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Urgent Call To The Press


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Try not to fret too much lourens , some of the responders have no idea what they are talking about , overstay has been suspended for stranded tourists and Embassies DO NOT HAND OUT MONEY , most have become as considerate as the Thais they wanabee , take as much of your money as they can , no money , no honey . Many do not even want to pass conversation with fellow expats , like they will get contaminated with compassion or something , who cares people may lose a job or a contact of work or their insurance may have run out , very few of these people will give you the time of day , quite content to sit in their ivory tower of complacency and look down upon all you lesser beings . This gives them no right to pour contempt upon you , they should all hand their heads in shame , all they seem to care about is how much money/contracts THEY may lose , selfish bunch of yahoos .

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

No one is holding you hostage in Thailand.

If you are really that desperate to go home, than take a bus across the border to one of Thailand`s neighbouring countries and grab a flight from there.

It`s going to cost you, but as I said, depends how desperate you are.

This is not a hostage situation, more like an inconveinience situation. Take it or leave it.

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Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer.

Did you really travel half way around the world and only posess / bring enough money with you to last until the last day of your holiday ?

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I'm sorry I wasn't more sympathetic to your ordeal, just to make up for that I offer you free use of my spare room and will throw in all meals for free for as long as you need, Mrs. CM is a wonderful cook. I'm located on Patong Beach and the views of the bay are pleasant to say the least. Now, for directions, you'll need to get a flight to Phuket so I suggest you head to .. Opps, that's a problem isn't it, sorry I forgot!

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repeat after me............the glass is half full.

The OP reminds me of Fitchu form The Land Of The Giants.

and most of these smart-ass responses remind me of world weary, bored/boring, past-sell-by-date-expats who have forgotten (if they ever knew!) what it is like to be stranded at the end of a holiday with a screaming 2 year old, a wife at the end of her tether, an elderly mother with a heart condition, just a few quid left in the ATM, an Embassy that doesn't care and no bloody idea how to even find a bus to Cambodia, KL or any other FK-place! IF the family members could stand that sort of ordeal anyway.

Good luck OP! And if you ARE a troll, congrats on exposing this inane, inate selfishness.

If 'tv' ever had any milk of human kindness, it has surely curdled right here!!


Tunbridge Wells.

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repeat after me............the glass is half full.

The OP reminds me of Fitchu form The Land Of The Giants.

and most of these smart-ass responses remind me of world weary, bored/boring, past-sell-by-date-expats who have forgotten (if they ever knew!) what it is like to be stranded at the end of a holiday with a screaming 2 year old, a wife at the end of her tether, an elderly mother with a heart condition, just a few quid left in the ATM, an Embassy that doesn't care and no bloody idea how to even find a bus to Cambodia, KL or any other FK-place! IF the family members could stand that sort of ordeal anyway.

Good luck OP! And if you ARE a troll, congrats on exposing this inane, inate selfishness.

If 'tv' ever had any milk of human kindness, it has surely curdled right here!!


Tunbridge Wells.

By the OPs other posts and topics it seems that he lives in Buriram, and may have done for a number of years, so its not like he is on his first trip to Thailand with the kids and wife. It seems that he is also retired, so probably does not have to worry about getting back for his job. I wonder if he is really even in this situation at all?

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there are people suffering at the airports, stranded in BKK when they should have back home by now, dunno if it has been said here before, among those affected by the PAD madness there's story of Jamie Peacock, an international English rugby league player. His pregnant wife and young son are stuck there and cannot get back home. As a father of young daughter, I sympathise with his predicament. This is radicalising anti PAD feeling and distaste for anyone who support them.

Edited by Sarge
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repeat after me............the glass is half full.

The OP reminds me of Fitchu form The Land Of The Giants.

and most of these smart-ass responses remind me of world weary, bored/boring, past-sell-by-date-expats who have forgotten (if they ever knew!) what it is like to be stranded at the end of a holiday with a screaming 2 year old, a wife at the end of her tether, an elderly mother with a heart condition, just a few quid left in the ATM, an Embassy that doesn't care and no bloody idea how to even find a bus to Cambodia, KL or any other FK-place! IF the family members could stand that sort of ordeal anyway.

Good luck OP! And if you ARE a troll, congrats on exposing this inane, inate selfishness.

If 'tv' ever had any milk of human kindness, it has surely curdled right here!!


Tunbridge Wells.

