomorrow with his (my) passport to get the card back - it won't be returned without proper ID.

Before i told my girlfriend that if they say no, tell her my situation. My situation as in - without the card, i can't pay for anything... and i'm pretty much screwed. The nice lady must have gave into that :D

Picking it up tomorrow. :D

What bank office is this - open on Sunday?

the one at town in town, you know.. that place you called ''unreal'' :o

and i went there today to pick it up.

Last January an ATM machine at petrol station in Bangna swallowed my card.

This what happened.

I put my Nationwide card in the machine, entered the CORRECT pin number and the the screen changed to the one where you choose the amount of cash you want, then that was it the machine frooze, wouldn't do anything, tried pressing different amounts, nothing happened, tried clicking cancel to get my card back, nothing happened, the screen was stuck on the page asking for amount. My thai wife went inside to get a member of staff to come and look, the member of staff came outside and said the machine was out of order and that this had happened many times. I was fuming, why cant some people use the brain they were born with, I was saying and my wife was saying in thai, why couldn't some one of put a sign on it saying "out of order" / "not working" in thai or english, anything, couldn't you have put some tape over the card slot, or turned the machine off, anything would be better than doing nothing at all. The member of staff did then put a sign on it but said they couldn't turn it off and they couldn't open it to get the card back. She gave us the number of the bank we needed to contact and my wife called them. They said the card would be safe and they said they would have someone come to open the machine. They asked the wife when we were flying back to UK, i would have been thinking quickly here and said the next evening but my wife told them the real date which was about 2 weeks time (at least she honest, too honest this time). We had to leave the machine with my card inside, the pin number entered and the screen on the page asking you how much you want.

The next day we called the bank and they were sending someone, this went on for a week, we went back to the petrol station, they had a stack of cards behind the counter ours wasn't there, the reason they had these was because the machine would sometimes spit the cards out after a while. We ended up going to the bank which was at the end of Soi 3 near Suk, I wish I new this earlier as we were staying at Soi 4. The bank said they had sent someone to the machine and my card wasn't inside. So in the end we didn't get the card back.

The thing that made me really angry was that nobody at the service station had thought to put any type of sign on the machine or some tape over the card slot even though they new it had problems. Common sense is a very hard thing to teach, most of us have it but some don't.

A situation like this is frustrating, certainly...but that is not the service station's ATM...they are not responsible for it. It belongs to the bank.

Last January an ATM machine at petrol station in Bangna swallowed my card.

This what happened.

I put my Nationwide card in the machine, entered the CORRECT pin number and the the screen changed to the one where you choose the amount of cash you want, then that was it the machine frooze, wouldn't do anything, tried pressing different amounts, nothing happened, tried clicking cancel to get my card back, nothing happened, the screen was stuck on the page asking for amount. My thai wife went inside to get a member of staff to come and look, the member of staff came outside and said the machine was out of order and that this had happened many times. I was fuming, why cant some people use the brain they were born with, I was saying and my wife was saying in thai, why couldn't some one of put a sign on it saying "out of order" / "not working" in thai or english, anything, couldn't you have put some tape over the card slot, or turned the machine off, anything would be better than doing nothing at all. The member of staff did then put a sign on it but said they couldn't turn it off and they couldn't open it to get the card back. She gave us the number of the bank we needed to contact and my wife called them. They said the card would be safe and they said they would have someone come to open the machine. They asked the wife when we were flying back to UK, i would have been thinking quickly here and said the next evening but my wife told them the real date which was about 2 weeks time (at least she honest, too honest this time). We had to leave the machine with my card inside, the pin number entered and the screen on the page asking you how much you want.

The next day we called the bank and they were sending someone, this went on for a week, we went back to the petrol station, they had a stack of cards behind the counter ours wasn't there, the reason they had these was because the machine would sometimes spit the cards out after a while. We ended up going to the bank which was at the end of Soi 3 near Suk, I wish I new this earlier as we were staying at Soi 4. The bank said they had sent someone to the machine and my card wasn't inside. So in the end we didn't get the card back.

The thing that made me really angry was that nobody at the service station had thought to put any type of sign on the machine or some tape over the card slot even though they new it had problems. Common sense is a very hard thing to teach, most of us have it but some don't.

A situation like this is frustrating, certainly...but that is not the service station's ATM...they are not responsible for it. It belongs to the bank.

I agree, that right its the banks responsibility, BUT the service station staff were having to cope with frustrated customers coming inside to ask for assistance, so they could have made life a far lot easier for themselves by putting a paper sign on the machine or tape over the card slot. They did this after I told them it was a good idea. Why couldn't they think of that by themselves.

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