...and is that a ''half empty'' or ''half full'' glass of human kindness?

Edited by Lucifer
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and most of these smart-ass responses remind me of world weary, bored/boring, past-sell-by-date-expats who have forgotten (if they ever knew!) what it is like to be stranded at the end of a holiday with a screaming 2 year old, a wife at the end of her tether, an elderly mother with a heart condition, just a few quid left in the ATM, an Embassy that doesn't care and no bloody idea how to even find a bus to Cambodia, KL or any other FK-place! IF the family members could stand that sort of ordeal anyway.

Good luck OP! And if you ARE a troll, congrats on exposing this inane, inate selfishness.

If 'tv' ever had any milk of human kindness, it has surely curdled right here!!


Tunbridge Wells.

Just a few quid left in the ATM - This is the reason for the problem, people who are 'skint' shouldn't go on holidays they clearly can't afford.

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WOW...nearly unanimous sentiment here.... See....this crisis is bringing us (ex-pat) folks closer together.... :D

But, I do have some sympathy for the OP... If I was stuck in the Ambassador City hotel in Pattaya, I'd be putting out a call for someone to come rescue me as well..... :D

On the other hand, if I had been placed into Secrets in Pattaya, then I'd just be kicking back and enjoying it... Closed airports... Who cares.... :o

Wait a minute, this guy really is in trouble!

Think about it....

He's had a month in Pattaya, now he's done all his doe thinking he was off home the next day, now he's been told he has to spend another week in Pattaya...WITH NO MONEY!!

Imagine coming from the Old Dart and being penny less in Pattaya!

Ohhh the pain. No money no honey. All the good ones probably turned up last night too!

I genuinly feel sorry for the geeza :D

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I actually think that the majority of posters on this topic are complete and utter tossers. Whilst many of you (like me) may live here, understand Thai culture and the political situation, the normal traveller here does not. They come out for a two week holiday with their kids, for which they have saved all year, and yes, there will be many people absolutely strapped for cash right now. If I were a normal traveller here, and in the airport two days ago with my wife and 2.2 kids I would have been utterly terrified for their safety when this all cracked off. Even if the OP was a troll, the situation for stranded pax right now will be very stressful. You are a bunch of f****** morons.

To the OP, if you are genuine I appologise for the moronic replies of many expats here that seem in a low IQ sort of way to find your situation humorous. I suggest that you forward your original text to the websites of the Bangkok Post or The Nation and register it as a letter. Good luck

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I actually think that the majority of posters on this topic are complete and utter tossers. Whilst many of you (like me) may live here, understand Thai culture and the political situation, the normal traveller here does not. They come out for a two week holiday with their kids, for which they have saved all year, and yes, there will be many people absolutely strapped for cash right now. If I were a normal traveller here, and in the airport two days ago with my wife and 2.2 kids I would have been utterly terrified for their safety when this all cracked off. Even if the OP was a troll, the situation for stranded pax right now will be very stressful. You are a bunch of f****** morons.

To the OP, if you are genuine I appologise for the moronic replies of many expats here that seem in a low IQ sort of way to find your situation humorous. I suggest that you forward your original text to the websites of the Bangkok Post or The Nation and register it as a letter. Good luck


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and most of these smart-ass responses remind me of world weary, bored/boring, past-sell-by-date-expats who have forgotten (if they ever knew!) what it is like to be stranded at the end of a holiday with a screaming 2 year old, a wife at the end of her tether, an elderly mother with a heart condition, just a few quid left in the ATM, an Embassy that doesn't care and no bloody idea how to even find a bus to Cambodia, KL or any other FK-place! IF the family members could stand that sort of ordeal anyway.

Good luck OP! And if you ARE a troll, congrats on exposing this inane, inate selfishness.

If 'tv' ever had any milk of human kindness, it has surely curdled right here!!


Tunbridge Wells.

second that.

and that are not just the typical stinker you can find on the internet. but more a psychological phenomenon of crowd behaivior or the mob psychology.

and they are part of a mob, they are hardcore proPAD cult apologists. such a mob sucks you in, you become part of of a group and in that group people people a ready to do things they would never do as individual. the exist lots of psychological studies . partly somekind back in the evolution ow lying survival strategy, a boost of group power, the body produced more hormones , neurotransmitter the "fear center" get blocked it changed also your awarness, or people become irrational . in the end is the free will a slave of such a neurochemical process, so here maybe the "be nice center" somewhere in your brain got also switched of.

so mob fever you can catch also in teh internet, strange. yellw mob and 24/7 TVforum. can change your personality . will it that also in the long term or only as long as your body produced more hormones. what will happen after a 6 month continious intoxication, withdrawal depression.

maybe now get hooked on . it seems they get a buzz out of bullying, harrass and annoying others. even innocent people got in the mess.

and for other tourists stranded.. imagine: they have no idea whats going on. don't follow the news like us and not watching TV, but got mails with the shootings on the streets of bangkok video on BBC from friends, than is the airport closed, you don't get any information, from other travellers your hear about multiple bombs attacks and the images of bomb attacks from madrid, london or bali are in your head. than you wait: "wait here" . see a lot of police on the street, after 4 hours a bus brings you to wherever you don't know and nobody tell it to you. and that other traveller woman start to cry. at the hotel you open the TV: Mumbai. <deleted>. a world have changed .

and you will not that happy homon buzz get like this proPADcult zombies.

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Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer.

Did you really travel half way around the world and only posess / bring enough money with you to last until the last day of your holiday ?

Well you may be a millionaire but some people believe it or not save all year for 2 weeks vacation, and these types are in trouble,.there are plenty of people in the uk living from hand to mouth,is it a sin as some of you make it out to be ! jeez :o
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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

I understand you must be a little stressed. But I can't help but having a little chuckle. What must it be like for over a million souls in places like COngo who are driven from their homes with nothing? This barely even makes the news anymore.

You'll get home. Either through Pattaya, or through a connection to Phuket/Singapore or by traveling over land to Cambodia with multiple connections. You're in a comfortable hotel in Pattaya. Lots of people envy you right now :o

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Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer.

Did you really travel half way around the world and only posess / bring enough money with you to last until the last day of your holiday ?

Well you may be a millionaire but some people believe it or not save all year for 2 weeks vacation, and these types are in trouble,.there are plenty of people in the uk living from hand to mouth,is it a sin as some of you make it out to be ! jeez :o

well then you are very poor with money, if you spent your yearly savings to travel to a 3rd world country, i suggest you take a personal finance class or go back to school

the dumb deserve to be separated from their money if it helps them learn the value of that money

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yesterday on the news they show 20 Belgian dentists who are blocked in Chiang Mai after a meeting. They took it with a smile, they said just a few day's extra to make a tour. Normally stranded tourist will be helped by their travel agency.

Keep it in perspective, its happening all the time and worldwide that for one reason or another tourists are stranded.

What are a few day's in an humans life?

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For a backpacking kid, this is the adventure of a lifetime and good fun. For others, like those with kids, they can't just up and leave, particularly when the embassies have all been saying to sit tight. Many of these people are elderly. You can't just ask tell old folks to flee like that.

It's easy for some to say go grab a bus, but many of these people are unsophisticated tourists. What do you want from Mr. & Mrs. Lunchpail that took a junket from the UK after saving for a year or two for that special trip. They don't speak the language. They don't know the bus routes. Maybe some are terrified by the crowds. Or maybe some are avid TV readers and have read the daily posts about the blood lust of marauding Thais on motorbikes mugging and murdering (as posted in TV). Or maybe they have read about the bus lootings (as per TV). So why wouldn't a tourist be concerned after hearing tales like that? So have a heart.

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So have a heart.

I have a heart. I sympathize that people in this situation have been inconvenienced. However, as I did above, I call the OP on referring to the situation as that of a hostage, especially in light of what has transpired over the past two days in Mumbai.

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I was supposed to fly out today. Instead I am being held hostage as well, she says she wants to go buy "big key" and lock me up.

Dire straits indeed.

Look, just relax and make the best of it, it's out of everyone's hands and they are making efforts to help you already.

On a side note: This is probably the best grandchildren story ever... "Back when I was being held hostage in a 3rd world Country...."

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Hold on!! Check out the OP's previous 287 postings! I thinks he knows Thailand a bit more than the OP would suggest!!!

Maybe just making a point to us all??


As I posted earlier:

By the OPs other 200+ posts and topics it seems that he lives in Buriram, and may have done for a number of years, so its not like he is on his first trip to Thailand with the kids and wife. It seems that he is also retired, so probably does not have to worry about getting back for his job.

I wonder if he is really even in this situation at all?

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